Rez HD - 360 arcade


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
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:bounce: !!!

Rez HD will wash away the world's problems. ****ing awesome \o/
Wow nice! I played this a while ago at a friends house. I remember it being very interesting.
Fear is the mind killer!!


I absolutely love Rez :)
I've never heard of such a game.
In as little detail as possible, describe to me this game, but beware if you use too little detail, dreadful consequences will extinguish your fate.
Trance, lsd, tron ...

Bah, Kage did it better.


Don't be put off by the crap quality, it looks stunning. And if you have a decent sound system, oh lord .. :)
Woot :D This game was really made to be played on a HD display.

Between this and Space Giraffe, 360 owners are going to be tripping the f**k out

I lost my PS2 copy not long after I bought the game. :( Thank jesus Monk for this.
Rez was one of the reasons I wanted a Dreamcast or PS2. Alas, I couldn't find any more reasons to make those purchases.
Blimey - you only wanted one game from the entire DC and PS2 catalogue!? You are one demanding customer :) Good instincts about Rez, though. It's easily one of the most unique and enjoyable gaming experiences i've had since, well, games began. The coolest game ever!