Rock, Paper, Shotgun interview Minivera Creator


May 6, 2005
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Rock, Paper, Shotgun have an done an interview with Adam Foster the acclaimed creator of the acclaimed Minerva mod. (Yes I know I used acclaimed twice in one sentence, but I don't care!) This is a great interview with Adam talking about the Minerva itself, assistance given by Valve and much more besides![br]
RPS: What sort of assistance/input have Valve given on the most recent chapters?[br]AF: I went out to Bellevue again in June - for an unfortunately cancelled mod developer?s conference. I?d already booked my travel, and it was a shame to waste it? So I got a few days of nattering to Valve personages, playing their games (I can point out absences of bugs in Episode Two and Portal which were my fault!), and best of all - I got to see Robin Walker and Marc Laidlaw play through the in-development MINERVA.[br]Which was a bit of an eye-opening experience. The former played it almost through FPS shorthand, effortlessly pointing out potential pitfalls and problems for unwary players, and then broke the scripting in the let?s-destroy-the-facility underground blast by demonstrating that bored players could jump down the shaft to his or her death. He knew what players might think, so he knew what to test.[br]The latter? Well, he truthfully demonstrated how someone could run entirely the wrong way down corridors, and get utterly and completely lost in a seemingly linear map.[br]It was great. ;-)
Check out the interview here and enjoy!
Thanks for the PM Crispy but I saw this before I checked my PMs :O

Awesome interview. I already can't wait for Out of Time even though it has at least another year to go.*

Metastasis is one of the best FPS games I've ever played, let alone mods.

Good interview.

I'll have to bookmark RPS, loved all the stuff from them I've read in the past weeks.
Something he said about the big mods that are large overtakings was a bit disconcerting. He mentions Black Mesa: Source specifically and I would hate to see it fall apart because the scope and vision that the team working on BMS may really be too big.
Worse case scenario BMS probably have enough content to release an episode of the mod. I'm not sure if they've been working chronologically though. Because it's a single player which already has a solid template, the core assets could easily be finished by now, with only the maps and map testing to go.