Rosie O'Donnell leaving "The View"


Sep 22, 2003
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1 said:
NEW YORK (AP) -- Rosie O'Donnell's stormy tenure on "The View" will be a short one. The opinionated host was unable to agree on a contract with ABC, and she'll leave the show in June.

"My needs for the future just didn't dovetail with what ABC was able to offer me," O'Donnell said in a statement Wednesday.

"This has been an amazing experience," she said, "and one I wouldn't have traded for the world."

O'Donnell has helped raise the ratings for the daytime chat show invented by Barbara Walters. But her outspokenness has caused almost constant controversy, including a nasty name-calling feud with Donald Trump that placed Walters squarely in the middle.

"I induced Rosie to come back to television on 'The View' even for just one year," Walters said. "She has given the program new vigor, new excitement and wonderful hours of television. I can only be grateful to her for this year."

Walters was frequently left to clean up the damage after O'Donnell. She did it most recently Monday, when O'Donnell was criticized for using bad language and attacking Rupert Murdoch from the dais of the annual New York Women in Communication awards luncheon.

"I would like to point out that Rosie's view is not always mine," Walters said. "I would like to say for the record that I am very fond of Rupert Murdoch."

In the Trump imbroglio, O'Donnell was reportedly mad that Walters did not come more swiftly to her defense, while Trump said Walters told him she didn't want O'Donnell on the show -- a claim Walters denied.

Statements by public figures are being watched more closely in the post-Don Imus era. The lobbying group Focus on the Family said it was preparing to contact advertisers on "The View" as part of a campaign against O'Donnell. The group is angry at O'Donnell for comments they feel were insulting to Catholics.

Despite controversy -- or maybe because of it -- O'Donnell was good business for ABC, owned by the Walt Disney Co. Ratings for "The View" during February sweeps were up 15 percent in key women demographics over the same time in 2006.

Thank god. Now her radical opinions may be kept to herself, hopefully.

And is it just me, or did my TV get thinner?
Last time I saw that show was in 1998 or 99 when my mom would watch it at home...sooo

Butbutbut I want Donald Trump to keep making fun of her :(
Meh, that show wasn't the worst on TV at least..I got quite a few chuckles out of watching the little segments.
I havent watched that show but it looks like a kind of shows that soccer moms love and unhappy housewives
I would personally donate money to a fund an organization that has the sole purpose of stuffing her mouth full of cake to keep her from talking.
Never watched the show, but if it gets Rosie off the television... it's great in my book.
Someone should send her to South America, where hopefully they mistake her for a pig (not hard to do) and kill her and eat her.
If the news was that Barbara Walters was leaving The View I wouldn't have posted it.

But it's Rosie O'Donnell, everyone hates her, and it's fun to hate things and mock them.
I don't watch TV, I don't give a shit one way or another.
My art teacher was talking to us about the V-Tech shooting, and somehow Rosie came up, and how she was all abotu the anti-gun laws. Then on day someone said to her how she was all anti-gun, but she had five armed bodyguards with her at all times, and how she had replied, "I'm a celebrity, someone might want to hurt me".

Well first off, if we're talking about Rosie, NO SHIT is someone gonna wanna hurt her.

So some douche in my class goes off about how durr, she's a celebrity, she needs protection, durrhurr. So I yell, "Who gives a shit if Rosie O'Donnell dies?" No one raises their hand, nothing. But then Mr. Douche says something like, "I would, she entertains me." And I just ignore him, because, well, he's a whiney douche (oh god is he whiney).

I don't even know wtf O'Donell does. She used to be an actor, right? Like, ten years ago. Last I heard she just hung out and acted like an ugly lesbo. Whatever.
heh some of you are just plum dumb ..why do you care what she says or does? I mean there are far more intelligent people saying a heck of a lot worse things than she ever will yet they get little notice from your everyday run of the mill knuckle dragging internets troll

howard zinn, noam chomsky, arundhati roy, rashid khalidi, Tariq Ali etc etc etc fact here's a long list of people who are much more critical of the government than Rosie could ever hope to be

....picking on the retards is just mean and puts you at their level
This thread got way too serious considering it was made in a joking context.

Alright everyone, deep breaths, lets get through this.
why? it's just so much easier to change the channel ..give me someone who actually has something poignant to say, I'd much rather debate them then someone who's prone to believing silly conspiracy theories
Wait... are you replying to me? I meant the douche in my class. Rosie O'Donnell, I don't even know who the **** she is.
I hate Rosie to the point that I enjoy making fun of her.

Is that so wrong Mr. Stern? Watching her on TV doesn't deeply disturb me or anything, and I enjoyed the Donald Trump vs Rosie vendetta that happened in the last few months.
Wait... are you replying to me? I meant the douche in my class. Rosie O'Donnell, I don't even know who the **** she is.

heh, nevermind then :)

Baal: it's not so much that some of you hate her but moreso that it's the popular thing to do ..usually from people who support bush, the war, are anti-gay pro gun, etc least at the heart of the hatred for Rosie O'Donnel ..around the perimeter of the that there's the everyman who picks one or two things he finds disagreeable with Rosie (which in itself isnt bad because she is fairly disagreeable) and feeds into the hatred of the first group in essence you're agreeing with idiots

dont feed the idiots
I don't see any reason people shouldn't comment on how they feel about her leaving. I mean, it's no less valid a thing to care about that any other borderline retarded entertainment story in the headlines. So yeah, it's pretty useless.

But come on, she was just another hack comedian. She tried to make up for it by being pseudo political, but really she was just being stupid. I mean, wasn't it you Stern that posted that thing where Alec Baldwin bitches at his kid? That's a pretty stupid thing to care and comment on too ... so why are you complaining about people who expressed that they're glad that another dumb, annoying TV personality is off the air?

Personally I don't really care ... I can probably count the number of times she's stayed on my TV for more than 5 seconds on one hand, but whatever.
this pretty much explains all of your points except the baldwin thingy:

but I'd like to stress this part of it most:

cptstern said:
..there's the everyman who picks one or two things he finds disagreeable with Rosie (which in itself isnt bad because she is fairly disagreeable)...

on baldwin: it was more that people didnt think calling their 11 yr old daughter a pig was wrong than anything else ..I couldnt care less about baldwin either way excepting that he's a bad parent