Requesting a file.


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
I removed the intro files for BF2, so it didnt take all day to open up. But I deleted one I shouldnt of, then small video you get in the right hand of the screen, on the server screen, without this video the server screen runs very jumpy, making it impossable to find servers, so Im requesting that file.

Should find it in the BF2 folder, Battlefield 2 Demo\mods\bf2\Movies
Goddam lemonking posted a thread where he said that removing that folder fised the problem.
Unfortunatly I removed it before trying to search sevrers, so I though it just didn't fix it, but are you saying it actually makes it worse, cause it's als for me almost impossible to select servers. Anyway, can anyone send me this file also.
How very strange, I had to delete that movie because with it my server screen caused the game to freeze up.

I wonder if and when they will put out a patch for this demo :P
Which files can you delete without it messing up?
Well since I removed the file the server screens not worked, the intro files are allright to remove, like the EA/DICE bit..
mhm...I dont have any probs at all I deleted all the vids that little monitpr caused all the problems for me
bump... Rather get one file then having to download the whole thing D:
Deleting the server menu video for me speeded up and got rid of the pauses in the server menu.
Probably shouldn't remove them, just rename them so the game can't find them.

intro.bik becomes intro_x.bik etc
You can delete all movies, just like with previous battlefields.