Reservoir Dogs game banned in Australia


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
while games made from movies are rarely any good it's still a a slap in the face to mature aussie gamers that their government decides what the can or cant consume

APC said:
The ban comes after Atari’s application failed to comply with the strict categorisation guidelines into one of the four available standards (G, PG, M, MA15+) currently available.

Since Australia still has no restricted R18+ category for video games, Reservoir Dogs has therefore become unclassifiable and the title made illegal for sale or rental in Australia with strict fines and jail time available for merchants running the risk.

ironically enough their is no restriction in sales of the movie version
There's a lot of stuff banned in AU, esp. games like GTA and its ilk. Touchy censors there I guess. Glad we at least have the option to buy it if we are of age in the States!
VictimOfScience said:
There's a lot of stuff banned in AU, esp. games like GTA and its ilk.

heh like Mark Ecko’s Getting up: Contents Under Pressure ...because it featured delinquint behavior (spray painting = teh evil)

VictimOfScience said:
Touchy censors there I guess. Glad we at least have the option to buy it if we are of age in the States!

well that might change if more states pass video game violence as obscenity laws wont matter how old you are if none of the retailers stock it
VictimOfScience said:
There's a lot of stuff banned in AU, esp. games like GTA and its ilk. Touchy censors there I guess. Glad we at least have the option to buy it if we are of age in the States!

What? GTA is sold everywhere, you just have to be over 18 to legally purchase it now.
Should be banned for the irreparable amount of damage it's going to do to the terrific movie this slappy little cash grab is based upon. This game is going to be utter pants....
CptStern said:
well I dont have sound but that looked funny :)
Oh no, that's just the site intro (they constantly mock Allard, if you hadn't guessed). It's a monthly show by two hardcore gaming Scots, they review underground and mainstream games, and their shit game reviews are hilarious... Getting Up being one of them.
Wonder what they'll do with Prey.

*Hints at scene where a little girl is possessed and impales a little boy*
Is it just me, or is it a big effing deal that Australia is censoring games like this?
Wonder what they'll do with Prey.

*Hints at scene where a little girl is possessed and impales a little boy*

You know, I meant to say this in the other thread, but it might be more appropriate here anyway.

The question is:

Why is it somehow worse that a child is killed in a video game? It's perfectly fine to have death in a video game, as long as the victim is old enough?

I mean, whoever is playing the game has to be a certain age.. that is all that matters, don't you agree? Can I not put on cleets and stomp on babies like I'm making wine from grapes in my games? Lol. That was so ****ed up, I'm just joking. But it's perfectly OK to blow 1000's men into pieces, as long as they appear to be of legal age? I'm too young to die damnit!

Yea, it's rare that children die in games, because 17+ games usually don't even have kids in them.

I tried to make this post to make points and counter-points, so don't be consfused.
Danimal said:
What? GTA is sold everywhere, you just have to be over 18 to legally purchase it now.
Yes, but it was originally banned before the Hot Coffee was taken out of it iirc. Manhunt is another one that comes to mind. Still not too much of a surprise though since ratings are legally enforceable down-under.
VirusType2 said:
You know, I meant to say this in the other thread, but it might be more appropriate here anyway.

The question is:

Why is it somehow worse that a child is killed in a video game? It's perfectly fine to have death in a video game, as long as the victim is old enough?

yes, yes it is parent wants to see a child getting killed (whether real or otherwise) ..extend that notion to gaming parent wants to see their kid killing another kid (whether real or otherwise).
CptStern said:
yes, yes it is parent wants to see a child getting killed (whether real or otherwise) ..extend that notion to gaming parent wants to see their kid killing another kid (whether real or otherwise).
Yea, I even agree somewhat. It somehow seems worse to me that a child is killed in a game over an adult.

But since the game is intended for adults, thats their problem if a parent allows their child to play it.
well kinda opens the door for people to live out their fantasies (which kinda leads down to the slippery slope argument)

kids need to be protected ..even if it means censoring content (and I hate censorship)
I think most kids are intelligent and sane enough to know what's real and what's virtual. If you play a game where you kill a kid I bet most kids won't even see the kid as a kid, just as another enemy. I know I do and always have. People in video games = just another enemy, there's no taking that outside of the game, at least from my own experience.
The game is gonna suck donkey cock anyways, not like they're missing anything
CptStern said:
yes, yes it is parent wants to see a child getting killed (whether real or otherwise) ..extend that notion to gaming parent wants to see their kid killing another kid (whether real or otherwise).
Parents put up with children getting killed in movies. And we're not talking about players killing kids in games here, I don't think there had been games were you do that. But wouldn't it be ok if you were killing demon kids (in Doom 3 you killed demon babies)? The best example of violence against innocent children in a game was when a little girl gets possesed and impales a little boy on a spike in Prey. But the player isn't doing it, so it's no different than when Anakin kills those younglings in Star Wars Episode 3, except for the fact that it's more graphic. If there was a game that had an objective that was "Round up the schoolchildren and execute them" then maybe there would be a problem, but I still wouldn't advocate censoring a game like that for adults. They don't censor the KKK or neo-nazis, and those guys are more likely to cause violence than any game ever could.
VictimOfScience said:
Yes, but it was originally banned before the Hot Coffee was taken out of it iirc. Manhunt is another one that comes to mind. Still not too much of a surprise though since ratings are legally enforceable down-under.

Man Hunt is banned everywhere because of an incident in another ****ing country.
CptStern said:
well kinda opens the door for people to live out their fantasies (which kinda leads down to the slippery slope argument)

kids need to be protected ..even if it means censoring content (and I hate censorship)

Wow ... just wow.

Yeah, kids need to be protected, thats what parents are for. Censorship is never ok, except for very extreme situations (snuff films, child porn, etc.). Are you suggesting that the government censor games that include child killing, or that companies should just be responsible enough not to include it in the first place? The latter is reasonable, the first is not.
have you read any of my threads on video game censorship? the latter man not the former

ElFurher said:
Parents put up with children getting killed in movies.

what movies? most happen off screen or are relatively non-violent
CptStern said:
what movies? most happen off screen or are relatively non-violent
Dawn of the Dead (well, they become Un-dead).. children of the corn? Don't movies have children that are killed in them? I can't say it's common or often grotesque, but I'm sure I've seen children die in movies many times.
Yeah, there are movies where children suffer pretty horrible fates. IIRC in Night of the Living Dead there was a girl that got turned into a zombie and ate her parents. I'm sure many parents must've found that scenario pretty disturbing. And even if it's offscreen it's still has a powerful effect. It's kind of like bleeping out a swear word, it doesn't take any imagination to picture what's actually going on. You say that no parent wants to see a child get killed in a game... well, there are many people that don't to see anyone get killed in a game, but you can't censor stuff just because some people find it objectionable. I'm not saying kids should be exposed to it, but adults should be allowed to see it if they want. After all, the death of a child is one of the most effective horror devices, it invokes a strong emotional response.
CptStern said:
have you read any of my threads on video game censorship? the latter man not the former

what movies? most happen off screen or are relatively non-violent

Yeah, I just read your comment wrong.

There have been many, many movies where kids are violently killed.

And as far as games, I can think of a few with such instances. Max Payne had an image of a dead baby, Prey had some kid getting shish kabobbed, Fable has neutral children that can probably be killed, Deus Ex 2 had kids in it and I'm pretty sure you could kill them. I'm sure there's more out there.
Damn overprotective goverment. Why is it we have no 18+ rating anyway? said:
MA 15+ Mature Accompanied. The MA 15+ classification is a legally restricted category. It is considered unsuitable for people under 15. People under 15 must be accompanied by their parent or an adult guardian.

There is no R 18+ or X18+ classification category for computer games.

To me it just seems to be a way to filter out non desired content. Sure they could create an 18+ rating but why bother? that would consume demand for resources the goverment doesn't want to use for a product they deem unacceptable.
Kyo said:
Damn overprotective goverment.
Look on the bright side. In germany, blood in games can't be red. It has to be blue or green or something. Try playing Doom3 where all the blood is blue. That's just lame.

Yea, I think blood is actually blue while it's in your viens, but ...

I hate censorship like this. I think it's just ineffective shielding, or sheltering if you will. It's like trying to hide the facts about something from your child instead of explaining it to them. It could do more harm than good.
Danimal said:
What? GTA is sold everywhere, you just have to be over 18 to legally purchase it now.

Not quite. You only need to be 15 (18 is an R rating, and we dont have one of those for games).

Instead, the GTA series is censored here.