Republicans repeal Obama asteriod bill. asteriod still hurtling toward earth


May 5, 2004
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In a strong rebuke of President Obama and his domestic agenda, all 242 House Republicans voted Wednesday to repeal the Asteroid Destruction and American Preservation Act, which was signed into law last year to destroy the immense asteroid currently hurtling toward Earth.

The $440 billion legislation, which would send a dozen high-thrust plasma impactor probes to shatter the massive asteroid before it strikes the planet, would affect more than 300 million Americans and is strongly opposed by the GOP.

The voters sent us to Washington to stand up for individual liberty, not big government," Rep. Steve King (R-IA) said at a press conference. "Obama's plan would take away citizens' fundamental freedoms, forcing each of us into hastily built concrete bunkers and empowering the federal government to ration our access to food, water, and potassium iodide tablets while underground."

"We believe that the decisions of how to deal with the massive asteroid are best left to the individual," King added.,19025/

really it's not that far fetched that they'd vote against something like this
Republican's Law ™ is similiar to Poe's Law:

"Poe's Law points out that it is hard to tell parodies of fundamentalism from the real thing, since they both seem equally insane. Conversely, real fundamentalism can easily be mistaken for a parody of fundamentalism."

"Republican's Law points out that it is hard to tell parodies of republicans from the real thing, since they both seem equally insane. Conversely, real Republicans can easily be mistaken for a parody of Republicanism."
Anyone watch the new onion news on IFC? Comes on Friday night, absolutely awesome.
Republican's Law ™ is similiar to Poe's Law:

"Poe's Law points out that it is hard to tell parodies of fundamentalism from the real thing, since they both seem equally insane. Conversely, real fundamentalism can easily be mistaken for a parody of fundamentalism."

"Republican's Law points out that it is hard to tell parodies of republicans from the real thing, since they both seem equally insane. Conversely, real Republicans can easily be mistaken for a parody of Republicanism."
I believed it, even as unbelievable as it was. My reaction was literally like "**** it, we deserve to be destroyed".
Do we need threads for mediocre Onion articles?
sheepo; we're down to about 4 regular posters. pretty much any thread on any subject would be better than nothing at all
If it makes fun of Republicans in some way, shape, or form, it deserves its own thread.

Choose my response:

If you're not a republican
/me gives you a highfive

If you're a republican
/me pretends he doesn't know you and backs away slowly, without making eye contact
Oh look, Escape added a sarcastic comment about threads on republicans or christians in a thread about republicans.

Totally did not see that coming. :rolleyes:
sheepo; we're down to about 4 regular posters. pretty much any thread on any subject would be better than nothing at all

No we're not. Not even close.

We have more than double that number of regular posters in this thread alone.

No Limit
Obama's plan would have failed anyway, 'cause of the remaining Nazi Space Pirates left over from WW2.
No we're not. Not even close.

We have more than double that number of regular posters in this thread alone.

No Limit

Very true, although Evo doesn't count as a regular poster. Probably about double that really, unless you have a strict definition of regular which is that they're on pretty much every day with occasional exceptions.

@This thread: Well, I didn't find the article particularly funny, and I am quite partial to the Onion. Like the Hyperbole and a Half thing, I just don't see this one, not particularly noteworthy article from a site that is constantly updated and is pretty common knowledge, as particularly threadworthy. It's the sort of thing that could be posted in a, brace yourself people, Miscellaneous thread. I won't deny that I have a bias here. If a somewhat new or unknown member had posted this, I probably wouldn't have said anything, but I mean, jesus christ, you can't tell me you don't actually see how irritatingly repetitive and predictable your thread formula is: America + someone being dumb and bonus points if they're christian or a republican. I mean, oh my god, we get it.
You stopped funding my campaign ehh Danimal?
No we're not. Not even close.

We have more than double that number of regular posters in this thread alone.

Yeah but these accounts are all controlled by Stern anyway, so it doesn't count.
It's a testament to the republicans' stupidity that I actually believed that.
Yeah but these accounts are all controlled by Stern anyway, so it doesn't count.

Its always been hard to tell who is real and who is a Stern alt-account. I haven't been sure of anybody's legitmacy since the Stern Ascension.

The only people I'm sure of in this thread is me, you and Raz, because we've all been talking on voice chat at the same time before.
That is correct, seventy-second dogmanperson. My vocal presence absolves me of all suspicion!

Mumbled, semi-coherent rambling!

Stereotypical kiwi catchphrase spoken with ironic inflection!

Sardonic, deadpan representation of recent in-game happenstance!

Returning to sleep mode.
Oh wow, i sure got trolled. Nice one sterny

The fact that Stern posted a news story from The Onion, proves that he is so eager to wail on republicans that he will automatically assume that any story that makes the republicans look foolish is fact.

The posting of your "republican law" is just further proof. I could write a similar "democrat rule" and it would be equally valid.

There is no doubt the Reps do some pretty ridiculous things, but god damn... check your sources first.
The fact that Stern posted a news story from The Onion, proves that he is so eager to wail on republicans that he will automatically assume that any story that makes the republicans look foolish is fact.

The posting of your "republican law" is just further proof.

lol you'd have to be pretty thick to believe that

I could write a similar "democrat rule" and it would be equally valid.

please do. post articles/news items that supports your "Democrats Law". you'd also need a bunch of people to reply to your post and saying something to the effect of "wow the democrats are so crazy I actually believed they wanted to infect ordinary americans with commie dna" or something similiar

lord_raken said:
There is no doubt the Reps do some pretty ridiculous things, but god damn... check your sources first.

lol I acknowledged that it was a fake in the OP:

cptstern said:
really it's not that far fetched that they'd vote against something like this

you'd have to be pretty dull witted to think I believed this to be true. it's right there in the op
lol you'd have to be pretty thick to believe that

Not really, its a confirmed fact that your favorite pastime is slinging shit at the republicans.

please do. post articles/news items that supports your "Democrats Law". you'd also need a bunch of people to reply to your post and saying something to the effect of "wow the democrats are so crazy I actually believed they wanted to infect ordinary americans with commie dna" or something similiar

How about some words from John Stewart
"It's not that the Democrats are playing checkers and the Republicans are playing chess. It's that the Republicans are playing chess and the Democrats are in the nurse's office because once again they glued their balls to their thighs."

So pretty much Stewart is saying that the Dems are a bunch of pussies, and don't have the balls to be outrageous.... well there is Nancy Pelosi. There is Al Gore flying private jets, and a host of democrats who think everyone who owns a gun is an ignorant redneck. The Republican's stupidity is more visible, the Democrats stupidity is less visible because they don't have the balls to be bold about it.

lol I acknowledged that it was a fake in the OP:

you did not make that clear, and you could just be covering for yourself now.

you'd have to be pretty dull witted to think I believed this to be true. it's right there in the op

I figured I was entitled to a gross misinterpretation seeing how you seem to get away with quite a few of those.
Not really, its a confirmed fact that your favorite pastime is slinging shit at the republicans.

please provide proof of "confirmed fact". and tough noogies. tell the republicans to stop doing idiotic things that way the general public wont believe when they're accused of repealing a bill that will kill mankind

How about some words from John Stewart

So pretty much Stewart is saying that the Dems are a bunch of pussies, and don't have the balls to be outrageous.... well there is Nancy Pelosi. There is Al Gore flying private jets, and a host of democrats who think everyone who owns a gun is an ignorant redneck. The Republican's stupidity is more visible, the Democrats stupidity is less visible because they don't have the balls to be bold about it.

so in other words you're saying that you cant come up with instances where the democrats do stupid things to the point where people start believing made up stupid incidents ..just that they lack balls. so much for your "Democrat's Law". you do this all the time; make up some fact and then backpeddle when asked to provide proof to support your statement

cptstern said:
you did not make that clear, and you could just be covering for yourself now.

what color is the sky in your world lord_raken? you'd have to be illiterate or seriously mentally impaired not to understand the meaning behind that sentence. it seem to me that you missed that line from the OP and are now just trying to cover your tracks

I figured I was entitled to a gross misinterpretation seeing how you seem to get away with quite a few of those.

you're admitting you were wrong even though a few sentences back you are adament that I thought the article was true. I even attempted to hide the source of the article (so as to not give away the joke) by giving it the tiny url treatment only realize that tiny url is banned here and changed it back to the onion url
If I brought up what I saw as democrats being stupid and ignorant you'd would think I'm kidding because that is stuff you like and agree with. Universal healthcare is one. I'm neither Dem or Rep, and both parties have their own special type of stupid.

The republican brand of stupid is militaristic ignorance, and the Democratic brand is willful naivety.

Stern: I've watched you post for long enough to know a few things.

1: You can be funny as hell, and that makes it hard to hate you. :)

2: You are an expert at turning arguments back on those who question your positions. Ad Hominem, my friend.