Rock Music and aggression


Sep 18, 2005
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No this is not some Christian "rock maks u kill, lol" thread. :|
I made this thread to ask if anyone knows why rock music seems to bring you into this kind of aggressive trance. Is this because of testosterone and if so why would rock music cause this steroid like effect? How is a sound supposed to do that, how does it work?
Eh... it personally doesn't inspire much aggression from me, but then I'm not really a rock fan. I can get it from other genres though, but even that largely depends on the nature of the song itself.

Something about loud, harsh music, I guess. Especially in a live environment where you're surrounded by a bunch of other energized guys. That's when mob mentality sort of takes over, with people yelling at each other, throwing their beers, and whatnot. That's why I think that people act that way because it's sort of expected. Not saying it's conscious, but you've just sort of trained your way to act in regards to certain things.
It depends, when I hear something like Cream or Traffic, where the rock is a bit more bluesy, it's very calming, but when I hear like...Wolfmother or Judas Priest, I get pretty aggressive and start swearing for no reason.
Listening to rock definitely gets me a bit pumped up at times.
No idea though.
I think hard rock has a therapeutic effect. For me it zaps negative emotions. It makes me feel slighly more aggressive, but most of the time as soon as I stop listening I return to normal.