Sacred 2 demo


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
The English demo for Sacred 2 has been released. Part 1 was a reasonable Diablo clone and with the 2nd installment Ascaron went 3D. Downloading it atm. Did anyone play this yet?

This has been out for almost a week now. :p
Never tried it, didn't like the first one.
cool thanks for the headsup
the first one was quite enjoyable
i'm definitely checking this out
This has been out for almost a week now. :p


yeah, I know. Didn't get around to download it and there wasn't a thread so ...
It's a waste of bandwidth, don't bother. Very basic hack 'n' slash, abysmal voice acting, very unimpressive graphics. And the UI doesn't even work. None of the icons were clickable and I couldn't even click the button to exit. ALT-F4 -> uninstall.
Sounds just as bad as the first game.
The demo was HORRIBLE, save yourself the time and dont download it. Basically what Shakermaker said.
hmm that's too bad
the gameplay trailers looked pretty promising
Yeah I really though it was gonna be a good game... oh well...