RRRRR....Psi-ops stole my idea.


May 15, 2003
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Man this sucks. I just got done playing psi ops and I am really dissapointed. Not in the game, the game was pretty cool. I am upset at the use of psi powers in the game, simply because since half-life 2 was first annouced over a year ago I have been working on an idea I thought was rather original.

It involved a character and his abilities to use tk powers. I was blown away by the use in physics in the original e3 demos and it hit me. Originaly my idea was the use of "Force" powers for a starwars like mod(no mod currently known). Then one day I got this idea on how cool it would be to manipulate things in your world like the gravity gun did, except you would be using your mind.

My idea is still different in a lot of aspects so I still plan on continue the concept and layout. Its just that i was bummed that psi ops came out with the "moving stuff with your mind" first.... :frown:
If it makes you feel any better, they likely stole the idea from countless other games that had gone before.
ahh, brings back the mamories of System Shock 2

gotta love that game ;)
To the degree of being able to manipulate just about everything in the enviroment? well like I said I still think that I have idea that I dont think any one else seems to have done, there might have been things somwhat similar, but not really exactly what I was thinking.

oh well, the good thing is I am now aware of the mstakes or things that needed to be improved upon.

Smart man say....."A wise man learns from his mistakes.....yet an even wiser man learns from others mistakes."

I also had a similar idea, but the Psi Ops guys just did it 1st.
a telekenesis mod would only be good if you actually moved the object without using a keyboard or mouse... There is actually the technology for people to execute commands like "move" or "stop" with a special helmet like device that reads the brain patterns and matches them to the recorded command... but i think it's too clumsy to do object movement....
I know how you feel, I wanted to make a mini Half Life series starring Gina, but that was already done in Half Life: Decay.

:( ;( :(

Send me your pity.
Well if there is one thing the entertainment industry has shown us it's that no matter how many times an idea is taken, "reimagined" and spit back out, it will still make money, be hailed as a "revolutionary step forward", and bought as new buy the public so I'd say you're ok.