RF Online


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well, my roomate just bought this game, he enjoys it, though I've never even HEARD of it. It's an MMORPG that seems relativly intersting. Not sure though, havn't played it myself, going to try that out in a bit. Anyway, if anybody has played it yet, gimme a shout on what you think of it...

This game is a complete shit. Probably one of the most boring/unworthy mmorpg you will ever play.
I played the Fileplanet beta. Nothing remarkable. Reminded me alot of ROSE and its grind.
I played the Fileplanet beta. Nothing remarkable. Reminded me alot of ROSE and its grind.

My roomate thinks this game is really fun, for some reason. I'll just let him have fun with it, don't want to shatter his poor dreams of loving this game. \=
It's one of those shitty korean mmo's that somehow made it's way to the us market.Is it just me or are they all build on the same outdated engine?
Korean RPG's are all the same. If you've played ROSE, then you've played RF Online, and if you've played those, then you know exactly what to expect from Ragnarok Online.
I've heard it's a stale-as-shit grind-a-thon in PvE, but that the mass PvP battles are kinda fun. You just gotta get past the grinding if you wanna be any good in em. I was kind of interested when I saw it had mechs though...

There's another MMO to add to the list of should-be-dones. A mech MMO... maybe in the style of Front Mission for the SNES. Then there's the survival horror/zombie MMO and the Lego MMO (just thought of this... you could build your own people/cars/houses etc Spore style, only using blocks makes for simpler design and minimal lag... and who doesn't love Lego? :D).
There's another MMO to add to the list of should-be-dones. A mech MMO... maybe in the style of Front Mission for the SNES. Then there's the survival horror/zombie MMO and the Lego MMO (just thought of this... you could build your own people/cars/houses etc Spore style, only using blocks makes for simpler design and minimal lag... and who doesn't love Lego? :D).

FM3 is still one of the best PS1 games. :borg:

There's also a multiplayer lego game like that where you place individual blocks. Not MMO though.
It was created by NCsoft, the same company that created City of Heroes, City of Villains, Lineage 2, etc...

So yeah, korean mmorpg rocks.
IMHO it was just okay, I was a beta tester for Codemaster about a year back. It's nothing spectacular, but its just a game that passes the time. But overall, it was just an "okay" game.
Lol, Actually Guild Wars was developed by an American developer. Both NCSoft and ArenaNet are American companies, and yes Guild Wars was mostly made by ex-Blizzard employees.
Lol, Actually Guild Wars was developed by an American developer. Both NCSoft and ArenaNet are American companies, and yes Guild Wars was mostly made by ex-Blizzard employees.

Partly true, ArenaNet is American and does have a lot of ex-Blizzard employee's. However, NCSoft is a South Korean company, not American.

Combine Hybrid: NCSoft didn't make all those games, they were only the publishers.