Saints Row 2 Activities Trailer

Shameless promotion aside, that looks pretty great. The activities are easily GTA IV's weakest part. After completing the story and all the extra stuff (except the pidgeons, **** that) I'm finding little reason to keep playing besides total adlib carnage. Which, you know, is fun for a while, but...
**** yeh!

I like GTA4, I really do, but it's so bloody slow. I'm finding it a chore getting through the story mode because of all the waiting and mincing around in between the action. Far too much fluff and not enough 10 car pileups and shootouts in the street.

I'm a little concerend that SR2 will turn out to be bug ridden and rushed out the door, but if it builds on the original and lives up to the trailer, it's going to be excellent fun - especially in co-op.
Doesn't look half bad. Though I wish they'd stop with the cheesy narration.
Wow, low blow, trying to outdo GTA in the department that doesn't define Rockstar's game at all? And even then they still don't look like they can do that. I can honestly say that none of those activities look any more interesting then bowling or watching TV. If anything, they just look horribly put together and generally corny as hell.

Regardless, at least the TV in GTA had some actual thought in to it. But seriously though, spraying someone with sewage? Er, what's different there then spraying someone with water in GTA? Robbing a store... dressed as a cop? Stop the presses! Throwing someone in front a train? Flying a plane through a city is pretty much all I did in SA.

Just looks gimmicky as fock. I mean, theres some interesting ones (hardly, but I can see how some people would be drawn to some) but it still looks really bad to me. I, for one, prefer GTA's more mature and realistic approach to the older more gung-ho situations, but hey ho.
What the TheAntipop said, although I thought the low blows were funny (if unjustified).

Spraying sewage? You mean like spraying water with the firetruck in GTA4?

Shoving someone in front of a train? You mean like you can in GTA4, except without the awesome of Euphoria?

They're selling points for a game as much as a cigarette lighter is a selling point for a car. Who the fuck cares?

The game distinctly misses the style, flair and atmosphere of GTA4 and looks more like GTA SA with higher resolution textures.
Wow, low blow, trying to outdo GTA in the department that doesn't define Rockstar's game at all?

GTA used to be fun in a sandbox way. This is what defined the series originally - it's what kept you coming back long after the missions were finished. All that's been diluted in the last few games untill now, with no.4, there's barely any of it left. And really - bowling, going online, dating etc etc is bloody boring. We all know it ;)

It's not juvenile stuff like the sewage gun that make SR2 looks fun, it's knowing that your time spent playing will be packed with action. I actually find the original SR more rewarding than GTA4 simply because my hours spent with the game are so much more eventful. It's all a shame really - the crashes and chases are more fun in GTA4, but for every one you get you'll get 10 in SR, plus loads of other silly/crazy stuff. Last night a rival gang attacked my turf. There were cars everywhere doing drive-bys and gangs clashing in the streets with rockets and machine guns. Then the cops/fbi got involved and utter carnage ensued. Not once has GTA4 matched this for me, and this stuff is quite a regular occurance in SR.

If only the better bits of both games could be combined. I guarantee you that nobody would be complaining.
Oh don't get me wrong, I can't stand the activities in GTA4. I don't mind the comedy club, and the cabaret club can be quite entertaining but really I don't see the appeal in them at all.

But whats worse is that this new SR game is trying to cash in on these disappointing aspects as if they were really the elements that defined GTA4. Like I said, they used robbing a liquor store dressed as a cop as an example of what would be better than watching TV or bowling. Yeah, I agree that shooting up a store is fun but a) what did it really have to do with the 'entertainment' activities, b) what was so new and fresh about it (SA did store robberies, for a start) and c), it was just generally a lame thing to try and 'up' Rockstar with. Wow, dressed as a cop. Exciting.

Personally, I still think GTA4 is a great sandbox game for having fun with. I much prefer the more realistic car chases and shoot outs because I prefer that kind of thing. I love just using my pistol and ducking behind a car in the middle of the street as only a few cops make advances towards me. I MUCH prefer that to mowing down police in the hundreds with explosions going off left, right and center like some bad Hollywood/Bay movie, but fair's fair, everyone has their prefrences and I can understand some people want something a little more action packed. I can dig that, I just don't think the new SR makes even THAT look fun, whereas it was quite fun with GTA3, VC and SA, which says something really.

I don't know. /shrug
At least this is coming out for the PC, Rockstar can stick GTA 4 up their asses now.
I'll finally be able to play a next gen Sandbox game now.
The first one was shit ... this one looks shit too. It's just appealing to that lowest common denominator that thought GTAIV was "****ing gay dude" because it was more serious and less stupid. I tried Saints Row and couldn't find ANY enjoyment in it. I don't see how anyone who wasn't a wannabe hood or a frat boy could find it even remotely superior to any GTA game.

Though I will say that GTAIV needed some more action oriented activities to keep you coming back and some ways to cause more significant mayhem ... but in reality all that stuff is very minor. The actual game experience of GTAIV is so far ahead of what these guys could even dream of offering that to see them try and compete on base levels like this is truly pathetic.

Their entire marketing angle for the first one almost seemed to be to trick people into thinking they were buying the next GTA. The whole thing really just reeks of the kind of cheap knockoff you'd find in Chinatown. This one, as I stated earlier, seems to be appealing to the ones who though GTAIV was "lame", "gay", or "boring" because they couldn't wear a clown nose and run around in their boxers.
How long did you spend with SR, Scott?

Much of what it did right was either identical to, or better than, GTA3/VC/SA's offerings. I suspect that you're failing to see passed the 'wannabe hood or a frat boy' image it unfortunately gives off. Yes it's cheesy and stupid, but the missions are more varied, the driving arguably superior, and the gunplay a crap load better. Then there's the dynamic to and fro gang battles that successfully realise what GTA2 suggested all those years ago. I can forgive the poorer elements when it does the core 'gta' gameplay this right.

Going back to GTA4 or a sec. Last night I got a mission to pick someone up and then drop them off somewhere else. This was after having to drive and pick someone up, babysit them through a show, and then drive them home. To make matter worse, I then got a mission to drive and pick something up. Seriously, wtf? In over an hour of play I had done absolutely **** all other than get bored. Yes, the radio stattions were funny and the city looked amazing, but still, wtf?. Now compare this to the escort the drug dealer missions in SR, fending off a rival gang attack and perhaps a little insurance freud. Given that my time is precious these days, there's no debate over what i'll choose.
Thing is, is that whilst there are a few picking up missions, theres also a whole bunch of typical escort missions or missions that involve you being ambushed by drug dealers as well in GTA. There always has been, before SR n' all, but for my own prefrences I prefer them in GTA - esp. 4 - because they're a lot calmer and realistic now, with only one or two cars chasing you and not just repeatidly ramming you off the road or killing you in seconds. What I dislike with the way SR did/does is that it's just a pleathoria of explosions and random events. I don't really like that, as I said before it feels to Michael Bay for me.

With all these huge fire fights and brawls involving hundreds of weapons and invincible characters I don't feel like theres any challenge or scenarios that will happen only once in a million times. In SR I just remember blowing shit up and shooting people up, whereas I've found the fire fights in GTA4 to be very tough, and when you manage to pull something wicked off, it gives you a real sense of achievement.

But it's horses for courses. I don't mind random spontaneous battles, but I can only appreicate them for about 5 or 10 minutes. I enjoyed SR when I got it, but then got pretty bored. Fast.
I guess it comes down to how entertained you are in the lulls between action. I don't find GTA4 works well as a sandbox game, which is probably why i'm often frustrated - feeling forced to work through the more tiresome missions to get to the good stuff. There are alot of repeated mission types btw. Drive here, do that, and not enough smash the armoured car off the road and escape in a chopper. However, I agree with everything you say about the fighting and chases (although I do find the new way of escaping from the cops is too easy), and just wish they happened more often.
The best thing in the first SR was insurance fraud. That's about it.
OT - I finished the story in GTA4 the other day and am bored out of my head now really with it, I get the odd bit of excitement in causing mayhem, having a 4 star shooutout in Star Junction f.e but I find the city dies for me in a way once the story is over.

I feel like there is no more incentive to do anything in it, I should have done more experimenting before the story was over but it's not like I raced from 1 mission to the next. It's just the best gameplay were in the missions.

I still have the vigilante stuff to complete though :P

Btw the graphics in SR2, judging from that trailer, are horrid.
I'm feeling that as well.

Once the story is done, the game is done. Which is perfectly fine, if you think about it. What usually happens after the story of a game is done? Oh yeah, the game ends. It's the same fair. Granted the GTA series always went on beyond the "end," but I don't see the game dying to be a bad thing. It's normal. I just wish the multiplayer was more fun.
Yeh, the multiplayer was massive missed opportunity and seems half finished. The lobby system alone is enough to make me want to go postal.
haahahah that is ****ing awesome
i love GTA IV too like most people but this shit is gonna be over the top
and i've said it before and i'll say it again: CAMPAIGN CO-OP
How long did you spend with SR, Scott?

Much of what it did right was either identical to, or better than, GTA3/VC/SA's offerings. I suspect that you're failing to see passed the 'wannabe hood or a frat boy' image it unfortunately gives off. Yes it's cheesy and stupid, but the missions are more varied, the driving arguably superior, and the gunplay a crap load better. Then there's the dynamic to and fro gang battles that successfully realise what GTA2 suggested all those years ago. I can forgive the poorer elements when it does the core 'gta' gameplay this right.

Going back to GTA4 or a sec. Last night I got a mission to pick someone up and then drop them off somewhere else. This was after having to drive and pick someone up, babysit them through a show, and then drive them home. To make matter worse, I then got a mission to drive and pick something up. Seriously, wtf? In over an hour of play I had done absolutely **** all other than get bored. Yes, the radio stattions were funny and the city looked amazing, but still, wtf?. Now compare this to the escort the drug dealer missions in SR, fending off a rival gang attack and perhaps a little insurance freud. Given that my time is precious these days, there's no debate over what i'll choose.

I didn't really spend very much time with it. I rented it and got a couple hours into the campaign before I decided I wasn't having any fun and I probably wasn't going to start having fun any time soon, so I stopped.

From what you describe I can understand where you get enjoyment out of it, but it just didn't grab me at all. The gameplay just bored me, but the attempts at atmosphere, story and humor really sealed the deal. It was awful ... such a cheap GTA imitation but with none of the wittiness or class. And their marketing campaign is clearly geared towards morons (not that that affects the game, but it annoys me).

There were some positives. Create-a-Character is awesome for sandbox games (though I don't want it in GTA, I prefer developed characters like Niko for story driven games) and the insurance fraud side mission was the one shining bit of cleverness in a sea of derivative knock-offs.

I just can't explain it ... there's something about the game that drives me to irrational hatred. It's a bad game that I didn't enjoy ... but normally I would just not give a shit. The thing that really throws it over the top is the total, utter, complete lack of creativity.
Lol, I don't think anybody here is trying to praise SR2 as a brilliant sandbox game with an engaging storyline and wry humour. Obviously, Rockstar's got that pretty well covered.

We're just here to blow shit up.
Another Star Wars character in Soul Calibur 4

Yep, it's the guy from The Force Unleashed. Colour me unimpressed. We could have had someone awesome like Count Dooku.

Ah well, still looking forward to the game.

Here's the video too:

EDIT: This isn't a new thread D:

Yep, it's the guy from The Force Unleashed. Colour me unimpressed. We could have had someone awesome like Count Dooku.

Ah well, still looking forward to the game.

Here's the video too:

EDIT: This isn't a new thread D:
Yuup, its not...
I just can't explain it ... there's something about the game that drives me to irrational hatred.

Fair enough. I still suspect that if you could see beyond the ott atmosphere and attempts at humour - most of which were poking fun at frat boy mentality rather than pandering to it - you'd enjoy the gameplay. As for the marketting campaign, pointing out the obvious flaws in GTA4 seems like fair game to me. Gaming forums over the net are rife with people complaining about the ridiculously dull baby sitting missions and an advert saying, 'hey, you don't have to do this boring shit in our game, you can throw your mate into a train instead' is a strong selling point.

It may not be particularly original, but SR is the natural evolution of the original GTA and builds upon everything that made it so much fun. GTA4 excels in other areas, but has clearly forgotten its light hearted and action orientated roots.
There's no reason people can't have both. Jesus Christ.