Sam and Max - Steam time


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Important Note: This is not Sam and Max - Hit the Road![br]The latest incarnation of the Sam and Max franchise is now available on Steam![br]
Sam & Max: Season 1, Telltale's flagship episodic series, is now available on Steam. Each Sam & Max episode is $8.95, with a 10% discount through June 22. To help you get up to speed with the franchise, episodes 1-3 are available as a bundle for $19.95, with episodes 4-6 bundled for the same price point.
[br]Great value for what you are getting (well for the Brit's at least).[br]Read more about this here[br]Further notes - Thanks to Glenn for the heads-up. Also Trackmania is now available on Steam!
cool stuff :D

since I already have them on gametap which is also an online service I'll wait to get the whole boxed set this fall :)
Are these even any good?
Haven't played a single one save for the original quite a few years ago.
Don't the S&M developers have their own Steam-like thing? How's this positive for them? :|
No, I don't want Sam and Max on Steam. :bonce:
Don't the S&M developers have their own Steam-like thing? How's this positive for them? :|

its on gametap which isn't theirs.

All of the episodes are quite good actually. All the reviews I've seen for the episodes were in the 70 - 90 range which is quite good.

Each episode is probably about 3-4 hours so I'd say about 20 hours for all of them.
I played them all and its more like 15 hours i'll say. But its a blast to play through them.

Highs - Funny as hell, Great voice work, stylistic graphics, accessible puzzles, hot rump...

Low - Some repetition in locations and characters, accessible puzzles.

I'll give them an 8.4 overall. Very good stuff.
That's great! Was thinking of getting season 1 later this ?august when they all are supposed to come out on disk but I might buy em now on steam.
Great games, and worth a buy! I wasn't a fan of point and click, but these are really well done.
Brilliant news! Even though I already own them :P
More exposure for these great games, the earlier episodes tend to be a tad repetative but by episode 4 they were able to implement the suggestions and feedback they got from the public and it shows, there's huge difference. All the episodes are still good though.

PC Gamer totally crushed most of these in their reviews, not too sure whether i'll bother getting them though =/
I love witty games with stylistic graphics and just overall fun throughout--if you like any of that, you'll like this.

Can't get over the A-quality voice acting and writing. :)
I love witty games with stylistic graphics and just overall fun throughout--if you like any of that, you'll like this.

Can't get over the A-quality voice acting and writing. :)

"Hey superball, can you smell these two handkerchiefs and tell me which one smells more like choloform?"

One of the many many examples.
I bought these through gametap, the game play isn't all complicated but the dialog etc is pretty funny. Cheap at the price tbh.
I've read a few of the Sam & Max comics, and I've played and beaten Hit the Road all the way through, so I'm a miledly big fan. I'm pretty phsyced about the whole new episode sort of thing but I've honsetley got better places to spend my money.
yeahm, honestly it's a much better deal through gametap..

qaulity game though..

I hope they redo day of the tentacle next
Buy Trackmania: United. TM:Sunrise is one of the best games ever, I played it so much. And United is it's successor. The editor ensures the game has almost infinite game play and there are so many great custom maps to download.
Trackmania: United has nothing to do with this thread we're talking about Sam & Max here.
No offense meant

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just saying I'm currentley saving up my money for other things.
Sorry if I offended anybody... :(
Awesome 'Hit the road' was my childhood game so I'll defiantly check these out.