RIP Valve, Epic here we go!


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
CS F2P Battle Royale and a direct gut reaction publisher fee reduction. Every Fortnite kid out there seeing the new storefront competition.

Update: Epic scoring exclusives, giving away a free game a week, and Unreal Engine developers have zero storefront publishing fees:

On the shittier side: Now we have to have something like 10 launchers to play exclusives. :\ it's like the TV market right now.
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Update: Epic scores Division 2, The Walking Dead: Final Season and Metro: Exodus as exclusives

Valve has very forthrightly spoken toward the issue directly on the Metro store page:


I was trolling at first but this is becoming a real thing.
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@-smash- @Hectic Glenn @Barnz Revising OP as I was intoxicated (imagine bhc doing that) but what are some thoughts on this?

ed: can you not edit thread titles on XF? I'd be happy to change it.
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I think it's the publishers and not the developers that are making these decisions. I think the developers know the community well enough to know why exclusives and exclusives with Epic are a bad idea. However Epic is offering some big $$$ to the publishers and all publishers care about is $$$ so that's why things are going the way they're going.

So **** Epic and **** the publishers for starting this new trend on PC. It's ok for Ubisoft and EA to do what they do because it's their games and their platforms. But when you create a store where any publisher / developer can come in, but you make these exclusive deals, you're acting like a real ****head.
This stratification is a growing pain and happens in every media form, to be an avid TV watcher you need no less than 3 services. In theory this should be good for the consumer, but I don't really think it is going to be. All I know is a part of thinks Valve asked for it. They kind of got run over. I can see Gabe doing an IPO and giving the company away.
Shame about the exclusives, but the free games have been pretty decent. I've collected almost 30 that caught my eye, but haven't had time to play hardly any of em.

This week it's Q.U.B.E. 2 (looks portal-ey) and Layers of Fear (looks scurry! :eek:).
Superliminal, the Portal-esque lucid dream game from Pillow Castle, releases Tuesday, November 12th:

It does look really cool and I've missed out on it, pity meh. I may take it on after a commemorative playthrough of HL2 this weekend. About how long is it?
Personal playthrough was 4:30, but only because I memorized everything quick and just blazed it with a good few mistakes that ****ed me up. Averaged I would say 8 hours.
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