Riddle me this!


May 20, 2003
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During WWII, there was a bridge connecting Germany and Switzerland, and on the German side, there was a sentry tower with a guard in it. He would come out every three minutes to check on the bridge, and he had orders to turn back anyone who tried to get into Germany, and shoot anyone trying to escape without a pass. There was a woman who desperately needed to get into Switzerland, and she knew she didn't have time to get a pass. It would take her at least six minutes to cross the bridge, but she managed to do it. How?

Please No Thread Crapping! No saying I dont know. The Guy who answers gets to say the next riddle.
She actually crossed the bridge (not swimming or something like that), right?
When the sentry went into the tower, she would start to cross into Switzerland, and when he came out, she would start to walk back into Germany. When he saw her, he would tell her to turn back into Switzerland.
I'm guessing that halfway across the bridge is the border. 6 mins to cross the bridge, in 3 mins she will halfway across, the guard will be coming, but she is in switzerland and the guard will think she came from there and turn her back to switzerland
if it takes 6 minutes to walk across a bridge, and she gets a 3 minute head sart, why would she turn back? she could just run off or cut down the bridge. :rolleyes:
Hmm, i think she has run out for less than 3 minutes....Then simply turn around and make like walking into Germany.. the guard will send her back to Switzerland. right?
Originally posted by azz0r
When the sentry went into the tower, she would start to cross into Switzerland, and when he came out, she would start to walk back into Germany. When he saw her, he would tell her to turn back into Switzerland.

Got it. OK azz0r ask a riddle
Even though the odds are always in favor of the gambling house, why does the establishment insist on a house limit on stakes?
because the house doesn't win EVERY time.
I gotta go so

Every casino in the world would go bankrupt without a house limit on stakes. Without it, gamblers would keep doubling their stakes until they won. No matter how bad a losing streak they were on, they would eventually win.

6iXx take the reins.
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I have holes on my left and on my right.
And I have holes in the middle, yet I still hold water.
What am I?