Rockstar's Table Tennis for the XBOX 360


Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone up for Table Tennis? :angel:






Video here, but the video looks much more clear and crisp on the official website:

Bringing back the fun in Table Tennis I say...
Official site with more videos and Screens:

What do ya think? I don't know, I may even buy it heh. Looks interesting enough.
It looks nice but i'm not a fan of table tennis - nor am I a fan of tennis style games on consoles. I just don't like controlling something in 3 dimensions with an analogue stick... it's tricky to master and half the time it is more fluke than skill.

The 3D engine that powers this game is the same one that is powering GTA4 though.
That would probably be sweet with Wii controller.
The controls are actually quite simple. Move around with the left stick, charge up your shot/spin with the right stick, aim with the left stick while charging your shot, and release to return your volley. That's literally all there is to it.

Which is part of the reason why I don't really like this game. I rented it out today, and it's just too shallow for me. Granted, I'm not a fan of sports games to begin with, but there's just not a whole lot to the game. The graphics are amazing, though.
Table Tennis is a cracking game in multiplayer. I've been playing it for weeks now - good stuff, if limited in single player.

Well worth the asking price.
Rockstar: Keeping the Mature rating hidden.

Holding a ping pong paddle with the pen grip style is so much harder to play in real life, but it can give you wicked fast ball speed and rediculous spin.


Pen grip is how I play in real life...
Not any harder to master than the standard grip, which allows more versatility I might add :thumbs: .
lePobz said:
The 3D engine that powers this game is the same one that is powering GTA4 though.
That is exactly what I thought when I got done thinking this was all a joke. Of course they are just trying out the engine and seeing what it can do, but they are getting fans involved offering a great party game to boot (though real ping-pong is actually more fun). Still, it looks and plays great (from what I hear), so GTA IV should be a pretty damn fine title when it drops!
Qonfused said:
Rockstar: Keeping the Mature rating hidden.[IMG][/QUOTE]
