

Aug 3, 2004
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well i've decided to make more models before i make the mod site. so here is what i've done so far. started this today. i was shocked to find that this model actually took more skill to model than the lever action carbine and double barrel shotgun. i assumed it would be easy because its basically a large cylinder, but wow...i was wrong. well here are the renders(not done with the gun yet) when i just added a symmetry. as u can tell there are copys of the aimers(there are only supposed to be one on each side), so dont worry too much because i'll delete those later. i'm not sure if i can finish this model today because i got school and such. any comments on what i have done so far would be nice. i'll post the polycount with the final render of this weapon. :)
EDIT: i'm most likley gonna redo the handles. they look way too blocky. well...i'll see how it turns out first.


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looks decent. Why did you decide to mirror the model instead of modeling the whole thing?
good question. most likley because i was really tired this morning and somehow i got the idea that i should only make half of the model and now that i think about it....yeah...it was a stupid idea. i know why this shit is happening. its because i havnt made something in a while. :| well thats my guess. i mean just modeling this piece of cylinder crap took me over 2 hours. i'm losing my marbles.
wait wait wait...u modeled half a cylinder out of a box to make a weapon that is mostly a perfect cylinder ? ..
hahahahah lolz ..interesting ... nice modeling anyhow i have new found respect for it ;)
ok i just finished adding both the sights, trigger, and that lever thing. and last the rocket. sadly the rocket took 330 polygons and the model without the rocket is 3k poly. gonna need to do some serious optimizing. i think i'm mentally retarded because i made the barrel have like 12 sides. o god damn. i think i'm gonna take out the two extrudings near the end of the gun(with the weird things sticking out). your not gonna see them ingame anyways. i also know other spots where i need to take out polygons(they arnt supposed to be there in the real gun). i think i'm also going to optimize the rocket because ur not gonna notice the little stick when it shoots out and how many grooves it has, etc. lets just say i got a lot of deleting to do. the handle also looks very plain and i need to add screws. i've decided not to redo the handle because the guy is gonna be holding it most of the time so u wont really see how blocky it is. here are the renders. enjoy. :) comments would be nice.


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Your model has improved alot since the first post. Good job. If you want guidelines for optimizing the polies you can post the wireframe like your last model so we can see where those nasty polies are hidden.
looks ace man as usual, maybe just smooth the grips a bit? they seem too squared off - but Im not sure how they look on the real thing.
ok i optimizied it alot(removed the two things in the back, etc.). the current poly count on just the weapon is 2600. the rocket is still 330 so my whole gun model is 2930. still too much. i havnt optmized the rocket yet because i'm not sure how i'm gonna do it. i've also noticed that my shading gets a little screwed up when i optimize. look at rpgi.jpg. look to the right a little on the round barrel part. there are like weird lines there. dont know why it does that. :| well here is the wireframe. tell me what to optimize(especially on the rocket). and yeah if someone knows how to make a 12 sided circle into a 10 sided one with just a click of a button...that would be awesome. but i doubt there is such a thing. i think the rocket is 12 sided just to let u know.
EDIT: i've been looking at this model: http://www.insurgencymod.net/images/media/rpg7.jpg they modelled it somewhat differently than mine(dont know if they had good reference pictures), but...their rocket has a shitload of detail and i just wanted to know if any of guys happened to be in that mod team because i want to know the polycount on that thing. just to see where i stand. i doubt anybody from there talks in here. but its worth a try.


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Looks good to me. Of course you could have used cylinders with less sides but its not too bad. Seems to be some polies at the aim thing at the top but I can't see very well, look carefully where there are holes, you don't need too much sides for holes. Also, all the faces that are inward the model and can't be seen can be deleted. Like for all the "rings" (4) (rpgwirei.jpg).

Do you have MSN xC4RN4G3x? You can add me [email protected].
yeah i dont think there are any faces that are facing inside the model. how many polygons should i make my rocket? if i have a 2930 polygon model...i dont think its gonna be running too smoothly.
EDIT: oh and yeah i rarely use MSN but i might start to. i've found that most of the "professional" people use msn(rather than AIM). do u have any idea what we would talk about? i have an image in my head of our conversation: "hi", "how are u doing?", "good not bad", "i see", "so yeah....", "ok then...", "yeah....", "do u know where to find the subobject trillinear, vertex modifier in 3dsm?", "what the hell is that?", "ummm i dont know but it sounds cool.", "oh i see", "yeah....", *signs off*.
lol just messing. i'll add u once i get my msn up again. :)
You should target 2500 but 2900 is not that bad, it will run correctly.

If you use that model for displaying it completely (on another character or on the ground), you can also make LODs for it. Make other versions with less sides that will be used when you look at the model further away. Otherwise if that model is only used in first person, you could delete the back of the model (if you don't see it in the animations).
yeah thats what i was thinking about. and yeah i know about the different view models as well as the level of details. hey uhh 1337 do i have to remodel the whole thing or is there a thing where it just chops off polygons? i mean i dont want to remake the model just for displaying it on the ground ingame. :|
EDIT: question also. ok i've been thinking about normal mapping and...i feel kinda like shit. i dont have 3DSM7 and the plugsins for 6 just dont seem as "official" as the builtin normal mapper for 3dsm7. will i be able to produce normals maps with plugins just as effectively as people who use 3dsm7? and will it be just as easy?
DOUBLEDIT: i'm gonna go watch a movie now so feel free to make a LOOONG post. i would find it more satisfactory when i come back to see a page long reply than a short: "yes it will be just as good and easy." u might even want to incorporate useless information just for the hell of it. :D have fun. go wild. oh yeah. CRACKHEAD HAS BEEN UNBANNED!
yes it will be just as good and easy.

Just kidding :) Well, kind of. The advantage of using 3dsMax7 is that you can do anything in the same package without the need of plugins. Other softwares can generate normal maps with the same quality. I tried Kaldera and ORB. I don't remember to have done a good normal map with Kaldera. It might be good but I guess it's not very intuitive cuz I never managed to get it right. I did my first working normal map with ORB. This proggy is free so its already a good point. The only disadvantage is that it's more command like oriented oh and also there are like alot of options you can use (commands, parameters) and to generate good normal maps you have to use one in particular and it's very very slow. With that setting it took me 26 minutes to generate a 1024x1024 normal map. When I used the normal settings the result wasn't good (very difficult to explain but lets just say it was wierd at some spots).

I don't really know about the plugins for 3dsmax6 you were refering to so I can't help you on that. You could give it a try but don't expect much.

So, what should you do? Use ORB if you want a good free solution (you'll have to learn the commands, not that hard to learn cuz there are examples) or "buy" 3dsMax7. If you add me on MSN I can tell you a good place where you can find it for a very low price.

There is a modifier in Max that allows you to reduce the ammount of polies automatically but it's not a good idea to use those kind of modifiers for game models. As I always say, control is the key. When you use those modifiers you can't control what polies are removed and your model will be very messy after that (real headache to texture). The best way is to do it manually. Removing polies is not very hard and doesn't take too much time.

Sorry if my post wasn't long enough but it's bed time, work tomorrow.

"If you add me on MSN I can tell you a good place where you can find it for a very low price."
MUAHHAHAHAHAHAH u gave me a good laugh there ahahahha ......im going to add u i want in on it ;).
as for the normal mapping its a sinch in max7 its just so easy and amazign to use i fell in love with it im trying to normal map every asset i can get my hands on now :D .
26 minutes to render a map is really not worth the wait.
edit:btw what is ur email addy :S ?
haha, nice post 1337. :) i'm gonna add u and hopefully u can get me a really nice price :D. cleaning up my model to create low detail ones might take a while for me. awww oh well. hard work equals a good mod. :)
Ti133700N said:
Looks good to me. Of course you could have used cylinders with less sides but its not too bad. Seems to be some polies at the aim thing at the top but I can't see very well, look carefully where there are holes, you don't need too much sides for holes. Also, all the faces that are inward the model and can't be seen can be deleted. Like for all the "rings" (4) (rpgwirei.jpg).

Do you have MSN xC4RN4G3x? You can add me [email protected].
yeah....there it is. :eek: :eek: :eek: :D