Riot Mod needs YOU!

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Hey all,

Dont know where to start but here something about the riot mod.

About the riot mod

General Discription:

This is a half life 2 mod that is based on rioters vs riot squads.

Well basicaly you pick if you are on the riot team or the anti-riot team.
The objective of the riot team is to fight to riot police to get to a certian place (This may be a football stadium or something similar) We will also include a Escort mission. Where by you must escort a gang leader to safty with out letting the police arrest him. The riot police have to try and stop the riot team from doing this.


The maps will be in streets or stadiums. We will try to base them on proper riots to add to the realism!

The units:

The units for the riot team will be:

1. Biker, A slow unit but with a strong hit and throw.
2. Thug, A normal unit with average hits and throws. (Has Gas mask)
3. Raver, A quick unit with weak hits and throws. (Has Gas mask)
4. Flamer, Slow ,weak but good thrower. Starts with more molatov's and flare gun.

The units for the anti-riot team will be:

1. Riot Police Unit (Shielded unit) Average speed, Can hold shield so to portect, average hits.
2. Police Unit (No Shield) Quicker, No protection, average hits.
3. Officer, A slow unit but with strong hits.


For anti-riot:

1. Stun stick (May be changed to a normal baton later in the mod)
2. Tear Gas Grenade (Held by officers and non-shield units) Doesnt affect gas masked units!
3. Rubber bullet shotgun (Only non-shield units)
4. Gas Spray (All units) Doesnt affect gas masked units!
5. Stun Gun (All units)

For riot units:

1. Flare gun (Flamer only)
2. Molotov Cocktail (2 per unit, 4 for flamer)
3. Baseball bat/Metal Pole
4. Knife
5. Stones

This isnt all final yet..the names ect... but anyway we are in need of some help!

We mostly need a webmaster who can get us hosting (for free?) Some map makers and some model makers!. We have a map idea in our minds and have a paint birds eye view :D
Please contact me
[email protected]

Our Moddb profile can be found here
so what skills do you have to offer. how many teammembers do you currently have and what skills do they have? also is it multiplayer? you could make a scenario that involves getting into an animal testing lab.
crackhead said:
so what skills do you have to offer. how many teammembers do you currently have and what skills do they have? also is it multiplayer? you could make a scenario that involves getting into an animal testing lab.

Well most of that can be found on our moddb profile. But to make it clear we have these members:

1.A Sound tech (Started work)
2.A sound actor (I have his work)
3.Some models (View our moddb profile)
4.Researcher (Finds more every day)

It is Multiplayer only!

Not sure about animal in a testing lab :D

We need mostly a modeler,mapper or webmaster.but anyone is welcome to email me!
no not an animal in a testing lab. the rioters are blowing up an animial testing lab. i meen there are riots are animal testing labs very often.
If you packed out the maps with AI NPCs it could be an interesting play. Although, the subject matter's a little controversial.

-Angry Lawyer
i have some fabulous experimental design for a riot mod written up somewhere. like yours, but more complicated system.
Ennui said:
i have some fabulous experimental design for a riot mod written up somewhere. like yours, but more complicated system.

Lol, i dont get it.

Anyway send it to me if you want.
Pretty neat and possibly controversial subject, but I think the design is mediocre if you could call it design at all. It's set up exactly like counter-strike except that it has classes and the subject matter is slightly different.

You can really push the envelope with something like this, as a suggestion I think this would do well as a co-operative anti riot game that deals with the ethical dillemas police forces might face in a riot situation. Give the players an objective and let them decide for themselves whether to use non-lethal force or lethal force. Say you actually kill a person, then every person within a certain radius would become more violent subsequently making your job more difficult, but it may be necessary to complete the objective. That would require actual tact and not just the ability to point and shoot at an opponent.

Even if you don't care for this idea, try be more unique and you will be successful (not guaranteed)
Yes but for a start, start basic. "Dont run before you can walk"

Great idea tho. Also the only thing i have thought is you dont think it will get closed because it is promoting violence?

Also i will be adding 1 hidden gun but with only 5 bullets.
I like the basic idea of this mod, simple but fun, i have a proposition:
I am a mapper/tex artist with about 7 years experience, i'm great at concept art, can model and do pretty well everything except hard coding.
I will join this mod if you let me have a reasonable amount of creative input into the concept.

I havn't modded for about 8 months or more as i am fairly busy but i'm sure i could put time into a mod like this.

Hell you could even use my "loot" game mode i came up with for another mod that died.
Basically malls, supermarkets etc with products on the shelves (physics based items), each is worth a certain amount (whiskey, cigarettes and electrical stuff etc worth lots, food is worth less and things like toilet roll not worth bothering with)
One team loots, has to obtain a certain amount of stuff (player who nabs most is at top of board obv) with the old mod it was 2 competing teams, in this you'd have the riot police stopping the looting and making arrests (points for each arrest?)

If you are interested in some samples of my work or anything PM me.

Oh and btw, i wouldn't base any of the maps on real riots if you want this mod to succeed.
Hey recoil email me quick :D

[email protected]

Also i would really like that shop thing. Its what we need!

Thanks for the replys guys, gald you like the idea.
i agree that it could be quite controversial but if you have a strong message aswell for instance the idea about animal testing labs and stuff then i think that would be great.
Recon you aint Pmed or emailed me :(
Will wait..

Anyone here a good mapper?
I need some to help me finish the first riot mod a lab map!

Thanks for the idea :cheese:
And thanks to Rayne!