Same-Sex Behavior Found in Nearly All Animals


Jan 25, 2009
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This photo shows a female-female pair of Laysan Albatross. Females cooperatively build nests and rear young when males are scarce. Credit: Eric VanderWerf

Examples of same-sex behavior can be found in almost all species in the animal kingdom — from worms to frogs to birds — making the practice nearly universal among animals, according to a new review of research on the topic.

"It's clear that same-sex sexual behavior extends far beyond the well-known examples that dominate both the scientific and popular literature: for example, bonobos, dolphins, penguins and fruit flies," said Nathan Bailey, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Riverside.

Same-sex behaviors in different species are not all equivalent, the review finds. For instance, male fruit flies sometimes court other male flies, but this behavior is due to a missing gene that gives the flies the ability to distinguish between sexes, said Bailey, a co-author of the review. "That is very different from male bottlenose dolphins, who engage in same-sex interactions to facilitate group bonding, or female Laysan Albatross that can remain pair-bonded for life," he added.

The review also found a gap in the literature: While many studies have tried to understand why same-sex coupling exists and why it might make sense in terms of evolution, few have looked at what the evolutionary consequences of this behavior might be.

"Like any other behavior that doesn't lead directly to reproduction — such as aggression or altruism — same-sex behavior can have evolutionary consequences that are just now beginning to be considered," Bailey said. "For example, male-male copulations in locusts can be costly for the mounted male" and this cost may put evolutionary pressure on the locusts, he said. As a result, a larger number of males may secrete a particular chemical that discourages the mounting behavior, he added.

In their future research, Bailey and Marlene Zuk, a biology professor at UCR, plan to try and address questions about the evolutionary outcomes of same-sex couplings, focusing on the Laysan Albatrosses.

The review article was published in the June 16 issue of the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution, and the study was funded by the UCR Academia Senate.

kinda interesting article. now all the Christians will persecute their dogs for acting "strange and Satanic." This reminds me of those homosexual giraffes in Gladiator (which may or not have been really gay)
Animals are Satanic.

Or maybe Christianity is one big contradiction. Who knows?
lol at Old Raz.

Four years ago... Damn.

I wonder what Catholics are gonna think after seeing this.
Most likely response: "God works in mysterious ways."

Otherwise, I can't wait to see gay dogs. :p
I would gladly throw it down with Old Raz, he's a ****. Also jesus, change your signature, it's been the same for four years?!

No. The signature, post count, title and all that jazz don't stay with the post. It's all data that's updated for every post, past or present that you view.

And yeah, I'm glad I'm not Old Raz anymore. Well, not the politics anyway. The old Raz was still awesome when it didn't come to Politics. It's the same old me.
Raz is pretty awesome anywhere along a projected space-time matrix.
Usually, when I look at your avatar... I see it simply rumbling and shaking as if it were operating. But in this thread, it's completely doing rapid thrusting movements.
Not surprising that the same genetic brain defects exist in other species.
Before we had my youngest boy cat (Cloudy) neutered, he started mounting not only our younger girl cat, but my older boy cat (Butters).
Butters was not happy. Perhaps Cloudy is a little bi-curious.
old me: i don't like how gays are invading our tv shows and corrupting our youth

rational me: gay people are awesome and they are delightful. Bi's are cool to but I feel like they are cheating. Its not fair that i can only hit on girls while they can walk into a party and have sex with whoever they want.
I wonder what Christians are gonna think after seeing this.

this is actually a good point. I meanthey've been pushing bigotry for years. if it's "god's will" then they've wrong all this time (quelle surprise!) So I wonder if they'll do penance for the hate they've pushed over the years. say 1.5 million hail mary's and 4 million our fathers. oh and it's back to potato sack clothes and self flaggelation with thorny branches for you you bigoted ****s
yes, stupid me, of course they'd do what they always do. deny deny deny. "no sir it never happened ..lets all praise the lord it never happened"
Maybe the same kind of excuse they use for fossils, "God put the gay animals there to test us!"
good idea to come out yourself, because that's pure ownage material. :cheers:

Man, you think that's good? There's a whole world of Past Raz in politics!
Xtreme bromantic cheese alert:

Raz, it's rare to have someone who recognizes one's own flaws and can be as self-deprecating and awesome as you, so cheers to that, you've got a good heart.

except for you. no animal human or any type of living thing would ever want to have sex with you.


@play 29

They've said they observed it in pairs of females as well. The two help each other build the nest and raise the offspring.

I meant it for both sexes, it was just the easiest way of putting it.
gay animals are cute...except when it's male monkey's...too much poo involved