RIAA angling for 30% of Sirius' profits


Jun 25, 2004
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This is pretty shitty, but exactly what I've come to expect from them. They're trying to get Sirius to pay them 30% of their profits instead of the 6% they're taking right now. Basically they saw how much money Sirius was making and figured they could get some more money.

Crap like this pisses me off. How is it the RIAA and all the record companies it represents could be so hard-up for cash when you have crappy singers getting paid millions and blowing it on all sorts of expensive shit? Noone can tell me any of the big labels are in need of extra cash, and if they are it's because they keep signing shitty musicians. I can understand a little for smaller labels, but then I have to wonder how much money they would actually be making out of this. Just seems like pure greed to me.
Well, it isn't a case of who is making more money (XM has more than double the subscribers) I think it's a case of picking on the weak, Sirius spent a good chunk of change getting Howard Stern, and now their investment isn't paying off.