Robert Plant + Pearl Jam = cream my pants

Hmm, interesting, would have like to see that kinda show, oh well.

Are the Pearly Jammers making a new album??
$25,000 for private boxes, only dedicated fans with money to burn would ever buy that
Yeah, it's a pretty insane amount of money. They were probably all jumping around in their Armani suits, then drove home in their sports cars...
Robert Plant...solo?

I'm sorry, but without the whole band as Led Zeppelin (even John Bohnam even though he is dead) it isn't worth seeing.
I have a feeling that Peal Jam's new album will be pretty average. Hopefully I'll be proved wrong but then again their last effort wasn't that good :(
Not better than Ten. Ten is the best album all round, but most of their best songs are on other albums, like Yellow Leadbetter (b-side), Dissident, Off He Goes, etc.
Yeah I noticed that too. I have all of PJ's main releases but only like a couple of weeks ago I discovered Yellow Leadbetter, Alone, I Got ID, Save You and State Of Love and Trust.

I'm hoping the new CD will be more like those types of songs you know? When they actually rocked and played faster tempo songs, I guess I just got a bit dissapointed to the fact that Pearl Jam evolved into a more mellow band. Still, even today Pearl Jam's weaker songs and albums are far better than what any other alternative band's are putting out these days.