RTCW Beach invasion on TF2?



Well I felt this would be a good place to put out a thought for a project.
I was just thinking how much I would love a tf2 remake of Return To Castle Wolfensteins Beach Invasion. Its one of my favorite pub maps of all time and I think it would fit tf2 perfectly. Only change would be instead of cap the docs Id prefer it bieng capture point gametype one to blow the wall and the second in the doc room itself. In between the beach rush stair ways sniper nests etc I think this map with some tweaking would be fantastic.

Beach Invasion for Enemy territory plus screenies.

I made a thread on the steam forums and people love the idea. Anybody planning on mapping for tf2?

Map description as follows...

Axis Tactics
In a way, the Axis has the upper hand here. All they need to do is waste as much of the Allies' time as possible. Time runs out, Axis wins. Simple as that. If you have large enough teams, send some teammates out to the beach, preferably an Engineer and a LT. Engineers can defuse active dynamite, and the LT can call in air strikes on those irritating snipers. Not many people realize that LTs can call in air strikes with their binoculars. It eliminates the need to get up close and personal with a sniper to score the kill. With Axis teammates raising hell on the beach, the opposing team will start to feel the heat. A gunner in the bunkers, an Engineer defusing bombs, and a man on the beach entertaining snipers and busy Engineers is all you need to run minutes off the clock before the Allies even step foot inside the seawall.

After the enemy has breached the wall, it's a good idea to withdraw your defense inside the base, with a majority of your forces within the document room itself. It's no secret that the Allies are headed straight for the documents, so you might as well plan for it. There are three possible points of entry: the vent near the generators, the closed door, and the open entryway. Pick a location and watch it carefully for signs of movement, but look out for Panzerfaust rockets and grenades. They cause problems. If you see that closed door open up, it's a good sign someone is on his way in. Just make sure it isn't a teammate before you unload your clip.

Keep someone on the prowl near the transmitter room in the event the Allies are able to snatch the documents. If they do succeed in escaping the room, documents in hand, make a mad dash to their next destination, the transmitter room. Once there, guard the front exit leading to the bridge and the rear exit at the top of the stairwell. From then on, it's Custer's Last Stand. Don't let the enemy step foot in that room. After you regain those precious papers, make a beeline back to the document room, and get ready to repeat the cycle.

Allies Tactics
If you have a large team, send a sniper to the far right side of the beach. It's a great spot to say hello to enemies in bunkers having too much fun with the mounted machine guns. From the start, have two Engineers make a dash for the seawall door and to the breach in the wall on the right. After you've made it to the wall, stay close to it; otherwise, the mounted guns in the elevated bunkers will be able to take a couple inches off your height. The Axis team knows exactly where the Engineers will be working, so you need to cover your teammates. One possibility is to create a diversion that draws attention away from the working Engineers.

Keep the Axis member in the nearest bunker "entertained" long enough for Engineers to set the dynamite, then look for enemy Engineers hoping to defuse your hopes and dreams. Depending on team size, one breach may be all that is necessary to get your team safely inside. The more people entering through one bottleneck, the more juicy targets presented to the enemy. So for large teams, open both entrances. The crumbling wall is the easiest to take out because the surroundings provide natural cover while Engineers do their work.

You know that by this point the document room is going to be like a fiery hornet's nest. Once near the document room, have a medic leave a Hansel and Gretel breadcrumb–like trail of med packs for you to devour upon your dash to the transmitter room. It always helps to throw a couple of grenades into the room. This obscures your opponents' vision or, better yet, tenderizes them a bit before you make your grand entrance. After you have the documents, run over the health packs to help absorb some of the damage you are likely to receive.


Hi, its funny you should mention RTCW, as I have just remade mp_base for TF2, I am considering experimenting with objective modes, as there are class specific filters for triggers in the FGD, which means, engineer only trigger points! not sure how it would work in TF2, but it might be worth some experimentation
i never played rtcw multiplayer, only ET, i thought you meant the beach map from ET where you have to blow up the big gun. that map rules.

and the map with the 'old city' where you had to take the old city, blow up the wall then destroy 2 guns with dinomite. that was also a brilliant map i'd love to see remade.

and the map where you escorted the tank through the city then had to steal the gold from the bank, then escort the truck to the exit. that REALLY owned.

in fact pretty much all the ET maps were absolutely brilliant. shame ETQW sucks :|
I remember that, clearing bunkers with the flamethrower and such :)

It's a good idea, but the difficulty with mapping for TF2 is that if you wanna make the map take place in a new environment, textures have to be made (and models too probably) and that's hard to do for TF2 since it's a very specific art style. You could of course make this map, but without a beach but in an urban environment following the same basic layout and tactics as the RTCW map.
This could be great fun, TF2 needs more open areas. The entire map could use Dustbowl textures only.