REZ HD: Why the hell haven't you bought it off XBLA yet?!

Well get that sorted! Rumour has it this wednesday is the day.
This wednesday?! :O

I need to find that transvibrator!!
I boycott all games with "HD" in thir names.

This, except for games that are actually in HD (like this one).

I laugh at XBLA games with the suffix "HD" that are actually direct arcade ports with a 2xsai filter and a crappy border. Har har de har.
Ya, although I do like the look of Track and Field now. Rez is a whole different matter - this game was made for HD and a beefy sound system and is going to be godlike.
I'll check it out. What made this game so special? I know that its a musical game of sorts but other than that...
Is this the one with the vibration controller?

I reckon you could get two girls on each pad - which means I just need the cash for 6 swedish escorts and some rears to complete my 5.1 setup :)

I'll check it out. What made this game so special? I know that its a musical game of sorts but other than that...

It's hard to explain why Rez is so cool as essentially it's a very simple on-rails shooter with awesome trippy visuals and dance music. It's one of those games that's greater than the sum of its parts. You'll start of with a slow beat, your brain enjoying the colours as something explodes, the changes to the rhythm, the little sounds that get added everytime you do something. Gradually things will speed up and you'll notice that not just your head is moving to the bass, but your whole body. Then the the screen explodes with colour and you're in a trance - thumbs moving on their own and in awe of what you can see and hear. Even today, years after it appeared on the DC, Rez still slays me with it's visuals and audio. Anyone with a 360 has to get this :)
It's like Audiosurf, without the ability to import your own songs, but even more trance enducing.
So, um. What exactly is a "trance vibrator" meant to do?
I've had 800 points sitting on my account for MONTHS now, waiting for this game to be released.







One more day to go ...
I hold within me.
The memories of all that have passed.

Who am I ...

Good title change mr mod :)

Tonight I had my first gaming orgasm playing Rez HD. I didn't think it could get much better, but it did. Rez always looked and sounded ****ing awesome, but now it looks and sounds ****ing insane.
Man I've been playing almost non-stop since this afternoon. My hands are all shaky from the constant beats of the rumbling controller. This game is awesome!
Bah. Me Xbox is fooked.

No chance of importing custom playlists into the XBLA version?
It's a nice idea, but I doubt it'd work.
REZ HD: Why the hell haven't you bought it off XBLA yet?!

Because I don't have an Xbox 360. Gief?

Any chance it'll be coming to Steam?
****ing awesome. I don't have XBoxLive. Hurry up and help 'em, Valve!