<RJMC> not so weird news of the day: big booty=big brains


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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Women with curvy figures are likely to be brighter than waif-like counterparts and may well produce more intelligent offspring, a US study suggests.

Researchers studied 16,000 women and girls and found the more voluptuous performed better on cognitive tests - as did their children.

The bigger the difference between a woman's waist and hips the better.

that explain a little bit some things

Which is exactly why I love going to a relatively prestigious university. There are beautiful, intelligent women here in droves. Droves.
uhh my research of the common hoodrat leads me to believe that this study is wayyy false my friend.
Which is exactly why I love going to a relatively prestigious university. There are beautiful, intelligent women here in droves. Droves.
We only got rednecks from north country in my community college. :( Valley girls, girls married, girls with kids, girls with bf, girls that come from weird countries, and a person that looks like this:

The only way that i could identify it as a she was that I caught it going into the girls bathroom. Plus we don't have dorm rooms. Ouch. Oh and people that look 20 but are really 16. Also old woman. Plus the nursing students are annoying as hell.
Assume that women with large posteriors are more intelligent than women with small ones.

Let x = Kim Kardashian


---> Contradiction ---> Women with large posteriors are not more intelligent than women with smaller ones.

I do love me some ass.

We men are like zombies. Ass = brains. Men are always after ass which = brains. Delicious, curvy, firm brains.
I am talking about hips too

but since the ass in behind the hips and under the abdomen then technically is part of the hips isnt?
Assume that women with large posteriors are more intelligent than women with small ones.

Let x = Kim Kardashian


---> Contradiction ---> Women with large posteriors are not more intelligent than women with smaller ones.


Ugh... that's a nasty looking butt.

I'm not huge on posteriors unless they are shapely. I don't like 'big booties'
I happen to find the enlarged gluteus maximus region quite nice, to be perfectly honest. I'm sure you other male members of this site cannot deny that when a lady enters you view, with a smaller than average waist, but round buttocks, and places them in front of your line-of-sight, you get 'sprung'.
why everyone mention so much the ass?, is the hips as it say in the article
Apparently the most attractive proportion of hip to chest (or bum, can't remember) is 0.7. Or something like that.