River Run

Jul 17, 2003
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Whats up its me and oyu know where I live right. So in Laughlin Nevada the yearly biker run is going on and laughlin is very close like 20 minutes away tu sabes? So theres a shitload of bikers, gang banging, car shows, etc just some down ass shit.

Last night there was already a Mongol executed by the Hells Angels on the outskirts of Laughlin so there might be another shootout in a casino like af ew years ago (They had a giant shootout and the cops quarantined the entire city when it happened) but yeah besides that theres a hell of a lot of cool shit is anybody up here going? Damn its tight theres a car show just up the street even within walking distance seriously. A little drunk on river run Saturday but I edited as many errors as possible :P
All the bikie gangs down here have sworn a truce of peace after a recent shoot-out.
Gangs were destroyed 30 years ago by military crackdowns, a recent 300 police raid, biker gangs no longer exist.
Danimal said:
All the bikie gangs down here have sworn a truce of peace after a recent shoot-out.
Heh. That'd never happen between the Mongols and Hell's Angels. Shootouts are common occurance between them. The only reason the one in Laughlin got so much attention was because

It involved like 100 gunmen and guys knife fighting
It happened inside a casino/skyscraper building
It happened in the middle of the casino with thousands around
The entire city was shut down and most people were stuck inside (most workers live in neighboring cities, my parents were stuck inside the city when it happened lol)
Retaliations took place all over with that night various gang members found executed on the outskirts as far as California.
Do cops try and break that shit up when it starts? Or do they let the problem fix itself?
Pesmerga said:
Do cops try and break that shit up when it starts? Or do they let the problem fix itself?

No, the cops are paid to chill at the police station all day.

you ask ****ing dumb questions, Pes
Black Pete, are you a cop? Are you the authority on the subject? Shut the **** up dumbass, go troll some other forum.
Pesmerga said:
Black Pete, are you a cop? Are you the authority on the subject? Shut the **** up dumbass, go troll some other forum.

You're the dumbass, you think cops don't do anything when people shoot eachother on the streets. Stop spamming with your ridiculousness.
I have a Hells Angels compound near my house, they store bikes and god knows what else there, it's like a 45 minute walk. There are ALWAYS bikers going by my house.
Pesmerga said:
Do cops try and break that shit up when it starts? Or do they let the problem fix itself?
Eh it's impossible to because there's not enough cops in vicinity (stretched to the limit during this weekend event) and by the time they arrive on scene it's kind of over.

Firefights don't tend to last that long. It's nothing to do with any laziness of the police force or anything but it's just physically impossible to stop it after it's started because it's going to be over so fast. And Black Pete I assure you there are no cops sitting in the police station doing nothing. All forces are stretched to the maximum limit, this is the 3rd largest bike gathering in the world.

Here is a detailed report of the police's rapid response to this exact incident. Please check this out


Laughlin, Nevada, 80 miles south of Las Vegas on the Arizona border, hosts the annual ‘Laughlin River Run’. It is attended by up to 80,000 bikers from all over the Western United States. Most are enthusiastic bike lovers who just want to enjoy a good time. But the remaining are violent gang members who hate the police, carry weapons, traffic in drugs, stolen contraband and revel in intimidation. The police call them the “one-percenters” who have no regard for public safety or social order. The merged Clark County Sheriff’s Office and Las Vegas Metro Police Department is responsible for patrolling 7,500 square miles including Laughlin. Over the years there had never been any real violence during the “River Run” that the police could not handle; although precaution was taken by calling in more officers from Las Vegas during the event. However after 2001, the police had received documented information of a coalition of outlaws being formed that were at odds with the Hell’s Angels. The rift between the factions was of not much concern as they were separated by distance of several casinos or miles. Friday evening the police noticed certain individuals posturing, walking into a parking lot, encompassing another group’s booth. Officers who were sent to respond were surrounded by gang members, a common intimidating tactic, where they began kicking, punching the officers. Additional officers were sent to break it up and disburse the crowd. Las Vegas was requested to send more troops to cover Saturday. Even though Mongol gang members were staying at Harrah’s in Laughlin; most of the Hell’s Angels were across the Colorado River in Bullhead City, Arizona. Hell’s Angels made it clear to the police that they neither wanted nor needed police to intervene. They were outlaws and they’d take of themselves. Offers of police protection should an incident occur were derided. AND they assured the police they weren’t there to cause trouble nor to engage in a physical confrontation, which police weren’t buying for a minute.

Having witnessed knives, exposed and hidden, guns and other weapons hidden in the discussion with the Angels; the police knew they had potential for problems. Combined with the ‘mini-confrontation’ on Friday night, this could forewarn of a violent eruption Saturday night. But after 2:00AM that night, things were winding down, streets clearing and violence was not expected. Most officers were just coming down from 10 and 12 hour shifts. Sgt. Gary Hood of Las Vegas Metro was coming in to his billet at Harrah’s. Officers staying in the hotels assured a constant police presence. On his way in, he was passed by Hell’s Angels on the street headed for Harrah’s – invading Mongol’s territory. He knew there was going to be trouble and radioed in for backup. As he and Officer Craig Olson arrived a security guard ran out yelling “They’re fighting”!!! Hood headed in and quickly backpedaled when he realized his radio wouldn’t transmit in the casino. The dispatcher in Vegas, who had taken Hood’s first call, then heard nothing until he had cleared the casino. Then she heard gunfire. Not knowing the number of officers deployed in the Laughlin area, she had to stay focused on the events as she could listening and sending the information out. Although there were many ‘active shooters’, the two officers went back into the inferno. What greeted them was a wild killing scene. Clearing the slot machine bank, they viewed bikers filling the whole casino floor. People with guns willing to pull the trigger; people lying on the floor; people lying in pools of blood. Here were two police officers vs. 150 people in a shootout. At least two bikers scurried past Hood and Olson, and after one biker turned to fire towards Sgt. Hood, Hood fired. The biker dived behind a bank of slot machines, apparently not hit.

Strangely, no one had run from the scene. People bleeding to death…knives soaked in blood…people shot…others just gone to ground…screaming…hysteria…a bloodbath. Then – suddenly the bikers just stopped. No one knows why. Was their business completed? Did they run out of firepower? Were they unaware there were only two officers thinking there were other officers behind? One thing was certain, the “one-percenters” total intent was to do their ‘business’ cops or not. It also seemed to underscore the distinct possibility the outlaws had counter-intelligence on the law. There remains no doubt that this was a planned event; an act of aggression by the Hell’s Angeles. Dozens of other officers and fire department personnel from Las Vegas, Arizona and California rounded up and treated the combatants. How to identify the participants was to come from the numerous surveillance cameras at Harrah’s which were immediately locked down and confiscated. The evening wasn’t over. The City of Laughlin was put on immediate lock-down – no one out – no one in. Lack of communication with law enforcement/fire departments prevented officers – especially SWAT- from knowing that medical personnel were inside or any easy means of LETTING them inside. Confusion reigned as many badly injured outlaws had shucked their gang ‘colors’ to avoid identification. Some attempted to continue to fight while injured. Others simply fled the area as quickly as they could; some “one-percenters” went back to their rooms at Harrah’s Only one ’tri-state’ hospital was available to treat the dozens of wounded and injured outlaws. Even though injured persons from opposing gangs were separated, it was the trespassers that could have deliberately or inadvertently caused further bloodshed. The police took a pro-active approach. The hospital was shut down with officers stationed at possible trouble locations; parking lots separated for employees; people surveyed closely for weapons. Outlaws and witnesses were interviewed and all outlaws were videotaped – which later was used to try to match them to the surveillance tape as either a participant --- or a killer. This terrible night and morning of violence has led to a better communication system between all resource departments and all personnel in those departments – as the police have vowed this night will never be repeated on the Laughlin River Run

Officially, four outlaw bikers died; three of gunshot wounds and one stabbed to death. However, it’s believed several more that ran from the scene may have later died from their injuries. Police say at least 100 rounds were fired by the bikers – 17 guns were recovered from the casino floor; calibers from .22s to .45s. In addition another 100 weapons were also found later. Sgt. Hood and Officer Olson carried an H&K .45 each. Sgt. Hood also had a can of pepper spray. 78 Hell’s Angels and 32 Mongols were taken into custody. Only one outlaw, Hell’s Angel Calvin Schaeffer was arrested. Surveillance video clearly showed Schaeffer shooting. He was later released pending formal charges. As of June 2003, no charges have been filed. Because of overwhelming evidence against a number of outlaws, it’s expected a grand jury will hand down indictments later in the year. The normal complement of police for a River Run was around 150. That number was doubled for River Run 2003. Only 30 Hell’s Angeles returned for the ’03 River Run. They were ‘shadowed’ so heavily by authorities that, within five hours of arriving, they left town complaining they were being followed. Authorities did not identify any members of the Mongols gang at the ’03 River Run. At the ’03 River Run, all officers were issued flex cuffs. Digital pagers were issued in an effort to further maintain discreet communications among officers. Bullhead City (AZ) P.D. allowed a repeater to be added on their side of the river, enhancing communications lacking the prior year. Both Sgt. Hood and Officer Olson were awarded the Medal of Valor, the Las Vegas Metro P.D.’s highest honor for bravery. They still patrol for the Las Vegas Metro Police out of Laughlin
Yeah. The real question is why?

Pesmerga said:
Black Pete, are you a cop? Are you the authority on the subject? Shut the **** up dumbass, go troll some other forum.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Yep. The transcript I posted shows Black Pete that officers on the scene put their lives on the line in this incident

I was being sarcastic because Pes was in doubt that police officers are paid money to do their jobs.
Black Pete said:
I was being sarcastic because Pes was in doubt that police officers are paid money to do their jobs.
Oh okay I feel like a dumbass now when I go back and read it. My bad. haha.