Riddle Thread


Nov 9, 2005
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After reading that pirate thread, I thought I should make a riddle thread. Anyone can post a riddle, but only after the one in progress is solved.

PS: Make sure to number your riddle. ie, my riddle is #1 the next is #2, etc.

There is a product. The maker doesn't need it, the buyer doesn't want it, and the owner doesn't know it. What is it?
The Brick said:
Coffin. Old.

edit: where de ffff are the spoilertags?

LoL, ok, so I didn't really try that hard on that one.

Yeh, where ARE the spoiler tags?
Actually that one's pretty hard, but we've already had a riddlethread, and that one was in it.

Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?
bvasgm said:

Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?
the sea?
bvasgm said:

Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?

Is that it?
The Brick said:
Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.

What am I?

Nope. Try again.

edit: No, it's not lol.
bvasgm said:

Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?

Holy crap, I'm pretty sure I got it.... ready?

is it an eye?
bvasgm said:

I thought it would take me a long time, but I just looked up a bunch of palindromes that had 3 letters.

ok I got one


This paragraph is really unusual, why? (It is all proper grammar)

"Gatsby was walking back from a visit down in Branton Hill's manufacturing district on a Saturday night. A busy day's traffic had had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, His Honor got along without having to stop to grasp a hand, or talk; for a mayor out of City Hall is a shining mark for any politician. And so, coming to Broadway, a booming bass drum and sounds of singing, told of a small Salvation Army unit carrying on amidst Broadway's night shopping crowds. Gatsby, walking towards that group, saw a young girl, back toward him, just finishing a long, soulful oration ... "
DaveyCrocket said:
I thought it would take me a long time, but I just looked up a bunch of palindromes that had 3 letters.

ok I got one


This paragraph is really unusual, why? (It is all proper grammar)

"Gatsby was walking back from a visit down in Branton Hill's manufacturing district on a Saturday night. A busy day's traffic had had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, His Honor got along without having to stop to grasp a hand, or talk; for a mayor out of City Hall is a shining mark for any politician. And so, coming to Broadway, a booming bass drum and sounds of singing, told of a small Salvation Army unit carrying on amidst Broadway's night shopping crowds. Gatsby, walking towards that group, saw a young girl, back toward him, just finishing a long, soulful oration ... "

No e's lol

I dont have any riddles though :(

My life can be measured in hours;
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow.
Wind is my foe.
What am I?

[stolen]: "when 1 door is closed, then 9 are open. When 9 are closed, 1 door is open. What is it?"
xcellerate said:

[stolen]: "when 1 door is closed, then 9 are open. When 9 are closed, 1 door is open. What is it?"

getting old.. hah..
this refers to the visit of the queen of sheba to solomon.

"The queen of Sheba, having heard of Solomon's fame, came to test him with subtle questions."

"What is it? An enclosure with ten doors; when one is open, nine are shut, and when nine are open, one is shut?"

and solomon's answer was as such:

"The enclosure is the womb, and the ten doors are the ten orifices of man, namely his eyes, his ears, his nostrils, his mouth, the apertures for discharge of excreta and urine, and the navel. When the child is still in its mother's womb, the navel is open, but all the other apertures are shut, but when the child issues from the womb the navel is closed and the other orifices are open."
xcellerate said:
this refers to the visit of the queen of sheba to solomon.

"The queen of Sheba, having heard of Solomon's fame, came to test him with subtle questions."

"What is it? An enclosure with ten doors; when one is open, nine are shut, and when nine are open, one is shut?"

and solomon's answer was as such:

"The enclosure is the womb, and the ten doors are the ten orifices of man, namely his eyes, his ears, his nostrils, his mouth, the apertures for discharge of excreta and urine, and the navel. When the child is still in its mother's womb, the navel is open, but all the other apertures are shut, but when the child issues from the womb the navel is closed and the other orifices are open."

how bout that
I am blue. I am invisible.
I never die. I never wear out.
You can't see me at night.
Rub your nose with your right thumb and you will know who I am.
James recently moved to his first brand new house. When he arrived there he discovered that the builder had forgotten something. James popped down to the local DIY shop to enquire about the prices. Luckily the items are quite cheap at the shop. 7 cost £1.00, 10 cost £2.00 and 100 cost £3.00. What had the builder forgotten and how much will 210 cost?
Dan said:
James recently moved to his first brand new house. When he arrived there he discovered that the builder had forgotten something. James popped down to the local DIY shop to enquire about the prices. Luckily the items are quite cheap at the shop. 7 cost £1.00, 10 cost £2.00 and 100 cost £3.00. What had the builder forgotten and how much will 210 cost?

the house number?
210 would cost £3.00 then ^^

Here is mine:


*It is bigger than God
*It is more evil than the devil
*The poor ones have it
*The lucky ones need it
*If you eat it, you die

What is it?
georgeblunt said:
Here is mine:


*It is bigger than God
*It is more evil than the devil
*The poor ones have it
*The lucky ones need it
*If you eat it, you die

What is it?

SHORT RECOIL'S PENIS kekekekekekekekekekekkekeekekekekekeke
georgeblunt said:

*It is bigger than God
*It is more evil than the devil
*The poor ones have it
*The lucky ones need it
*If you eat it, you die

What is it?
Nothing :)
OvA said:
you = incorrect
me = correct

I am better than you, i am not an avatar stealer like you, Robert will kick your arse one day. Solve this riddle OvA...

Your mother's mother's mother

is fat.
Lou said:
I am blue. I am invisible.
I never die. I never wear out.
You can't see me at night.
Rub your nose with your right thumb and you will know who I am.

At first it could be anything. I thought it'd be the sky, but I'm really not sure since the last clue is kinda hazy.

Here is mine:

"What has a face and two hands but no fingers?"
AntiAnto said:
At first it could be anything. I thought it'd be the sky, but I'm really not sure since the last clue is kinda hazy.

Actually, I just made that riddle up to see how many of you fools would try to answer it :)

Here is mine:

"What has a face and two hands but no fingers?"

Male genitalia.
this is an actual riddle that they ask philosphy students so don't kill me because it's annoying.

three men are walking towards infinity, always in a line one behind the other. the first guy says 'i'm in the front', the second guy says 'i'm in the middle' and the third guy says 'i'm in the front'. how is this possible?

p.s. i thought the answer was dumb and so will you, but try and get it anyway.
walking backwards or towards infinity doesn't matter, you're still an infinite distance away, so theoretically the guy in front is the same distance away as the guy in the back, so they're both right.
no... one is still in front of the other. what i meant by infinity is just that they arent walking in a circle or anything like that.
Hmm.. I still like my first explanation though...

But to continue my humiliating guesses... the question is "how is it possible for the first guy and the third guy to say that they're in front"? Well, if the answer should be stupid: just because they can and because they felt like it/believed they were right to say that

the actual answer is the third guy's a liar. i think the real riddle is, why didn't someone bitch slap the guy who invented it to death?