RTS + BF + Jet Force Gemini = Battalion Wars


Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I got a new GameCube game this weekend. It's called Battalion Wars. I really like it. It's a real time strategy game and it's pretty tough so far. It's part third-person shooter with infantry/tanks/arty/helos/planes that you can drive/fly thrown in there. You can jump to whatever unit you want at any given point in time. It's part RTS where you tell all your units what to do and where to go. For any given mission you may have 10 riflemen, 6 bazooka guys, 6 flame thrower guys, 2 arty peices, 5 light tanks, etc. and you can tell either the whole army, all units of certain unit type or individual units what to do and where to go. Despite the heavy third person elements, putting your units in the best possible places is the key to the game and really drives home the strategy elements.

Part third person shooter - Jet Force Gemini
Part vehicle combat - Battlefield 1942
A lot of strategy - RTS

The story is good so far. You're a part of the Western Frontier Army which is based on the U.S. army. You start off fighting the Tundra Army which is based on the Soviets. Eventually a new enemy, the Xylvanians based on the German Army, enter the fray and force the Westerns and the Tundras to work together.

I love the game, but if I had to give a negative it would be that you don't ever manufacture new units. You may resuce forces on a given map that will join your team, but you don't have an economy and you don't build new units. You may get reinforcements, but never decide the types of units you use.

All in all, a very fun game. I'd reccomend it to strategy fans and/or third person shooter fans.
Thanks for the link to the gamespot article. Seems to be a pretty fair review. I don't find ordering units to be as difficult as they suggest, but it might get a lot tougher later on. I'm probably about 7 missions in I'd guess and it's already a challenging game.
Im thinking about picking it up... not sure though.