Roach Problem


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
or is that noob problem
either way there seems to be an influx of them all of the sudden

reopening dead threads
annoying Sulkdodds
spamming useless theories
creating boring threads

we need some discipline. i await the jack boot of tyrannical justice eagerly
(not for me though :E)
You can't ban someone for being a "noob". :|

Edit: Just wait for the warning system. :thumbs:
Can't do anything about noobs except pound the search feature into their heads.
or we could beat them to a bloody pulp and be shouting "USE THE ****ING SEARCH BUTTON!!" but thats just my opinion
You can't ban someone for being a "noob

The truth. :(

Although, logically, all stupid noobs should eventually get smarter. Logically. Hmm.
If you see a noob post where they should have used search, then report the post.

In the report post box, paste a link to a thread that should have been used by the noob before they posted their own post.

"use search; www.better link"

Moderators can then sort them out for you
Annoy Sulkdodds and spamming? Pray tell, would that be me you are talking about? :p :E
It's not noobs that are the problem, it's stupid people :) We should go slap each of them round the back of the head.
I'm annoyed with noobs bringing back dead theories.


They start saying thins like "anybody else think that the combine aren't human?" or like "I have a theory, that the striders are the combine versions of animals from other planets".
john3571000 said:
or is that noob problem
either way there seems to be an influx of them all of the sudden

reopening dead threads
annoying Sulkdodds
spamming useless theories
creating boring threads

we need some discipline. i await the jack boot of tyrannical justice eagerly
(not for me though :E)

i would just like to say in defense of those intelligent noobs who end up being a quality part of communities such as this one...

some times new people want to add a comment or two in an old thread and since they are new and couldn't contribute earlier, the only other option these new people have is to start a new thread about it... and then along comes a raging forum "vet" telling that new member to use the search feature and to post in previous threads.

the circle is endless and vicious....if ur a person new to this place, ur in trouble if u post to old threads and in trouble if u create new ones.

just give these guys a break sheeesh :P
How about you do neither? If you are so interested in the topic, go read the thread that has been posted on it already. And if you want to discuss it more, hey, guess what, there are more forums on the internet than this one!
Don't learn them how to use search, because then they'll just revive all the dead threads.

It's Resident Evil all over again! :O