Rome: Total War screenshots thread.


Aug 7, 2004
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Seeing as how just about everybody who wants the game has the game, I thought it might be a good idea to start a screenshot thread for all the cinematic goodness thats in R:TW.

I took this one a few days ago:

Teh Link

I'll upload more when I get a little time.

Edit: For those that don't already have it: FRAPS is a great little tool that can take screenshots and videos of your games. Plus its free. Also, Ripway is a great site for hosting your pictures.
i love the game. i just think the clashing when two armies get into a battle, it looks lame. ppl just stand around, they dont even look like theyre hitting anything. looks really bad. but the game itself is teh sweet.
I want it, i need the money....i think im going to..kill for it...
*Stares at guinny**Pulls out a knife*. *Eyes turn red and walks tword Guinny's copy of Rome: Total War*.
MY Precious.
Back on topic, please. I'll grab some screens in a minute.
My empire.

Greece was a real pain in the ass to fight against. He just kept attacking my cities with decent armies. In real frustration I trained a large army, big enough to crush Greece.
And I succeeded. :)

I wouldn’t have succeeded though if I haven’t had my superior General, named Amulius Brutus (he had a nickname witch was ”Amulius the Mighty”). He had fought many battles against Greece, but too bad he retired after I crushed them. :(
Dammit stop giving me reasons to install this. I just came back from a Lan and I'm outa HDD space.

/Shakes fist
Is there any reason why half the strat map is untextured?
Kyo said:
Dammit stop giving me reasons to install this. I just came back from a Lan and I'm outa HDD space.

/Shakes fist

Disable System Restore. Right Click My Computer > System Restore tab.

It stole 7GB from my HD before I disabled it.
Loke said:
My empire.

Greece was a real pain in the ass to fight against. He just kept attacking my cities with decent armies. In real frustration I trained a large army, big enough to crush Greece.
And I succeeded. :)

I wouldn’t have succeeded though if I haven’t had my superior General, named Amulius Brutus (he had a nickname witch was ”Amulius the Mighty”). He had fought many battles against Greece, but too bad he retired after I crushed them. :(
ew, automanage :p
This is only about half of my army attacking....
but you don't get to see it because the picture is too big and I can't get it smaller. There are about 2,000 of my guys, mostly calvary.
As if you dont turn system restore off anyway.

And kyo, last time i checked, has already done this. LAN is good for spying other ppl's comps :)
StardogChampion said:
Disable System Restore. Right Click My Computer > System Restore tab.

It stole 7GB from my HD before I disabled it.

1. I allready have that off.

2. I got 130+ Gig from Valhalla in Anime, TV shows etc no warez I swear *yeah right*

I'm tempted to unistall Evil Genius but I havn't finished it yet.
Looking at Lokes screenshot, I notice that Scotland and everything north of that line is cut off...Is it really like that? o_O
Farrowlesparrow said:
Looking at Lokes screenshot, I notice that Scotland and everything north of that line is cut off...Is it really like that? o_O
Yup. they missed the most important country ;(
well, the romans didn't venture into scotland that much. they got stopped, and that's why they built hadrian's wall.
They didn't just stop, and the often have troops on "the other side" of the wall...nevertheless, this game may be called "Rome: Total War" but its cleary not just about the romans, and seems like it would have made the whole thing a little better if they had the boundary just a little further north. England didnt take over Europe, north africa and parts of the middle east in the 1300's but, in Medieval total war I still managed it...I wanna take Scotland damnit! :p
Ne one wanna give me some money to buy this game? I got none.
How much does it cost? I might be able to get the money :).
Farrowlesparrow said:
They didn't just stop, and the often have troops on "the other side" of the wall...nevertheless, this game may be called "Rome: Total War" but its cleary not just about the romans, and seems like it would have made the whole thing a little better if they had the boundary just a little further north. England didnt take over Europe, north africa and parts of the middle east in the 1300's but, in Medieval total war I still managed it...I wanna take Scotland damnit! :p

Just play the game before you start complaining. And if you have already, then...uh...why aren't you busy playing the game? :p
One tiem I was Flavius Julius and I had like 200 guys and the Gauls had like 3 hundred and seventy.

I pwned them :sniper:
Jack_Karverboy said:
One tiem I was Flavius Julius and I had like 200 guys and the Gauls had like 3 hundred and seventy.

Yep, same here. When I came in a battle against a Greece army they had around 800+ men, when my army was on something like 450 men... Amulius crushed them into pieces. :E
Farrowlesparrow said:
I wanna take Scotland damnit! :p
Nooo... never!! nobody can beat our secret weapon... lifting up our kilts!!! :O muhahaha.. you shall all perish.. muhahaha :devil:
Immortal said:
Nooo... never!! nobody can beat our secret weapon... lifting up our kilts!!! :O muhahaha.. you shall all perish.. muhahaha :devil:

I never did quite get that...maybe the enemy just fell over laughing because Scotland is usaually so cold...;)
dart321 said:
What do you mean? The burning oil at the gates is a very old defesive tactic that was used by a lot of Roman cities.

Edit: Scotland? Where's that?

I knew it was done in real life, but I didn't know it could happen in the game.
StardogChampion said:
I knew it was done in real life, but I didn't know it could happen in the game.

Ah, I thought you we're being sarcastic because you thought it was a bug or something. Couldn't really tell. :smoking:
Tinneth said:
He looks unusually...old..for someone who is 16.

True, and I dont think being bald is a step towards Godlike Perfection either :stare:
I noticed you guys have more than the default number of soldiers in a group. How do you do that, I can only merge units when they've taken casualties for some reason.