Ripping Battlefield 2


Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Due to the horrendous quality of the dvd Battlefield 2 shipped with I'm planning to rip it to my hard disk for safekeeping should the dvd fail. However, I want to know if EA can detect whether my disk is actually in the drive (and not just a disk image), and whether or not they'll ban my account if they find out I'm running it from a ripped image. Thanks in advance.
If its anything like almost every other game out there then no. I was forced to do this as well with Call of Duty and I never once had any problems.

Still though I know very little about BF2 so it could be different.
If you had a DVD writer then you could create the image, and rewrite it to another DVD which would work as well as the original. That's not illegal for backup purposes.
... or you can just download the BF2 mini-image from a place like MegaGames (either the second or third one) and mount it instead of a full CD/DVD image. That's what I've been doing the entire time even though I have the BF2 box staring me in the face.
I doubt they'd scan to see if you have a disk in the drive. Plus if they do, what you're doing is legal, it's for backup purposes.
Why don't you try and see if they detect it? Though if they do then you could be banned from using that key again.. :|
Why don't you try and see if they detect it? Though if they do then you could be banned from using that key again..
thats the problem - duh
Lol I 've been using a mini dvd image for months. There is no way to detect you lol. Kinda breaks a few privacy laws.