Rotoscopy in XSI


Aug 16, 2003
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Oooh Rotoscopy = big word :)

Okay so I've got my background picture in XSI (Camera Properties, Rotoscopy, I assume this is right). But when I zoom in and out it won't scale with my object, so I cant zoom in to get the detail, I have to see it all in the one view.

Also I cant scale the picture up (only down :( ) with makes it very large, and thus updated in that viewport very slow, is there anyway to speed it up?

And while im here is there a "grow/expand" tool that will move all points/components the same distance outwards. With the scale tool the distance moved is proportional to the distance from the centre. I want to move the selection directly outwards from the centre, like scale does, but by the same amount for everything. Those who have Photoshop might know what i mean, im thinking of the tool from that :)
put the image on a single poly, make it unselectable. If you've got pictures from other angles put them on polys and match it up, much easier to model strange objects like that, they'll move and rotate and zoom in when you zoom in just like normal then, and you can see all the different sides at once.


second question: just scale out universally, if the origin point/pivot point is in the wrong place to get it right, then move that (center) or use another type of coord system or some other object or point as the center/pivot/origin.
When rotoscope is activated on a viewport you will see a small magnifying icon near the camera icon on the view's title bar. This will lock you mesh to the current camera zoom.

If you use a drid+texture - it can be a pain with multiple planes (left, front, top, etc.) coz you have to make sure the images are exactly the same size.
softmonkey said:
If you use a drid+texture - it can be a pain with multiple planes (left, front, top, etc.) coz you have to make sure the images are exactly the same size.

Exactly.. if your gonna do concepts from different angles, its going to cause problems if none of them match correctly.. So it'll force people to do them properly. Which means far less errors later.
Another tip for working from blueprints or any line drawing...

Make sure your images align for each plane, e.g. if you have some drawings of a car that the length of the bonnet in the side view is the same as the length of the bonnet in the top view and its width here is the same as the front view .... photoshop work required.

Once they are matched. Copy the image and create an alpha channel. Paste the image into the alpha channel and invert it...

So the image looks like this...

and the alpha channel looks like this...

Save the file as a psd or tga

Next go to XSi and create a grid with no subdivisions and scale it to the correct proportions. Apply a Material>OGL Alpha Transparency shader
Change the texture to the one you created. In the OGLAlphaTrans node, turn off Depth test.

You should have something like this...

If you don't have a line drawing to work from them you can apply a Material>OGL One Pass. Set the blending to ONE and ONE and turn off depth test again.

{edit} make sure your viewport is in realtime shader mode. you can change individual display options on a per object level - check out the docs on this {/edit}
As for the expand tool - I am not too sure what you mean here but you could try the deform>push tool. This will make points expand outwards along their normals.

This tool is can be linked with a weight map - or you can directly paint it on the model by selecting the mesh and going property>Map Paint Tools>Push Paint Tool.
You can then paint exactly where you want the model to expand.

Another option if you want to manipulate points is to turn on proportional modelling (right click on the button for more options)

Or another way is to select the mesh (or points/polys/edges) and go Get>Primitive>Control Object>Volume Deform
This tool you can manipulate to adjust the points inside the volume. You can unhook it by shift+v and move it about, hook it back on, and continue modelling.

If any of these aren't what you are look for, can you explain what you are trying to do.
I cant get the OGL Alpha Transparency thing 2 work, it just shows a wireframe view (checked im in Realtime Shaders)