<RJMC> weird stuff of the day: masterchief got married


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
On November 3, 2007 Moviesign made a Forge map in Halo? 3, and set up what his girlfriend of over two years (furtive penguin) thought was going to be a two-on-two match with his friends. They started the game and Moviesign led furtive penguin to a spot where he claimed he'd put an energy sword.

Instead there was a nice top-down view where he had spelled out a proposal in weapons. He then asked her to be his teammate for life.


terrorist: one last counter terrorist in the map....I got him"
counterterrorist:wait...first look at the rest of your team..
*all the terrorist in some weird way form the letters "will you marry me?"*
terrorist: oh my god thats so cute, I love you
c-terrorist: get near them to take a screenie
*terrorist get close the rest of the team*
c-terrorist: ok....*trows grenade*
terrorist: what the-*blaaam*
-counter terrorist wins-
well I suppose with all the old style romantic gestures being proclaimed as corny, there has to be more coming out. Still, nice work by the mapper. He could give that thing out for others to propose with also.
...Wow, that is sad.

How the hell is that romantic? Proposing in a video game? Good christ, and Halo 3 of all games.

That man is going to have a hell of a time explaining the day he and his wife married to his kids.
Oh come on, as far as proposals go, that ****ing wins. How many of you wish you could ask your/a girl to marry you via a video game, and get away with it.

Comic book material.
Asking her in the game is not too bad, let just hope they won't decide to do the whole ceremony in the game.
well I suppose with all the old style romantic gestures being proclaimed as corny, there has to be more coming out.

Aha, so I guess this beats the hell out of the "corny" taking her out to a nice place and proposing face to face.:rolleyes:

"How did you and mom get married?"

"Well son..."

That man is going to have a hell of a time explaining the day he and his wife married to his kids.

Why the hell do you guys immediately assume they're going to have kids?
Talk about old fashioned...

Oh man, I would so do that... and promptly get kicked in the nuts and left behind.

No. More likely there would be an awkward silence followed by the "player has left the game" message.
it's not sad
the guy wanted to do something different. Sure, everyone can go with the boring old flowers+restaurant+candles shit, but at least this guy put in some effort. That is creative
according to me this is pretty sad (like the guys who got married in WoW )
it might have been cool if it was a better game but because it was halo 3 he gets a 2/10
I'm so Jaded I'de probably just go "so, fancy getting married...don't have anything else planned TBH".
Moviesign: I love you so much! Will you marry me?
Furtive Penguin: Yes! I wi-
If I had a girlfriend who not only played video games with me but also accepted a wedding proposal via a video game, that be awesome. Granted proposing over a game, is kinda sad - but I'll give him points for at least being creative.

Vagina + Vidya Gaymur = winner
Did nobody read RJMC's Dialogue?

Oh my rofl.
And then they both got killed by snipers.