Resistance Abroad

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This is a story that takes place shortly after HL2 in North America. I'm a newbie at writing so don't go crazy if the story isn't that good. Also a lot of the storyline idea's are assumptions of what happened after the HL2 events. And sorry if the first couple of chapters are slow it'll get better and feel free to reply asking for more, and telling me whats wrong it's encouraging.
Chapter 1

Victor James walked into the run down warehouse. Once used by smugglers during the cold war it was the perfect place to hide the North American resistance HQ. The warehouse was dimly lit and didn’t look like bustling rebel HQ, it was bare with only dust and a few chairs within view. Victor walked up to a fuse box on the wall and switched a few fuses around. The warehouse went dark and a floor tile popped out of the floor. Victor lifted up the tile and climbed down the later leading down to a small bright room, with a keypad on the wall next to a door. He entered a code to unlock the door and close the tile above, he then walked down a long corridor repeating the process several times, each time going down a flight of stairs. He eventually ended up in an old fall out shelter now used by the resistance against the combine. Victor began to walk towards his station, being a command center some people had desk jobs, others had fieldwork, and some research. He had a desk job observing troop movement and looking over Vortigaunts reports from various sources, whether it is a type of telepathy or runner information. The offices in the shelter were moving like a beehive on stimulus with people moving everywhere and yelling across the cubicles. News had just come in over the radio network that the City 17 Citadel had just fallen and had taken the rest of the city with it.
“NAHQ most of the citizens and resistance had been evacuated and a handful of combine officers had been captured in the frenzy.” Victor could hear from a nearby radio. The announcement was repeated over the PA system twice as everyone cheered in excitement the cheering echoing through the halls of the concrete bunker. Victor knew though the cheering wouldn’t last long for this may cause more trouble for the Resistance then it needs. With the Resistance from City 17 scattered through out the wilderness with citizens dragging along they won’t last long with the Xen fauna and the combine tracking them down.
“Victor wait up” a voice called from behind him. It was the scientist John Michele, a researcher working on weaponry.
“ What is it now John? I need to get to my office I’m late enough as it is and I’m sure intelligence is pouring into here.” Said in a rushed voice.
“Did the specs from the vortigaunts near City 17 about that Gravity Gun Freeman ended up with after the Collapse?”
“No, so I need to go to my office and look at that. How did you know about it if it hasn’t gone by me yet?”
“ It’s a rumor going around, just because we’re on an Island doesn’t mean information doesn’t spread especially a good three days after the Collapse.”
“Three days isn’t that long John. I got to go hurry up and get to your weaponry wing.” Responded annoyed with the college kid.
I can’t wait ‘till we get that teleporter working so I can get my self off this island. Victor thought to himself.