Resident Evil 4 - PC Mods


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
The frame rate seems to be locked at 30 frames per second, and it hurts my eyes. Does anyone know of a way to remove the framerate lock?

This is all I've found
The game looks like it's locked at 30FPS. Is there any way or mods that can unlock it so that it'll be variable and can hit above 60FPS?
edit : need to crack that goddamn 30Fps lock though

Also, anyone know of some good mods? I saw something that's about 3.5 GB that supposedly upgrades all of the textures, models, and videos, but I haven't tried it yet.

I've got the US 1.1 version, so I've already got the improved lighting. And I control it with a 360 controller, so I don't need the mouse-aim mod.

Anything to make it look more like the Wii version? :D





(It doesn't really look like that on PC. Looks much better, much sharper and better lighting - I don't think it's really the patch version shown - anyway...)

Just found this page:

haven't tried any yet (scroll to the bottom of the page)
Recommended Mods

-Resident Evil 4 PC Texture Patch 2.0 By Albert
-Enhanced Environment 1.5 By Cerberus
-Lighting Tweaks by Cdiddy7
-RE4 Community Patch (Basic) by Various, put together by Slayer-x
100's of mods.
i have that for the PC. i played it for 10 minutes before throwing it against the wall for the garbage that it was.
I like it. I never got that far - stopped at the motorboat part.

I built a new PC so I installed all my games, and so I've started over.
i just remember the overall control of the game was ****ed up. i dunno, maybe it's changed since then.
I've heard it is if you use a keyboard. I've always just used a gamepad with dual analog sticks, and it plays just fine.
The fact that they ported it to the PC without any mouse control at all is just stupid and incredibly lazy on their part.

Which begs the question why would they even port it at all?
I used a mouse aiming mod but it was really imprecise. A slight movement of the mouse swung it in a huge arc. I ended up using the mouse for rotating fast and keyboard for precision. A mod to change the backward arse control scheme is a must too.
Wii version is still the best because of the ir aiming.

Glad to see the PC version has been improved somewhat though.
Does anyone know much about the Wii version or REmake? I wasn't able to find much info on it on the web. Does it use RE4's aiming system?
Glad to see the PC version has been improved somewhat though.
I downloaded a 1.35 GB texture pack. I'll see if I can get it working tomorrow though. Hopefully it's better and not just different.
I downloaded a 1.35 GB texture pack. I'll see if I can get it working tomorrow though. Hopefully it's better and not just different.
Seems to be working fine. It does seem to look better. It replaces all of the PC version's textures with the textures from the Game Cube version.

Created by Albert Marin Garau (albert / vegitto) with the support of the Resident Evil 4 PC forum
I got it from a torrent site, since these links didn't seem to be working any more. I might download the upgraded in-game movie files as well.

Installation is simple: put the folder in the game's installation directory.
I stopped trying to play through the PC version of RE4 when RE5 came out on PC. Although RE4 does look alot better on PC if modded to the eyeballs, the game is still capped at 30fps and no amount of HQ movie packs can make the cutscenes look like anything other than low quality GC vid rips, since in their infinite wisdom SourceForge decided to remove the real time cut scenes and replace them with vids.
I just want to play the game - I'd play it in standard form - but if I can download something to make it look much better than I'm all for it.

Now that I've replaced all of the in-game textures, I've been looking for Resident Evil 4 High resolution EFF-TPL textures replacement pack 1.0

Example: (this is 2 images in one - the top image is the default, the bottom image is the mod that improves all menus, items in menus, and fonts - also replaces on-screen buttons with proper ones).

Spent an hour or so, I can't find a working link to get it!

The other mod I want is High Definition Game Objects, but I think all the links are dead as well. Shame I hadn't heard about this 2 years ago. If anyone finds a working link or can upload either of these mods, let me know.

Also I heard there are model replacements, but yeah. Dead links probably.
the EFF-TPL textures replacement pack is extremely hard to get working anyway, I remember trying back when it was released and gave up in the end. You might want to check out the ENBseries mod for it if you can find it anywhere. I used to have a link for it up on my original youtube page until it got hacked so I deleted the files so I can't tell you where to get it sorry.
I heard you have to launch the game from texlaunch.exe for EFF-TPL

Just saw this.


Looks pretty cool, I doubt I'll be able to find a working link for it

Did get the high-rez jacket:


You might want to check out the ENBseries mod for it if you can find it anywhere.
Just tried this for GTA:SA. Played with the settings a little, but I didn't like the way it looked.

EDIT: I did find the hair for Leon and Ada:

Leon hair:

ada hair


Fully scanned and investigated - they are just image replacers. Don't download from somewhere else - I saw some .exe's floating around; probably OK, but - eh, I'll install it myself, thanks.