Rimfire has a problem


May 15, 2004
Reaction score
But hopefully someone can help him, because we know what type of place Hl2.net would be without Riomhaire.

Anyway, he can't access Hl2.net. Everything else works fine. He's restarted, cleared cookies - the works. Any ideas?
Contact the ISP?

Edit - Might be a virus, trojans, or whutever. Format, because we're worth it.
He must be going insane :laugh:
Update Firefox maybe or has he also tried IE? - I couldnt access the forums of one site for months then FF updated to 1.5.02 and presto :D
I reckon he's adblocked the entire site.

Aye, tell him to reinstall his Firefox, give everything a spyware and adware scan etc.

Shoot, thats my answer to everything.

EDIT: Oh well. :/
poor Rim. ;(

what cormeh said should fix the problem...if it doesnt tell him to get Opera (since its free now :D) and if that doesnt work...hell im out of ideas
Have him try to ping halflife2.net and see if that can connect
If that doesnt work, and his internet is running fine, then blaim clarky.
He probably sent scalar waves to pwn rimfire's computer
Hehehehehe, just added the wee oirish fella to MSN, but he's not there. I think his internet has been rimfired. :laugh:

Seriously, and this is kind of blunt - I suggest just a simple reboot, usually cleans out any hiccups. Oh, and buy broadband. :p
maybe his phone company cut him off ;)

spending to much time on the 'phone'
This might be a problem with an Irish provider coz Jimbo had the same thing earlier tonight.
I am betting John and Rimfire don't have the same provider. Jimbo isn't online so I can't ask what's his.

EDIT I've sent him a mail.
I'm on Eircom dial-up D:
But it has clearly sortted itself out :D
Might not be just him. I time out every other refresh here, but no other sites.