Robert Jordan dead!


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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Dunno how familiar you guys are with the Wheel of Time series of fantasy novels, but the author Robert Jordan - a pretty damn prolific name - died last night.

Thought this'd be of some interest to you guys that like to read a bit.

Author Robert Jordan, whose "Wheel of Time" series of fantasy novels sold millions of copies, has died of a rare blood disease, his aide said Monday. He was 58.

Jordan, whose real name was James Oliver Rigney Jr., died Sunday at the Medical University of South Carolina of complications from primary amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy, his personal assistant, Maria Simons, said. The disease attacks the body's major organs; in Jordan's case, it caused the walls of his heart to thicken.
A very sad day. He was a great author and as was clear from the blog he began after he was diagnosed with the illness he was a very decent human being.

He was one of the best fantasy writers of his generation and he'll be missed.
I didn't like the novels at all but this is a shame. :(