Reviewer Hypnotised In Order To Review Game


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

"In a first for a videogame magazine, Robbins was hypnotised by Mark Howe, a professional hypnotist, at Future's London offices and lasted for around 45 minutes. Robbins was age-regressed to only ten years old, making him the target age for Buena Vista Game's The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. A four-page spread detailing the event will appear in next month's issues of The Official Xbox Magazine, and will be accompanied by video footage on the demo disk."

I would have thought a frontal lobotomy would work just as well

that's kinda cool ...maybe they can use this more often to hypnotise reviewers into believing EA publishes original work ..or why stop there? maybe they can hypnotise whole theaters into believing the latest Uwe Boll stinker is a cinematic masterpiece. Or maybe it can be broadcast on the evening news. There's always some war somewhere that the general public needs to be hypnotised into supporting
Finally, an explanation for Gamespot's constant console whoring.
I don't believe in hypnotism in the strictist sense. People choose to do the things they want to do, they're not controlled by the hypnotist.
Well I think it's a funny little idea. As long as they don't take that for what it is, and note that it's just a bit of fun.
Raziaar said:
I don't believe in hypnotism in the strictist sense. People choose to do the things they want to do, they're not controlled by the hypnotist.

QFT, I don't see how hypnosis is even possible... It's idiotic.
Then you have no idea just how controllable and influenceable we are, Even the military have had classified information released on the use of hypnotist's and pyschic's, They consider it real.
This is the dumbest idea I have ever heard of. Game testers should be age-regressed, not the reviewers! LOL! Biggest. Bunch. Of. Hooey. Ever.

CptStern said:
There's always some war somewhere that the general public needs to be hypnotised into supporting
We don't need to be hypnotized--we just have to fear one thing more than another (usually terrorists vs. loss of civil liberties).
you really should watch The Power of Nightmares VoS I think you'd like it

it's a 3 parter, here's part 1 need Real Player in order to watch's fascinating and a must see but rather long ..I've seen the entire series at least 3 times
I heard a lot of talk about that when it came out but never downloaded it. I'll have to do so now--it sounds like an interesting take on the situation at hand.

The key to getting people to give up their rights is to make them believe that its for their own good. Yikes.
Hypnotism is real, not everyone can be hypnotized however. You also can't be hypnotized if you don't want to be hypnotized, your mind has to be willing to allow itself to be hypnotized.

A friend of mine was hypnotized this year for one of those shows, I know for a fact she was not told ahead of time what to do, she was simply a volunteer. She described the experience as if she knew everything that was going on, she even knew what she was being asked to do every time, the thing was that each time she was asked to do something her mind just felt like it was the right thing to do.


She was asked to slap a non hypnotized volunteer in the ass. In her head at the time she remembers thinking "Why would I do that? That is just stupid." Then the hypnotist gave the keyword and she suddenly felt like doing it would be a good idea.
The Mullinator said:
Hypnotism is real, not everyone can be hypnotized however. You also can't be hypnotized if you don't want to be hypnotized, your mind has to be willing to allow itself to be hypnotized.

A friend of mine was hypnotized this year for one of those shows, I know for a fact she was not told ahead of time what to do, she was simply a volunteer. She described the experience as if she knew everything that was going on, she even knew what she was being asked to do every time, the thing was that each time she was asked to do something her mind just felt like it was the right thing to do.


She was asked to slap a non hypnotized volunteer in the ass. In her head at the time she remembers thinking "Why would I do that? That is just stupid." Then the hypnotist gave the keyword and she suddenly felt like doing it would be a good idea.
Wrong. Everyone can be hypnotised, just different methods work on different people.

I don't believe in hypnotism in the strictist sense. People choose to do the things they want to do, they're not controlled by the hypnotist.
Your right, in this case the hypnoee choose to want to be regressed, and so it happened.
It's already a truth universally adknowledged that reviewers of Halo were hypnotised by a combination of merch, money and sexual favours.