Requesting feedback on a system I might build.

Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
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To save you some time, this is what I got so far (may be out of date):Tell me what you think. All I need is a PSU and a case. You can suggest which ones too. Keep in mind that I want might want to go SLI and buy another GeForce 8800Ultra when the price drops. So with all of that, I'm thinking I'll need a good 800 watts. At least 30 amps on the rails wouldn't hurt either. Gotta overclock that shit!
I highly recommend against getting an 8800 Ultra. You are paying $800 for what is essentially an overclocked GTX.
i agree
the 8800 ultra is way overpriced. your best off with a 8800gtx or gts
Use that money to buy faster ram.
I've chosen the "XFX PVT71JYHE9 GeForce 7950GT 512MB GDDR3 PCI Express x16 HDCP ExTreme Edition Video Card". It's the highest clocked 7650GT and also has passive cooling! I believe it's a good fps/$ investment.

Do you guys think 4GB of RAM is insane? I mean with how RAM prices work, I can't even find RAM for my system that I have now without paying $$$. I think it would be better to get it all now and running then wait till later and not get the chance. I guess I could buy 2 GB now, see how it runs, and buy 2 GB more in a month or so. I just run the risk of it going out of stock again.
I think the 8800gts 320/640mb is a far better choice for where you're going with this.

I'd also recommend the new P35 mainboards over the 680i. They reach amazing clocks. The only downside would be that you can't get SLI.

2gb is fine for now.
yes go with 2gb,but buy ddr2 1200 or w/e something faster then 800.
I think the 8800gts 320/640mb is a far better choice for where you're going with this.

I'd also recommend the new P35 mainboards over the 680i. They reach amazing clocks. The only downside would be that you can't get SLI.

2gb is fine for now.

I was looking at the ASUS P5K3 DELUXE, however the QVL memory list is empty. I then realized this mobo supports DDR3. lol. I then looked at the ASUS P5K DELUXE. According to the QVL memory list, it only supports two sticks of CORSAIR Dominator DDR1066. Does anyone know if it might support four?
Yes it would support 4. But it would support pretty much every well known brand DDR2 memory, no need to stick with those dominators. They are expensive anyway.
The dominators aren't actually that expensive. You just pay for that fan. I was honest with myself and figured I wouldn't try to overclock that much. I'm going to go with the 2GB fanless pack for $150. I can see how that goes.

The XFX videocard is now out of stock. :frown: The GeForce 7 selection is getting pretty shitty. I just want the best DX9 card I can get without paying 400 something dollars.