Russian Society Before the WW1...


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
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Serious thread, Do not post unless it's a well thought-out contribution to the question.

Alrighty... I've only got two days to get this 4 page essay in...
Please post any helpful information that may contribute to getting this essay completed quicker... Information relevent to the subject matter that is.

Describe Russian society before the First World War. Pay particular attention to Russia's social structure,
economic development, and political system. What were the changes brought about by Stalin? Be sure to consider
the economic, political, and social changes that occurred in the Soviet Union.
To what extent did the Stalinist system resemble Russian society during the last years of the Romanov dynasty?
Including some analysis of Russia's participation in the First World War and the early years of the Bolshevik regime might be necessay.
Just wondering why you haven't used the internet or gone down to your local library and done most of this research yourself?
Hectic Glenn said:
Just wondering why you haven't used the internet or gone down to your local library and done most of this research yourself?

Time is of the essence. D:

I slacked off the past few days (parties ftw.)... and I just got a reminder in the mail just now.

And I have work in a few minutes.
xlucidx said:
I slacked off the past few days (parties ftw.)
Ahhh so you've been slacking, doing nothing/very little, so we should do it for you. Good point, cmon guys Lucid is in the shit, lets do the work! You get back to work and your parties Lucid, we'll write it for you too :)
Not do the work, just post some info.

Stop being so hostile. :|

I'm not!? I'm just pointing out that your reasoning that you've been partying and slacking isn't exactly best way to ask for help. It's more of a 'got what you deserved' feeling. Anyway, good luck, the Russian society pre-WW1 experts don't come online till 9ish, so you'll have to wait till then. Tally ho.

Autocratic, Absolutist hereditary monarchy.

Peasents formed the majority of the population.

ComradeBadger said:

Autocratic, Absolutist hereditary monarchy.

Peasents formed the majority of the population.


Russia is also a keyword.
Well actually no partying is not the only reason it is a paper for my older sister not me and she is a full time college student and works 3 jobs so she hardly has anytime for anything
and shes been doing papers for other classes in between jobs and school so she was wondering is anyone had done a similar paper to help her out and make the process go a little faster....
So if anyone could help her out she would really appreciate it, she's not asking you to write the paper she already has stated it and was asking for alittle help from someone who might had done something similar, so if you have anything to offer besides a smartass comment that would be cool if not thanks anyways. :)
I've done a University presentation on Reform and Revolution on Russia.. so I know quite a bit.. I'll try and help tomorrow.. I've got other stuff to do now.
As regards to this:
To what extent did the Stalinist system resemble Russian society during the last years of the Romanov dynasty?
you may want to mention the idea of a Degenerated Worker's State. Obscure terminology can impress an examiner, or it could make them think that you're a pretentious twit.

Good luck!