Saints Row 2 Confirmed


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Saints Row 2 is in the works at Volition Studios, which created the original title, and is set to ship simultaneously on PS3 and 360 in 2008. However, in order to focus resources on this follow-up, THQ has scrapped plans to release a PS3 version of the first game.

Unless they can do something revolutionary, it's just going to be yet another GTA ripoff with some slightly better graphics. Even then, GTA IV is looking very nice graphically. And multiplayer isn't enough. Unless it's a very rich and deep multiplayer mode.
Seconded. Who cares about this when GTA4 is right around the corner???

I'm certainly interested. Saint's Row was better than the 3d GTAs in many ways - street fights, gang wars and more varied gameplay. I think most people who accused Saint's Row of being exactly like GTA haven't played it.

I still suspect GTA4 will be the better game, but wouldn't be suprised either if Saint's Row 2 trumps it.
There's more than enough room for two sandbox shooters, especially when the last of each was awesome.
Although similar in many ways, GTA clone it wasn't, so I'm still interested. Even though GTA4 does look set to rock, odds are it won't hold my interest forever. Hopefully the guys at Volition are smart enough to make SA2 varied and different enough to be another good game in it's own right rather than just a substitute.

A little more meat in the gameplay (ie - more meaningful tasks) and narrative wouldn't go amiss either.
Saints Row was not a very good game. It lacked all of the things that made GTA so great. Their attempts at humor and wit failed miserably. There was no atmosphere. There was no real sense of purpose or accomplishment because the game was so goddamn stupid.

The few things that were better were only better because they took an established formula and nitpicked it to death. Basically the only real improvement was the aiming system/combat, and it didn't really matter because the game still pretty much sucked. These people are devoid of any artistic merit or creativity. This game is the definition of a rip-off hack job. This is the video game version of buying a Rolex off of Canal Street.

The sequel (and the original for that matter) can get ****ed. Hell, there's even better GTA clones coming out. The Getaway is on the way and I'm sure a new Driver can't be far behind. And oh yeah ... there's GTAIV. The only novelty value this series has (being the only GTA style game on next gen) will die when GTAIV is released and this series will be all but obsolete.

Not to sound overly harsh, I know this is just another average game in a sea of average games. It just pisses me off how utterly shameless they were in directing stealing from another franchise. This game was literally a clone, just a retarded clone with lots of genetic defects.
It's really unintelligent to even think about releasing it after GTA4. Saint's Row, while a good game, won't have anything on IV.
I enjoyed Saints Row to be fair. And it did get a lot fo gaming hours from me. The missions were pretty varied too, which was cool.

They could improve upon some things though. Like actually making some fast cars. It was annoying how pretty much every car would accelerate at the same speed and have the same top speed.
Aye - the combat was quite alot better than GTA. The way territory was constatly battled for resulted in gameplay that was far less samey. I'm not to fussed about he humour side of things - I never found that to be note worthy in GTA - but the actual playing of Saint's Row I found to be more enjoyable.

For me it's all about the car jacking, big street battles and general carnage. Saint's Row easilly wins here.
Yeah, I never found GTA all that funny. Except that one mission in GTA2. "I'm bored, let's start a gang war!" Lol.
I want Saint's Row 1 on the PC first. :|
GTA 4 is almost here, Saint's Row will have a tough time topping it
Saints Row was sooo generic "gangster" game to me, the story was just such a turn off I had no motivation to continue the game.. regardless of how much fun the gameplay was. I was appalled by the unbelievably stupid writing :| And what I consider a really bland art style.
For truth. I'd like to hear someone honestly say they played any GTA game for the storyline. Dialogue maybe, but that doesn't make or break a game (except maybe an RPG).
I only played the GTA games for story. I replayed it just for the stories numerous times. I never bothered with the side mission crap.
I'm suprised to hear anyone played GTA for the story. For me it's always been a playground for killing police, smashing cars, and getting caught up in crazy missions. The story maybe better in GTA than Sant's Row, but, let's face it, both are pretty dire. It's like arguing which animals shit smells better.
I honestly didn't even follow the story in any of the games. Well, started to in SA, before it got boring (which was fast). Which is to say, I watched the cutscenes and took in the dialogue, but not to the point where the plot of any of them sticks in my mind to this day. The gameplay was always top priority.

Best fun I had was in GTAIII, just roaming around and seeing how far I could get in vigilante missions and the like. THOSE were goddamn fun. GTAIV needs a big dose of things like that, and I'll be hooked for a good while. Saint's Row had the right idea with activities, and they were definitely varied enough, but they lacked replayability, and the ease of something like just grabbing the nearest cop car and chasing down crims (for hours on end :D).
I found Saints Row better than GTA SA, so I can't see why SR2 wouldn't be better than GTA 4.
I didn't play the game for the storyline, but in the case of saints row.. it was SO ridiculously stupid that I simply couldn't play on. I'm neurotic and silly in that way, sometimes I'll just be turned off by small things in a game and refuse to keep playing.
I can't even remember Saint's Row having a story.
Saints Row was a typical gangster story. Average guy gets caught up in a gang, gang is small, they want to be big. So naturally they take over the whole city :P

Yeah, the story pretty much sucked, but the missions were awesome, loved some of them! Especially when an NPC drove and I could shoot, that was a change.

GTA does have a better story usually, and they are all interlinked so its just one big story :)
While not many people play GTA games for the story, as in the actual plot, they do play it for the overall quality of the presentation. This includes having a decent story, witty dialogue, good atmosphere, and an overall sense of quality. When you're driving through an excellently recreated 80's Miami South Beach at night time with Phil Collins blaring, it feels right. The storyline always includes a solid sense of purpose, which does help the gameplay. Whether it's revenge in GTA3, taking over the city in Vice City, or saving your brother in SA ... there's always a decent reason to keep playing.

You want to buy the strip club, the mansion, the printing press, etc. You're not just doing it to unlock more shit, you're doing it because you really want to within the context of the game. That's what Saints Row and all the other derivative clones lack.
While not many people play GTA games for the story, as in the actual plot, they do play it for the overall quality of the presentation. This includes having a decent story, witty dialogue, good atmosphere, and an overall sense of quality. When you're driving through an excellently recreated 80's Miami South Beach at night time with Phil Collins blaring, it feels right. The storyline always includes a solid sense of purpose, which does help the gameplay. Whether it's revenge in GTA3, taking over the city in Vice City, or saving your brother in SA ... there's always a decent reason to keep playing.

You want to buy the strip club, the mansion, the printing press, etc. You're not just doing it to unlock more shit, you're doing it because you really want to within the context of the game. That's what Saints Row and all the other derivative clones lack.

exactly what I was trying to say, thank you
I'm suprised to hear anyone played GTA for the story. For me it's always been a playground for killing police, smashing cars, and getting caught up in crazy missions. The story maybe better in GTA than Sant's Row, but, let's face it, both are pretty dire. It's like arguing which animals shit smells better.

GTA stories are always top notch. The presentation and quality of it is what keeps me coming back. Of course there isn't some big message or metaphors or symbolism. The stories aren't "dire," it's clear that Rockstar puts hard work into them. The thing about GTA games is they don't even need the long, interlinked plots and subplots within the games, but its the fact that they're there.
There's nothing dire about GTA storylines; there's nothing amazing or wonderful in there but they certainly aren't dire. I bought a GTA game for the story, because I always enjoyed them.
GTA stories are always top notch. The presentation and quality of it is what keeps me coming back. Of course there isn't some big message or metaphors or symbolism. The stories aren't "dire," it's clear that Rockstar puts hard work into them. The thing about GTA games is they don't even need the long, interlinked plots and subplots within the games, but its the fact that they're there.

I always did the story/main game, but I would of gotten SA even if there was no story to it. The prospect of a huge map, hundreds of vehicles, lots of weapons, trains, planes, helicopters... sounds good to me.
I bought a GTA game for the story, because I always enjoyed them.

I don't belive you!

I think the story just gave you a reason to do what you and everyone else bought GTA for - to kill some mother****ing pigs dawg!!
I never really found the random killings fun. GTA3, activating the pedestrian war code and give them weapons and all was fun, but I never did it much in the sequels.
Agreed. That's something Saint's Row does a whole lot better.

I especially enjoy causing a full scale battle between a rival gang and the cops. Before you know if the streets are full of cars, armoured vans, gang members shooting rockets at the law, the police/cia etc shooting back, and everyone trying to kill you and your henchmen. Crazy stuff.
Well, that's the difference. I spend almost no time going on rampages, except for maybe when I get a new toy to play with (tank, harrier, apache, etc.). It's an occasional diversion when I get bored, but certainly not a large part of the game. If that was one of the best parts of GTA to me then I probably wouldn't even bother playing.

GTA offers so much more. Hell, if I was going to play a game where I just wanted to run around and kill people it would be God of War or Max Payne. Shit, I even object that Saints Row does it better. It doesn't, it's still a lot more fun to cause mayhem in San Andreas than it ever was in that piece of shit rip-off.

As I said before, they improved one thing: combat. And maybe the customizable character. In EVER SINGLE OTHER WAY it is worse than GTA.
Depends what you want.

I agree that GTA is a far more polished and coherent game. The locations are more memorable, the cities more believable, and the missions and story flow together. Production values are higher and the experience is more convincing. However, ever since the first GTA i've played these games for the thrill of tearing through a city and gun fights. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Saint's Row does this better.

The missions, while often not related to anything, are generally more fun. Be it riding shotgun in a drug dealers hippy van, fending off car after car of uzi weilding gang members and then having to cover him when he gets out sell his wares, or trying to get into as nasty accidents all in the name of insurance fraud. Bodies fly out of windscreens and pedestrians bolt at gun fire - running away in terror, leaping over high fences, stumbling and falling over as bullets begin to fly. Gunfights are epic. Visit GTA after this and the combat is so tame it's unreal.

The way you slowly take over the city (a goal which drove me more than any plot boasted by a GTA game) adds a much needed dynamic element. Capture an area and it sowly fills with your gang. If you're in trouble you can high tail back to one of your zones, your pursuers suddenly finding themselves surrounded on all sides by your allies. Every now and then you get a call warning you that a rival is trying to take back some territory - by the time you get there the streets are, for what seem like miles around, full of cars, drive-bys, heated gunfights. It's carnage.

There's one mission in which you have to blow up a wall into a bank vault, back your stolen armoured car in and steal all the cash. While the money's being loaded you have to fend off wave after wave of police, cia, swat, and eventually choppers. Just as you're about to be overwhelemed it's time to jump in the van and escape. The resulting car chase is simply awesome, and certainly more memorable than anything i've experienced from GTA over the years.

GTA is better in every way other than the fighting, and driving, and fighting while driving, and generally blowing shit up. For a game that's well known for it's fighting, driving and blowing shit up, i'd say that's pretty important. I'd argue the missions are better, more varied and provide more drive for your actions, too - but much of that comes down to personal taste.
I wish I had a 360, Saint's Row sounds awesome.