Sad Face


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
It just accured to me that episode 3 is supposedly the end and well, it kind of upset me a little bit to think that my journy is going to have finish and there will be no more Mr. Freeman.

As gay as it sounds I'm just not sure if I'm ready for it to end, I'm not ready to really finish what has been what feels like part of my life for 11 years and a pretty epic adventure that I experenced.
I don't think it's the end. Valve needs to milk us money more ;)

But yes, the ending of this combine saga is sadly nigh.
Valve has said that ep3 is the end of the current story arc, it's not the end of the half life series.
Half-Life: Good Ol' Days.

You'll play as Gordon Freeman during his days at Black Mesa in which every single day is a different near-apocalyptic scenario, all of which happens so often that you can see the screen starting to fade out indicate Gordon about to fall asleep while one is happening.
Didn't the say they were going to make more? I thought this was just the end of the current arc.
They have still got to milk shepard to death to yet. Besides think of how much money half-life 3 will cash in.
You're right. That does sound gay.

Even though I think Half-life is great, it's still just a game.
Savour the moment, you will be able to wait for a looong time for Episode 3.
Guys. Valve has said NUMEROUS times that there will be more adventures of Gordon Freeman. This isn't the last.
I'm anxious to see how the Combine story arc will end. Will they be kicked off Earth with little or no additional consequences for mankind? Will their departure mean severe damage or even annihilation of Earth? Which characters will survive? What's in store for Gordon next? And of course, who is the G-Man and what is his true purpose in all of this?

All of these questions will have to be answered in Episode Three, which is probably one of the reasons why it is taking so long to complete.
We need more prequels

Gordon Freeman: The Innsbruk years

This would actually be kind of awesome. Write papers! Deal with annoying roommates! Tutor undergrads! etc. etc.

As for Episode 3, yes, I do think they're going to kick the Combine off Earth for good (or at least for a good while). Then the next story arc will either be Gordon going to Combine HQ to take them down (while everyone else stays behind to reconstruct Earth), or something completely new and unexpected, possibly to do with G-Man and his employers.
You're sad over nothing. The series isn't over, just half-life 2. After ep3 half-life 3 will be coming. Don't worry your little head.
If Freeman faces the Combine Overworld, should be part of Episode Three, i'm not waiting three years for a 4-hour game (Or yes?).
I can't imagine what happens next. I don't want another invasion more stronger than the Combine, that would bore. I want something new for Half-Life 3 that would difference so much from Half-Life and 2.
This would actually be kind of awesome. Write papers! Deal with annoying roommates! Tutor undergrads! etc. etc.

Should be available as a DS game, and you have to write equations for teleportation experiments

I would like the idea of a FPSRPG in the same style as FarCry (twitch gameplay, not stats based) perhaps that takes place before the RC or after EP3
I wish that they'd make a new singleplayer game series that has nothing to do with HL already.
I wish that they'd make a new singleplayer game series that has nothing to do with HL already.

I mean, sure, it was an okay change of pace even though I didn't really enjoy the game at all, but I'm talking about a brand new universe and such.
I'm anxious to see how the Combine story arc will end. Will they be kicked off Earth with little or no additional consequences for mankind? Will their departure mean severe damage or even annihilation of Earth? Which characters will survive? What's in store for Gordon next? And of course, who is the G-Man and what is his true purpose in all of this?

All of these questions will have to be answered in Episode Three, which is probably one of the reasons why it is taking so long to complete.

The Combine will not be going anywhere post Episode Three.
I mean, sure, it was an okay change of pace even though I didn't really enjoy the game at all, but I'm talking about a brand new universe and such.

Oh, ok. My mistake. I'd go for that, but I personally think the current HL universe has so much more to offer. And I loved Portal...

Why makle something new when the current one has room to grow?