Rita Anomalies


Nov 8, 2003
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This is highly odd.

Carefully watch the begining for the 5 parallel heat signatures just off the coast of Houston, and the huge low temperture arcing bar that appears instantly over a vast distance deep inland after Rita makes her way ashore.

Id give my personal opinion, but we all know i get ridiculed for it so I'll just leave it open to speculation. Basically as far fetched as it may seem the recorded geometry indicates some unknown unatural form of energy interfering with Rita.

Ophilia earlier in the year was just as strange.. as it wondered up the east coast like a drunken sailor. Also bearing anomalous heat geometry.

So what have Hurricane experts and meterologists, etc, hae to say about these bars?
As far as I know they have about as much clue as you and I might have, I dont think they even address it, I think some say they are infra red gliches, but those are completely physical , fading in and out.. bearing geometry that fits around the storm, Definately not a glich. There physical heat entity's that dont appear to have a source.

seeing as we are lowly humans and are yet to actually understand the weather fully it couldbe anything but if i were to hazarda guess it could be caused by changed in air repssure, inducing friciton between air molecule in the atmosphere causeing a heat build up which by the motion of the hurricane will just keep increasing till the pressure kinda is moved by the wind only for it to start again ???:P

or its aliens or the soviets being naughty
What about those waves that jets let out that altered the weather..*or something* that was posted here a while back about Katrina.

I really have no idea what those are. Definately a great find. Kinda makes the mind go round.
Well I don't want to raise this point but during the 50's the US were publicly seeing if they could change the weather to stop hurricanes, they had to stop because the Cubans thought it was being used a natural weapon, it is possible that they have since improved upon they’re technology.
But would such electromagnetic activity cause emissions in the infrared band?

I wouldn't of thought so after all infrared is heat only sensoring - Plus what the hell would make that quantity of EM radiation in the middle of the ocean in front of a hurricane?
Why would someone attempt to steer a hurricane into a densely populated area?

Beats me.
N.P.C. said:
I wouldn't of thought so after all infrared is heat only sensoring - Plus what the hell would make that quantity of EM radiation in the middle of the ocean in front of a hurricane?

Well all EM that is emitted by emitter bodies is heat, but the radiation that the earth's surface and our bodies emits tends to be in the IR band.

Is this kind of signature actually anomalous for hurricanes though?

Actually looking at it, yes, the signatures do follow the hurricanes, but that could be to do with the fact the reciever is also focused on the hurricane.

I did some meteorology, but didn't get into the radiation of hurricanes. I did the mechanisms of hurricanes (cyclonic winds) and radation of the earth's surface.

Are there any secondary sources for this affect? If it only occurs on one satellite, it has got to be a glitch within the satellite itself.
I would actually like to hear about this. When I was 15, I wanted to be a meteorologist. I even thought really hard about it. Took a few clases Freshmen year..learned the cloud formations and everything. Then that died about 1/2 way through the year. Still intriguing though.
Be serious here, cos we all know your a paranoid conspiracy freak (sorry), Those bars are just glitches on the IR scale of some kind, they are lined up too perfectly to be anything natural, and no way would any country attempting to steer a hurricane put something that visable to everyone on the map, any average joe would see it. Most likely a glitch or smaller cyclones from the wind from the main hurricane. (Now go take off your tin foil hat -_-)
clarky003 said:

This is highly odd.

Carefully watch the begining for the 5 parallel heat signatures just off the coast of Houston, and the huge low temperture arcing bar that appears instantly over a vast distance deep inland after Rita makes her way ashore.

Id give my personal opinion, but we all know i get ridiculed for it so I'll just leave it open to speculation. Basically as far fetched as it may seem the recorded geometry indicates some unknown unatural form of energy interfering with Rita.

Ophilia earlier in the year was just as strange.. as it wondered up the east coast like a drunken sailor. Also bearing anomalous heat geometry.


So what would a normal hurricane look like then?
New Scientist talked about Hurricane Redirection methods, but the project was abandoned, becuase when you redirect a hurricane, it's still going to hit somewhere, and kill people, and the people left alive are going to sue.

-Angry Lawyer
I want to hear clarkys opinions.

Let the man speak goddamnit.
I'm gonna have to agree with Joims.

It's either aliens or the Russians.
If those where glich's they are highly random and odd, glich's are often mono and appear similar as frequent blips or cuts in the image that are completely out of place (there are few cut glich's you can see top right of the storm as it moves inland). The heat signature's fade in and out as if heat is being gradually applied geometrically to the area of the atmosphere, also observed around other Hurricane's it makes it highly unlikely that a 'glich' would only appear at those times on multiple IR satelites.

That is a normal Hurricane apart from the anomalies, but if you study closely, you'll notice how the Hurricane respond's directionally to the presence of the signature's, especially the arc signature as the Hurricane is fully inland.

No matter how strangely illogical it may seem, It strongly indicates unatural energy being omitted in that location of the atmosphere which generates enough heat to show up on the IR imagery.
Clarky, could you please qualify your statements with examples of your understanding of weather patterns, how satellite imagery works, and how false colour images are made?

Because its all too easy for an uneducated person to claim that Armstrong never landed on the moon, when that person is bereft of a few choice facts.

It could have been a glitch, like saturation for example (I'm not familiar with the satellite equipment but this could be a likely cause). They do follow the frame of the detector (which is also the same frame as the hurricane), so it's difficult to tell what it is.

The best way to qualify this as something that is not a glitch would be to find another infrared observation, independent of this particular satellite. Otherwise it will be nothing more than speculation.
Also it would be wise to observe it in something other than infrared.

But single pieces of evidence do not stand well on their own, if there is a backup to show that this is more than a glitch, this will show some substance.
Parrot, I know what your getting at but comparing me to someone who doesnt believe the moon landings happened is a bit condescending to say the least,

Its just my opinion after seeing how Infra red images dont normally come up with harsh well defined geometry with a lasting presence of hours around the presence of a hurricane event.

Even the harsher reds of the eye fluctuates and changes in pattern over time but the anomalies are constant for a given period of time. I know that as the Hurricane drift's further North when in the gulf it becomes subject to the West to Easterly winds which encourage it to flow upward and along the Southern most states.

the false colours are a result of the preset's for the image in that particular band of the spetrum. The emitted heat in the infra red band is detected as stronger and weaker levels, each has its own colour depending on the strength of the signal that corresponds with the different wavelength's of the infrared band. which shows up stereotypically as red to green , hot to colder. But you can assign any colour you wish for the false image.

I know your attempting to question my integrity, probably since you think Im crazy.. in hope to discredit my opinion, I dont know a heavey amount, heck im not even familiar with the particular statelite but I know enough to say that isnt normal and its odd that they appear in and around recorded weather phenomenon, It has a real lasting presence which isnt like an over saturation problem with the detector, if it was that why is it restricted to those irregular shapes, if the detector is circular.. the arc glich would likely show up centered in the screen and not have a possible diameter that extends well outside the field of view if it was a technical glitch, but this curiously all occurs within the timespan around the locality and extremes of the storm.
clarky003 said:
I know your attempting to question my integrity, probably since you think Im crazy.. in hope to discredit my opinion, I dont know a heavey amount, heck im not even familiar with the particular statelite but I know enough to say that isnt normal and its odd that they appear in and around recorded weather phenomenon, It has a real lasting presence which isnt like an over saturation problem with the detector, if it was that why is it restricted to those irregular shapes, if the detector is circular.. the arc glich would likely show up centered in the screen and not have a possible diameter that extends well outside the field of view if it was a technical glich, but this curiously all occurs within the timespan around the locality and extremes of the storm.

If you care to point out where that's happening (label it in paintbrush or photoshop maybe) and I'll take a look. Because all I can see with these animated gifs is activity that is fixed with respect to the detector. It's a bit unfortunate that the hurricane is fixed with respect to the detector too, since it's hard to tell what's going on.

Glitches can be random, erratic, there's thousands of reasons why technical glitches may occur. When I've been detecting data before, I did get a lot of different kinds of anomolies.

I'd like to witness this same event from a different detector, if that's possible.
well really then there is only one way to truely know weither this is a glitch or not and thats to get your hands on a few satelites and run some experiment's :P, but it is hard to tell, if you could stop the detector from tracking and just have it idle in the path that would explain alot more. , the pulsing of these anomalies on ophilia seem timed, suggesting that its detecting the change externally, rather than a highly unlikely random internal changing 'patterned' glitch thats again coincidentally localised around the edge of the storm.
I'll do that... once I successfully lay siege to Cape Canaveral and hijack all their space shuttles :E
Must. have. answer's.. so I shall join ye. :E

If people havnt seen this it's worth a look, Bearden gives this brief presentation that I recommend for both skeptic's and non skeptic's of 'Tesla technology' and unified field theory.

I've actually been messing around on space shuttle simulators so it shouldn't be too difficult to do :D
yeh I got into that program you posted a while back, trying to fly to mars and from Mars back to earth, obviously you speed up time but I always miss and get lost in space :D, frustratingly funny.
Yeah, heh, it's a bit difficult when Mars is only a speck in the sky.
Okay something that was just brought to my attention when discussing this with another friend:

1st Session

S. 517

To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.


March 3, 2005
Mrs. HUTCHISON introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation


To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005'.


It is the purpose of this Act to develop and implement a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modification policy and a national cooperative Federal and State program of weather modification research and development.


In this Act:

(1) BOARD- The term `Board' means the Weather Modification Advisory and Research Board.

(2) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR- The term `Executive Director' means the Executive Director of the Weather Modification Advisory and Research Board.

(3) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT- The term `research and development' means theoretical analysis, exploration, experimentation, and the extension of investigative findings and theories of scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and testing of models, devices, equipment, materials, and processes.

(4) WEATHER MODIFICATION- The term `weather modification' means changing or controlling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial methods the natural development of atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the troposphere.


(a) IN GENERAL- There is established in the Department of Commerce the Weather Modification Advisory and Research Board.


(1) IN GENERAL- The Board shall consist of 11 members appointed by the Secretary of Commerce, of whom--

(A) at least 1 shall be a representative of the American Meteorological Society;

(B) at least 1 shall be a representative of the American Society of Civil Engineers;

(C) at least 1 shall be a representative of the National Academy of Sciences;

(D) at least 1 shall be a representative of the National Center for Atmospheric Research of the National Science Foundation;

(E) at least 2 shall be representatives of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the Department of Commerce;

(F) at least 1 shall be a representative of institutions of higher education or research institutes; and

(G) at least 1 shall be a representative of a State that is currently supporting operational weather modification projects.

(2) TENURE- A member of the Board serves at the pleasure of the Secretary of Commerce.

(3) VACANCIES- Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

(b) ADVISORY COMMITTEES- The Board may establish advisory committees to advise the Board and to make recommendations to the Board concerning legislation, policies, administration, research, and other matters.

(c) INITIAL MEETING- Not later than 30 days after the date on which all members of the Board have been appointed, the Board shall hold its first meeting.

(d) MEETINGS- The Board shall meet at the call of the Chair.

(e) QUORUM- A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number of members may hold hearings.

(f) CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR- The Board shall select a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members.


(a) PROMOTION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT- In order to assist in expanding the theoretical and practical knowledge of weather modification, the Board shall promote and fund research and development, studies, and investigations with respect to--

(1) improved forecast and decision-making technologies for weather modification operations, including tailored computer workstations and software and new observation systems with remote sensors; and

(2) assessments and evaluations of the efficacy of weather modification, both purposeful (including cloud-seeding operations) and inadvertent (including downwind effects and anthropogenic effects).

(b) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE- Unless the use of the money is restricted or subject to any limitations provided by law, the Board shall use amounts in the Weather Modification Research and Development Fund--

(1) to pay its expenses in the administration of this Act, and

(2) to provide for research and development with respect to weather modifications by grants to, or contracts or cooperative arrangements, with public or private agencies.

(c) REPORT- The Board shall submit to the Secretary biennially a report on its findings and research results.


(a) STUDIES, INVESTIGATIONS, AND HEARINGS- The Board may make any studies or investigations, obtain any information, and hold any hearings necessary or proper to administer or enforce this Act or any rules or orders issued under this Act.

(b) PERSONNEL- The Board may employ, as provided for in appropriations Acts, an Executive Director and other support staff necessary to perform duties and functions under this Act.

(c) COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES- The Board may cooperate with public or private agencies to promote the purposes of this Act.

(d) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS- The Board may enter into cooperative agreements with the head of any department or agency of the United States, an appropriate official of any State or political subdivision of a State, or an appropriate official of any private or public agency or organization for conducting weather modification activities or cloud-seeding operations.

(e) CONDUCT AND CONTRACTS FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT- The Executive Director, with the approval of the Board, may conduct and may contract for research and development activities relating to the purposes of this section.


The heads of the departments and agencies of the United States and the heads of any other public or private agencies and institutions that receive research funds from the United States shall, to the extent possible, give full support and cooperation to the Board and to initiate independent research and development programs that address weather modifications.


(a) IN GENERAL- There is established within the Treasury of the United States the Weather Modification Research and Development Fund, which shall consist of amounts appropriated pursuant to subsection (b) or received by the Board under subsection (c).

(b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There is authorized to be appropriated to the Board for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Act $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2014. Any sums appropriated under this subsection shall remain available, without fiscal year limitation, until expended.

(c) GIFTS- The Board may accept, use, and dispose of gifts or donations of services or property.


This Act shall take effect on October 1, 2005.

So there we have it! Teh Americans just legalised cool assed weather control devices but on a serious note this is what a friend of mine had to say:

"I'm sorry to say but this is already going on lol not to mention what we haven't been told that has been rolled into "Black Projects" that we are unaware of. FYI China and Russia have been researching this for the past 20 years so if we truly are in fact just starting the research now then sadly we are far behind.

Also on a side note there were a few sources around the net and from places such as weather.com that had some VERY weird radar/Doppler/infered shots of the storm were there were some weird things going on in the Hurricane. Some of the weather reporters were saying they have never seen such returns (talking about the radar etc) from any storm and none of them could explain why these returns would even comes up.

Diagnostics were run from what I heard on one of the Doppler stations right in the NOLA area and all checked out ok, this was one of the stations that pulled some weird images of the storm as it came into the US from the golf. Makes you wonder if someone has found a way to affect the storm in some way.

I am aware of the power that it would take to effect a storm of this size incase anyone was going to say that but just think if someone found a way to not stop but nudge and steer the storm, the earlier you start to nudge the storm the less power it would take to move it as it would have more time to nudge slightly.

These effects were seen in one sort or another in both Katrina and Rita (Rita was to a lesser extent but the unexplained IR and Doppler effect were still there) I have some Doppler pics of Katrina if anyone wants me to post them."
Ion cannons firing five ion beams at the surface of the water, causing it to heat up. Just before making landfall they reduce power output causing the anomalie to disappear

[edit] my mistake, the red areas are the cold areas, these areas would mostly be low pressure areas, but they are too low in temperature. As a matter of fact, these could be tornadoes
It could be possible a "weather controller" device that acts to generate stronger and faster hurricanes in a centralized focal point.
I for one hope it is the arrival of the tripods. Now that, is an apocalypse.