Right, I've decided!


Sep 8, 2004
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FAO: UK peeps

As we know HL2 will be unlocked here at 8am GMT and I have decided to stay awake that night (like I'll be able to sleep anyway :) )

Then have sparadic naps throughout the day.

So whose with me?

What does the 16th of November mean to me?

Christmas/birthday/payday/bank error in your favour/second coming/world peace rolled into 1 x 1,000,000 is what it's gonna be like.
...why not just wake up at 8am? :| You'll feel like crap and won't be in the mood to play the game if you stay up all night. Plus, its not very good for you. It would be a thousand times easier to just get some sleep and wake up early. I've stayed up all night loads of times for various reasons, and I always regretted it in the morning. Seriously, at that point all you wanna do is go to sleep...
I would love to go to sleep at midnight and wake at 8 but I seriously would not be able to get to sleep, seriously.
Take some Nightol then...seriously, staying up over night is NOT a good idea. if you really want to do this, I suggest you get some sleep the day before. You won't be in the mood at all, you'll feel like crap, and all you'll want to do is sleep. This just makes no sense to me when it's a thousand times easier to get some sleep. :|
Find someone to buy skunk off and roll a big spliff, you won't have problems then :smoking:

Or get drunk
$niffy said:
Find someone to buy skunk off and roll a big spliff, you won't have problems then :smoking:

Or get drunk
or maybe bosh some pills and jack up on the brown juice?
Well im from UK and i have work at 8 am!!!!!!!
WTF!...well life goes on..
Yuh not a good idea to stay up the entire night. After staying up for the night, you will feel tired and dizzy. HL2 won't be as fun as it can be if you actually get decent sleep before you play it.

I actually prefer the more sane way of the people who do their normal stuff in the first part of the day on 16th and play HL2 when they get back home.
people, whats the whole deal? just shut up, go to sleep, wake up, jerk off, brush your teeth, turn on your pc/load steam/start validating HL2/make and eat breakfeast and THEN play.... simple, right?
Someone already said it, but I'm gonna waste everyone time by saying it again :) .....

If you stay up you'll be too tired the next day to really appreciate HL2.
Hmmm, stay awake all night and play Half life 2 for the first time totally knackered... or go to sleep with a good book, warm milk and a half litre of Jack Daniels... maybe some herbal tea... and wake up at 7:45 and jump in front of your computer using the quarter hour to wake up and shut down all non essential process for the optimum Half Life 2 experience.

I'm all ready for the night before... crap! I should pre-order the thing from Steam. Need money... and B33R (;))
Dr.breen said:
FAO: UK peeps

As we know HL2 will be unlocked here at 8am GMT and I have decided to stay awake that night (like I'll be able to sleep anyway :) )

Then have sparadic naps throughout the day.

So whose with me?

What does the 16th of November mean to me?

Christmas/birthday/payday/bank error in your favour/second coming/world peace rolled into 1 x 1,000,000 is what it's gonna be like.

Yeh man :D - Add me on MSN and We'll dedicate the 15th to the last night people will ever see us lolololol

KagePrototype said:
I've stayed up all night loads of times for various reasons, and I always regretted it in the morning. Seriously, at that point all you wanna do is go to sleep...
I had to pull an all-nighter for my job once. By the time I got off work, I had been awake for almost 30 hours straight. When I got home, I collapsed in bed and didn't wake up for 15 hours.
Well... I will wait till I come home that cetrain day, then play, maybe be disappointed, maybe be delighted, will it have been worth the waitred?

Mountain Man said:
I had to pull an all-nighter for my job once. By the time I got off work, I had been awake for almost 30 hours straight. When I got home, I collapsed in bed and didn't wake up for 15 hours.
The moment your bed hits the pillow, would be ****ing worth it
Well I'm krowing on Tuesday, but have Wednesday to Friday off.

It's close now peeps :p
Ill wake up at 07:30 like normal.

but ill get changed for work early and sit looking at steam come 08:00.

then download the last bit, load the game to make sure it works and leave for college at 08:20

come back at 18:00 and play all night.
The joys of being unemployed, single and an insomniac, i hardly sleep, if i do its from 4am to around 7am, usually less.

Also, isn't it 10am now due to the time change?
I'll probably go up at 9:30AM since I'm GMT+1. That's just enough time to miss mom when she goes to work :E (she usually gives me a ride to school @ 9:15+ so she'll probably wonder why I'm not up...)
$niffy said:
The moment your bed hits the pillow, would be ****ing worth it

lol. typos always provide for some amusing imagery.
:( Ok how crap is this man !
The day Half-life 2 comes out for me 8:00 am GMT
I go on a 3 day trip to London !
The time my coach leaves for London is 8:00
Oh how I love you Lord ! :(
Go to the doctors and get him/her to pre-scribe u some sleeping pills. mild ones. awesome stuff. lol.

We in Australia are lucky. 7pm on the 16th it unlocks...
I was at a drug a nd booze fueld festival once and i didnt go to sleep for three days . On the night we had to go, i got back at 4am in the morning and had school at 7am so thats like no sleep for 3 and a half days. I looked like a flippin' :bonce:
I have to sleep....i have to go to school....

*Cough*...i aint feeling to well actually :D
AcousticToad said:
The joys of being unemployed, single and an insomniac, i hardly sleep.

I'm the same, I usually go to sleep around 4,5,6 in the morning so I thought staying up for an extra few hours wouldn't hurt.......But you guys are right, I will be dizzy and not entirely alert.

I think I'll opt for sleeping pills and get an early night.

hendrix13 said:
Well im from UK and i have work at 8 am!!!!!!!
WTF!...well life goes on..

yey of course...some of us have to work>Sheesh!!

But to be honest, if this f***in cold I have hangs around much longer, I'll not be at work anyway! :( I've had no sleep for 2 days because of it = Bummer!
Just for the record, all this "You'll feel like crap" is true, though many people (like myself) do this randomly every other day, or week, or 3 days, its random. I guess its because i am border line insomniac though not professionally diagnosed :bonce:

Anyhow, in any standard case,unless your having a good time during the night of the 15th, opposed to just waiting around, you'll be good, though thats all dependent on how you are normally.

Ill personally be staying up, as i took the 16th off of work. Although, i live in chicago, so if rumors are true it wont unlock here til 2 am.

*remembers he recently obtained a copy of Halo2 and 1 year free of X box live via a blockbuster contest*

forget whatever i said
Opheli@r said:
people, whats the whole deal? just shut up, go to sleep, wake up, jerk off, brush your teeth, turn on your pc/load steam/start validating HL2/make and eat breakfeast and THEN play.... simple, right?

Seriously...what the hell is wrong with some of you people.

Having a thread about staying up all night to play a fricking video game at 8am when you could just be sane and play it when you usually wake up.

I don't know...some of you people really need to get out.
henrythered2001 said:
Having a thread about staying up all night to play a fricking video game at 8am when you could just be sane and play it when you usually wake up.

It's the fact that the said people won't be able to sleep, if I could get to sleep then that would be great.
henrythered2001 said:
...when you could just be sane and play it when you usually wake up...

Thats a very god point. Forget that some people have pointed out that they won't be able to sleep through excitement, and just wake up as normal everyone. Do you even read threads you reply to?

Sorry, but your entire post pissed me off. What, because your not as excited as a kid at christmas, means we shouldn't be? Oh and as a point of interest, just because we are not the same as you does not mean we need to "get out". I have a healthy social life, I work 5 days a week and (Because someones bound to say it) I also have a girlfriend. So, I 'get out' plenty. Got another reason I shouldn't be completley excited about this???

*Sigh* "Next..."
Link said:
I have a healthy social life, I work 5 days a week and (Because someones bound to say it) I also have a girlfriend. So, I 'get out' plenty. Got another reason I shouldn't be completley excited about this???

*Sigh* "Next..."

Wow, your life sounds incredibly interesting..:
I don't have a healthy social life, I'm 15, go to school 5 days a week, (Because someone's bound to say it) I don't have a girlfriend, I get bullied ocnstantly because of the inbreds living in my town, and I can't get anywhere else because of vehicular limitations, if I were to step outside I would be attacked by an angry mod of people who used to like me, I spend practically all of my time socialising online with people I meet from online games, and organising clan matches, as well as talking to school friends on MSN when they come online, I'm also almost always ill with things like Glandular fever, and Constant fatigue, have a stupidly low school attendence record due to that, but get great grades nevertheless... That's about it.

No, I am going to go to sleep normal time, wake up at 7:00, have a day off school because my mum said I can, get breakfast, boot computer, unlock, play until stuck, read guide, die a few more times, cheat, feel depressed that I can't complete a single game without turning to cheats, try again...


Try putting on cap to see if it has any positive effects on gaming...

Cheat some more...


I am going to reiterate what others have stated earlier in this thread.

It makes more sense to pull an all-nighter playing the game instead of an all-nighter waiting for the game.

But if you think you're going to have trouble sleeping the night before try this:

Pull an all-nighter 2 days before.

If you can stay up the whole time, then going to sleep the night before the release should be a piece of cake.
Ow,god ppl i'm a computer maniac too, a complete antysocial guy, and overally a pathetic excuse for a man AND i love Half Life 2 but for christ sake you guys are really strange. How can you be so obsessed with this game? It will be great,i'm sure but i just am not so exited anymore. Tell you what- i will even wait till 19 to buy it 'cause i wanna play it on weekend!Suprised? :devil:
It will be a revolutionary game but what fun is it to play it with hangover, sleepness, and several illnes caused by lack of sleep? Absolutely no fun i'm tellin' ya! I will buy it on my way from school on friday THAT week and i will go home, eat something , sleep off a bit 'cause i'm always very tired when i come back ( i really have a hard time at school ) and when i finally fill well i will start Half Life 2 and have a great time - why rush so much? Calm down people - you will only make yourself more harm... :thumbs:
adam100 said:
Calm down people - you will only make yourself more harm... :thumbs:

Very true, which is why a lot of people aren't rushing. But some people won't be able to sleep anyways since they already have an illness of some kind (Insomnia, anyone?). So it's not their fault. They can stay up if they want to, and It would be immensly fun to count down with their HL2 timers to 0, then open steam up.

Also, I don't drink so I can't get a hangover, and I don't smoke so I can't get high :p.
Link said:
Thats a very god point. Forget that some people have pointed out that they won't be able to sleep through excitement, and just wake up as normal everyone. Do you even read threads you reply to?

Sorry, but your entire post pissed me off. What, because your not as excited as a kid at christmas, means we shouldn't be? Oh and as a point of interest, just because we are not the same as you does not mean we need to "get out". I have a healthy social life, I work 5 days a week and (Because someones bound to say it) I also have a girlfriend. So, I 'get out' plenty. Got another reason I shouldn't be completley excited about this???

*Sigh* "Next..."

Yeah I did read the part about not being able to sleep.

And my statement still stands....if you can't get to sleep because of a video game coming out the next day then you need to get out more often. If you seriously plan on staying up all night because a video game is coming out next day then you need to get out. When you're at that point you become like the nutball star wars fans who dress up as the characters waiting in line for the movie.

Theres nothing wrong with being extremely excited over it coming out....but come on...theres a point wheres its just plain nuts. The reason I say "get out" is because I really think if someone had more going on with their life they wouldn't be at the nut level that we witness on these boards time to time.

I remember 4 years ago...it was a band I was in at the time, first gig the next day and our first full band practice was the night before. Guess what...I was pretty excited and pretty damn nervous considering the circumstances at hand playing in front of 200 people. I got to sleep. If your getting married the next day... I can understand not being able to sleep....

....waiting for Half life 2...come on

And Link....can you honestly you are at the same level of "excitement" or "Insanity" as Dr.breen?