Russian talkshow madness!

Loved the kicks- first, kee-yah to the stomach, she goes DOWN. Next, BAM! boto to the head! pretty cool. Must've hurt like a mutha, though.
This makes Jerry Springer look like a Disney film by comparison.
Wahay! Now that is why i wana go visit those Russkies!
Man the kicks were awsome when they guy kicked someone into all the junk on the side of the stage. BADASS!!!
I feel the sudden urge to perform a leaping kick on a bride...

*runs away in search of bride*
*Jumps up and down*

You see?! We're not the only violent ones!
StardogChampion said:
Errrr, fake. Old.
Like in the old westerns, all they need is a banjo to start playing fast music and it would be an official brawl.
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