Return Of The King (SPOILERS!!)


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
The best 3 hours of my life IMO!!!!

I would just like to take the time to say thx jackson for makin such an awsome film!!, I recomend everyone go see it :D

Plus, why did frodo leave at the end ?, I didnt catch what he said :|
Bring on the Hobbit. I didn't see it yet. ;( ;( ;(
simmo said:
Plus, why did frodo leave at the end ?, I didnt catch what he said :|

His adventure wasn't over and he has written his part of the book...sooo...
I dunno why he left, probably because he was so emotionally scared from his jurney, I also agree that it was the best 3 hours and 20 minutes of my life, and I know that the extended edition will be even better!
Sam leaves after rosie dies. Gimli and lego try to leave too.
Yeah... isn't it all the ringbearers and such goto the greyhavens? Since in the books Sam actually put on the ring..he goes there too eventually.

I probably would've left for somewhere too...after a huge adventure like that.. I wouldn't just be able to go back to a boring normal life in the Shire... just chillin... eating...that's it.

ROTK was a really cool movie. I really hope Peter Jackson decides to do the Hobbit after King Kong. I wanna see how they'll do Smaug :) not to mention that battle in that book.
i really liked it. i thought that the emotional/wedding scenes were unecessary adn could have just been replaced with more orc-killings. i also love the wide scale view of the battle, and all the riders just mooowowwwww the orcs down. its hilarious.
At the last 20-30 minuts I got reaaallyyy restless. After 2 hours of constant battle between men, orcs and olifants I was really excited and then suddenly all was quiet and love was spread throughout the world and everybody fell in love...bwargh! I wanted to puke, but hey, on the other hand it would have been boring if they just kept on fighting.
It was a really good movie, but the ending took way to long, lol! 30mins of the movie was just the ending...
I didn't think that someone could have been as twisted and as annoying as Gollum, but Faramir's father proved me wrong. I felt great satisfaction when he fell off the roof while on fire.
I agree about the ending. It looks like they filmed all these endings for the extended edition and then couldn't decide which one to put in to the theatres, so they included all of them.
I do not think that those battle scenes will ever be topped. The only other possibility out there is Episode 3 of Star Wars, but even then it's a long-shot.
ROTK - Great Movie!
LODR - Great Trilogy!
yeah i was happy when faramirs father fell. looked like quite a ways down :\.

i thought though that mortals couldent kill the chief nazghul or whatever. so how did aeowin or whatever kill him? she was a skank.

whoa canadian we have the exact same post count.
i heard somewhere frodo couldn't go back to the shire because something to do with how he was stabbed by the nasgul's blade or something so he wouldn't fit in with the hobbits anymore because he was changed. I dunno, its what my aunt tells me and she's a big buff on the books.
If you read all the Tolkien books(even the ones his son compiled) - LOTR; Silmarillion; Unfinished storieson the Middle-Earth and Numenor and Tom Bombadil and other stories you´ll get the whole thing (but it'll take you a while, I know it took me)

Frodo had to leave because the poison of the Spider or the Nazgul Blade would eventually kill him it's not shown but every year after the sting of one of those he got sick (i don't remember which)
And Faramir's father was only that crazy because he had one of the Palantiri and Sauron had droven him mad by showing him an 1 000 000 men Army(which he made up) and was convinced that when Sauron attacked Gondor would fall. And that was also the way he know all about the things happening lk Aragorn...
gh0st said:
i thought though that mortals couldent kill the chief nazghul or whatever. so how did aeowin or whatever kill him? she was a skank.

I thought she was able to kill him precisely because she was a woman.

Witch King: Fool, no man can kill me.
Aeowin: *takes off helmet* I am no man, *stabs*.
With King: My face ow you bitch, grrraaaaaaa .
First off, i would just like to say i really didnt like the movie. i felt it didnt have the originality of the other two movies, and i felt it lacked something. The whole battle of that one city, was drawn out in my personal belief because the other parts were to damn boring to watch. I felt like i was being tourtured during the ending. seeing frodo and everyone laughing in slow motion. oh god i could have used a bullet between the eyes right then. Sorry peter jackson the movie sucked. on the positive note, i thought that the CGI animations were excellent. i also thought that, that elf chick that the king married was fugly, to round of a face. One amuzing part of the movie though was when the dumbass jumped off the edge of the city, omg i laughed my ass off.
I laughed when the king of rohan got crush by his horse/ the elephant knocked him over. My freinds leaned over and said "Look, Christopher Reaves". The four of us all laughed pretty loud for like 5 mins(his whole death scene) cause we were pretty stoned.
I think he and Bilbo leave because the ring had changed them. They bore it too long. Where Sam had it for a short time. In the movie Frodo says some wounds can't be healed by time. Not only is he referring to the Witch King stabbing him at Weathertop but the darkness he experienced. Unlike Sam and the others, he didn't resume a normal life. Everything was different. He didn't belong anymore. He may have been made near immortal--but I don't recall if that is mentioned.

"We saved the Shire, but not for me"

Eowyn killed the Witch King of Angmar because she was a woman not a man. I thought the film made that obvious. (great moment in the film--audience applauded)
FortisVir said:
I thought she was able to kill him precisely because she was a woman.

Witch King: Fool, no man can kill me.
Aeowin: *takes off helmet* I am no man, *stabs*.
With King: My face ow you bitch, grrraaaaaaa .

I don't remember exactly... but in the books.. the hobbits all got these magical weapons from the lich's lair or something when Tom Bombadill came. Pippin stabbed the witch king in the back with one of the magical of the only things that can hurt him. I don't remember the chick killing him..but from what I've heard.. in the books.. she really does finish him off when he was weakened I guess.
I enjoyed it, but damn, it needed to be shorter. Well, I guess i'm biased as I ended up sitting on the front row having to spend 3h 20 looking directly upwards at the screen. Meh.
I loved it... every second of it... and I cried at the end ;(


Didn't notice how long it was either :P
mrBadger said:
I loved it... every second of it... and I cried at the end ;(

okokok...I cried at the end to, only a little bit tho :cheese:
FortisVir said:
I thought she was able to kill him precisely because she was a woman.

Witch King: Fool, no man can kill me.
Aeowin: *takes off helmet* I am no man, *stabs*.
With King: My face ow you bitch, grrraaaaaaa .


I hated that bit

Stank: "I am no man! I am a woman! I have all the rights a man yes! This is for all the women in the world chain to the cooker! No longer will they be chained, for I, Stank women, will be the first female rights activest, I will march onto glory for women!"
King: "Good GOD shut up!"

[rant]I just disliked it.. I never liked the charater and Im SURE they put her lil bit in just so the femients would have something to cheer for. Im not one of those guys who would chain a women to a cooker, but I just hate all this "womens rights" crap, they allready have the same rights we do, femients have nothing to bitch at.. [/rant]

I did not LOVE the ending, I think it was too long, the bit with them laughing in slow motion SUCKED, no other way to put it, and also rams wedding I did not care for as rosy was someone no one knew, so who cares, the rest of the ending bits where nice though.
BAH!. Rest of the film was CLASS
waedoe said:
First off, i would just like to say i really didnt like the movie. i felt it didnt have the originality of the other two movies, and i felt it lacked something. The whole battle of that one city, was drawn out in my personal belief because the other parts were to damn boring to watch. I felt like i was being tourtured during the ending. seeing frodo and everyone laughing in slow motion. oh god i could have used a bullet between the eyes right then. Sorry peter jackson the movie sucked. on the positive note, i thought that the CGI animations were excellent. i also thought that, that elf chick that the king married was fugly, to round of a face. One amuzing part of the movie though was when the dumbass jumped off the edge of the city, omg i laughed my ass off.

Yeah, everybody deserves an opinion I guess. But yours sucks, it was an excellent movie, and ' that elf chick' is Liv Tyler, one of the most beautiful women in the world. You dumbass. Go to hell.
DeusEx2 said:
Yeah, everybody deserves an opinion I guess. But yours sucks, it was an excellent movie, and ' that elf chick' is Liv Tyler, one of the most beautiful women in the world. You dumbass. Go to hell.

shes not hot. she is unbelivably fugly. think kirsten dunce * spelled wrong :( <--- well kirsten is hot. liv is not.
gh0st said:
um rotk didnt use cgi animation.

wow i hope you're joking

ph33r: Eowyn's part was written by tolkien...she didn't have much of a part in the books until that specific part...they played her up in the movies...but the part where she and Merry kill the nazgul king was in the book...
but since they left out the parts from fellowship where they go into the barrow downs and get the ancient swords, they didn't make it clear that it was Merry who fcked up the nazgul king's leg before Eowyn finished it off.

waedoe: how does liv tyler being ugly (in your opinion) make the movie bad?
i agree that the ending was long and the scene where frodo wakes up in the bed was lame...but just saying "it lacked originality" and "it was missing something" is pretty worthless to say.