Ripping DVD's


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Word up fellers.

I have a few DVD's which I want to rip but I have no idea where to start. What software do I need? Any Iders!
DVD Shrink does everything you'll need it to do IIRC.
DVD Decrypter + AutoGK or VirtualDub MPEG-2 if you want more control over the encoding.
I also have the same question: I want to take DVD's and put them on my IPOD, would i use one of the programs previously listed?

And i would prefer something that works on OSX if you guys know of any. I have RIP DVD but i can't figure out how to use it.
For just copies I still use DVD Decrypter. Although DVD Shrink probably has that ability too. I know DVD shrink lets you make copies of 8 GB DVDs on to 4.7 GB DVD-Rs (re-encodes the movie with lower quality to fit on the disk).
I use DVD Decrypter (it's hard to find these days for some reason) and Videora. Earlier versions of Videora are better, far fewer ads and shit. DVD Decrypter gives you a .VOB file which Videora converts to .mp4.
We don't know what he's ripping? We're assuming he's not ripping copyrighted material from retail DVDs as that would be illegal, he makes no mention of that.

I assume he's ripping a video of family or friend made DVD movie which he wants a copy of too? That's perfectly fine, and legal. :)
How retarded it is to ask for help with piracy (and for mods etc to give that help) on forums like this - especially ones hosted by a company like Valve who I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they aren't too fond of piracy.


Says it all IMO.

Oh shut up.
For all we know he's ripping video files from things he recorded with a camera.

Anyways, I second DVDFab, it's fantastic. It's a little pricey though.($40 I think?)
Back up copies of media are pretty much excused in today's society. Now choosing to use that knowledge to mass produce 20 copies and sell them would be illegal. But that is up to the user doing the copying to make that choice. And it is obvious that is not promoting or used for blatant copy-right infringement like most torrents. He could have got the same info that we gave here from sites like which are about how to create, rip and edit media but don't allow talk of pirating.
We don't know what he's ripping? We're assuming he's not ripping copyrighted material from retail DVDs as that would be illegal, he makes no mention of that.

I assume he's ripping a video of family or friend made DVD movie which he wants a copy of too? That's perfectly fine, and legal. :)

Lol. Sure he is. Nice to see you're making excuses for him, and "hoping" he's in the 5% of people that actually (attempt to) use ripping software for non-illegal purposes. And I'm sure his "family" DVD doesn't need copy protection etc removed, so a simple suggestion to copy the disc would have been fine.

Being hosted by a company like Valve, I would have expected a far less cavalier attitude to discussions that are in likeliness directly related to someone trying to pirate stuff. You don't believe for a second that he "might" be copying a "family" DVD - and even if you did, it's such a touchy subject with people like you very hosts, that to err on the side of caution and just tell people to talk about it on another site would be the most diplomatic way to please everyone. But instead you choose to use the lamest excuse you can think of to continue what is almost guaranteed to be a piracy help thread. Sure, the OP could even come in now and claim some crap about trying to copy a family movie, but its too late for more lying.

You're so full of crap Glenn.
Do you froth sometimes when you type? I swear I heard 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'.
Lol. Sure he is. Nice to see you're making excuses for him, and "hoping" he's in the 5% of people that actually (attempt to) use ripping software for non-illegal purposes.
No where in Glenn's post did I see him making excuses for the OP. What he said was "We're assuming he's not ripping copyrighted material from retail DVDs as that would be illegal, he makes no mention of that." If you don't know what assuming is, that is when one takes for granted or to be without proof of a situation. Also, Glenn said "he makes no mention of that." which therefore means that he's assuming the OP is ripping the DVD for family videos.

And I'm sure his "family" DVD doesn't need copy protection etc removed, so a simple suggestion to copy the disc would have been fine.
This is also something that is NO WHERE to be found in this thread. No one states that they need to have the copyright protection removed.

Being hosted by a company like Valve, I would have expected a far less cavalier attitude to discussions that are in likeliness directly related to someone trying to pirate stuff.
You even posted a quote from Evo, which is a staff member, stating that he "will not tolerate people admitting to piracy on these forums." That tells me that the staff is cracking down on piracy, to which no one has admitted to in the length of this thread.

You don't believe for a second that he "might" be copying a "family" DVD - and even if you did, it's such a touchy subject with people like you very hosts, that to err on the side of caution and just tell people to talk about it on another site would be the most diplomatic way to please everyone.
Believing that someone needs help finding a DVD ripper automatically makes them a pirate? Look at it this way, my cousin has a disease in which she has to take her medicine by needle, and lets say that you're at the place that she acquires them. Do you automatically assume that she's going to use them for drugs? Look outside the box! Not everything that has the appearance of illegal is.

But instead you choose to use the lamest excuse you can think of to continue what is almost guaranteed to be a piracy help thread. Sure, the OP could even come in now and claim some crap about trying to copy a family movie, but its too late for more lying.
What I said in the last paragraph. Not everything that appears to be illegal is.

You're so full of crap Glenn.
And you sir, need to get the **** out.