RL: Game ideas for group gatherings...


Jul 11, 2003
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Hola all...

I've joined a team this semester for college students...
anyhoo, we're in charge of a weekly meeting of about 200 college students, it's semi-formal, so some people dress up, orthers don't.

One of the task we have is two "games" for the attendees, one group game where everyone participates, and one game that involves 2-10 of the atendees.

I'm not the greatest at comeing up with ideas for this kind of thing, so figured I'd ask here. The meetings take place indoors, so there isn't a whole lot of room for running around, and since some people dress up, it can't get too dirty.

Some examples of things we've done before would be:

Group Games (Everyone)
What happens next?
We show the begining of some clip of the net, just the first few seconds, and list 4 options, everyone chooses what they think will happen (Groups are usually entire tables BTW...so the table can discuss amongst themselves) Table with the most points wins.

Random Trivia
Anything from dumb state laws (In Florida it is Illigal to to:
A: Shower nude
B: Sleep in public
C: Sing
D: Eat roadkill)

That kind of thing...again thats on a per-table game...

and for indevidual games...
Squit Alkaseltzzer with a water gun off someones face
Use a rubber band to hold an alkaseltzer tablet to someones forehead, and have a team mate use a water pistle to dissolve it...this one kinda pushed it a little...

Office chair race
Get in groups of two, one pushes another person sitting in a chair around a lap race...

I could really use some help getting new ideas for this...age group is naturally 18-22...

Thanks in advance for any ideas
Everyone in a group represents a person on a sinking ship who made it onto a single life raft. Assign people randomly, and also give them various "items" that they brought with them (like a rope, some gasoline, money, a mirror, etc.) Then tell them that their life raft is too small to hold everyone and all of the stuff, so they will have to throw away half of the items. Then, have them decide which items to keep and which ones to throw away.

Approximately half of the items will be worthless (like shark repellant and a map) but other things which seem innocuous are extremely useful (a mirror (for signaling ships) and gasoline (for lighting on fire over the water to signal planes))

Then, tell them what was useful and what was worthless, and the group that has the most useful things gets the most points and wins.

Island Hopping
Divide the room into two groups of people.

Place six wooden platforms (the kinds used in warehouses to stack things) in two groups of three at opposite ends of the room, three per group. Give each group exactley one 2-by-4, and make sure to place the platforms just far enough so that the 2-by-4 cannot reach all the way across. Then, tell them that they have to make it one at a time from one platform to the other without touching the carpet using only the one 2-by-4. The group that makes it from the first platform to the third platform first wins.

The trick to this is that since the 2-by-4 cannot touch the carpet, and it is not long enough, it will require teamwork to keep it in place as one person crosses to the next platform, and its actually very difficult to do.

*Suprisingly, this is still mad fun*
Hide and Seek. You may think it's childish, but damn, it's mad fun to go outside, have a block radius *or more or less depending on how many people* and just...have fun running around.

Go exploring the world in the middle of the night. Find a lake, walk around it, a forested area...an abandoned building.

Rave dance to techno.

I gotta pee, so no more suggestions from me!
Hide and Seek. You may think it's childish, but damn, it's mad fun to go outside, have a block radius *or more or less depending on how many people* and just...have fun running around.

I'm 17 but still play it sometimes when there are free periods at school, in the hall with a dark stage (so on the stage basically), it's great fun. Also found dismembered toy babies underneath the stage.
Everyone in a group represents a person on a sinking ship who made it onto a single life raft. Assign people randomly, and also give them various "items" that they brought with them (like a rope, some gasoline, money, a mirror, etc.) Then tell them that their life raft is too small to hold everyone and all of the stuff, so they will have to throw away half of the items. Then, have them decide which items to keep and which ones to throw away.

Approximately half of the items will be worthless (like shark repellant and a map) but other things which seem innocuous are extremely useful (a mirror (for signaling ships) and gasoline (for lighting on fire over the water to signal planes))

Then, tell them what was useful and what was worthless, and the group that has the most useful things gets the most points and wins.

Honestly, I always hated that game. I think I tried one version with the raft, and one where you crash landed on the moon....

Hide and seek does sound like it would be fun. Also, I've always liked human knot.
throw socks filled with flour at each other while screaming the alphabet.
Get a hooker that is practically a carrier ship of STD's and let her loose on the campus.

There are no winners in this game. Just sweet morning-after misery.