RTM - looking for a few good team members



Hi, Im Mobius from the up and coming fantasy mos, Return to Mana. I'm the concept guy.

Currently we have alot done on this mod, custom textures, custom normalmaps, custom specular maps, custom cubemaps, custom ingamemodels, custom physics properties, custom surfaceproperties, just to name a few.

Already we have maps completed and many of our models completed.

Currently we are looking for extra team members to help with the workload, due to the many maps, and characters/enemies in this mod we need

1) Animators
2) Modelers - less experianced should apply for the mid-poly
monster position
- also we need a person able to creat realist
3) Skinners - As we are using 100 % custom textures and
skins, anybody who is willing to help is
encouraged to apply

Feel free to email me at [email protected], or visit the RTM forum at http://soma.mods.de/intern/


In an effort to attract more people to this mod, everyone who replys will get a free trip to the end of the internet
Not adding anything really constructive here, but this is the best looking mod I've seen and the one I am looking forward to the most.

Good luck and let me know if I can make movies in your levels.
Yeah it looks great, but I'm just a beginning coder and you don't need those :).
Hmm, I like your work a lot very nice looking, but first you've strayed away from most of what appealed to me with SoM, namely the gorgeous water color work, and then there is the foxability factor of the mod. So while the different look does reduce the chance of work being lost, there is still the fundamental problem with using somebody else's IP. Both a moral issue for me and an issue that I may be committing my time to something that may never see the light of day due to legal issues.

In short, cool looking mod, but you don't have the appeal to really interest me. So I wish you the best of luck and if you keep turning out such great looking work I may even give the mod a try when you release. I don't mean this as an attack, I just want to give you some feedback as to why you may not be getting the members you need.
while I appreicate your concern, we have contacted squaresoft, now square-enix and been told that since som2 was never licenced in america, there is now ip problem.