Samurai Showdown Sen


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
Already out in Japan, but it looks like this game may come out soon in EU. Release date seems to be Spring 2010.

The publishing status of Samurai Shodown: Edge of Destiny in North America is somewhat up in the air, given Ignition's recent silence about the game and Atlus' announcement that it's publishing SNK's Metal Slug XX (leading to speculation that Ignition's deal with SNK is over). There's no doubt, however, that the game's coming out in Europe.

European publisher Rising Star Games has announced that it will publish the 3D Samurai Shodown sequel on Xbox 360 this spring under the name Samurai Shodown Sen. The game features classic Samurai Shodown fighters, like Ukyo and Nakoruru, with a weird mix of international characters -- like, in our experience, a Viking.

The game has gone from 2D sprites to 3D now - like Street Fighter has.

Anyone interested in this game? It has the potential to be pretty sweet.



Dis like sum Bushido Blade?

Nope, it's more like SF with weapons.

Those screenshots look pretty drab and souless compared oversaturated look of the 2d originals.


SF4 looks more Samurai Showdown than this.
It looks horrible, I'll be honest. God damn Castlevania64 graphics. But if the fightan is goud...
I was a total nut for SS2... day after day of layin' the smackdown at the local arcade, so fun! I think it was because in the context of the other fighting games at the time, it was seriously well made (I'll save that dissertation for another day). Nowadays I might play it with some friends on a console (if any of us had one), but unless it's in an arcade, I'm not sure that I'm a fan of these game types so much anymore.
When are we going to get a game like Bushido Blade 2 with updated visuals and lots of new kickass features? Why do I feel like Japanese games have gone down the damn shitter lately. :(
I was a total nut for SS2
Samurai high-five, man.
When are we going to get a game like Bushido Blade 2 with updated visuals and lots of new kickass features?
NEVER. See, here's a history lesson on Bushido Blade:

Bushido Blade was created by LightWeight, and published by Squaresoft. LightWeight cut ties with Square, but Square still held the rights to Bushido Blade. LightWeight was then bought by Genki, and developed the abysmal Kengo franchise, which was billed as a "spiritual successor" to Bushido Blade, but ultimately SUCKED DICK. Later, LightWeight would also disband with Genki, who owns the Kengo license.

LightWeight's last thing they did was some skydiving game for the PS3 that no one ever heard about.

SquareEnix is too busy with Finaru Fantashii LXXVIII and sweeping every other franchise under the rug. You will never see another Bushido Blade game again. Genki's last Kengo game after LightWeight left completely bombed, and Genki is almost wholly devoted to creating racing games, so you'll never see another Kengo game either--not that you'd want to.

And LightWeight is making simple downloadable games on the PSN. That was as of two years ago, and since then nobody's heard from them. It's unlikely that the next time you do, if ever, they'll be developing another samurai game.
^ Man I remember reading about Bushi Blade 2 in some PSX mag and being like "daaaaaaaamn I can't wait to play dis." :(

Loved me some Samurai Showdown when I used to emula-- UHH I MEAN play this stuff in arcades with money.

It's no Waku Waku 7, though. Man that game was wacky.
Good lord, there's someone else out there other than me who has played Waku Waku 7. And this isn't even a forum for obscure fighting games.

I think I love you, Hat.
I'm not even big on fighting games, honestly half the time I'd just load up Metal Slug or something, but I really liked that one for some reason. I think the only reason I remembered it (besides it being Neo Geo) is because I always played that faggy elf guy with the sword. His teleport move was pretty sweet.

Speaking of (not so obscure) weapon fighting games, Last Blade was great. The sequel can get ****ed for making the sprites look tiny and awful, but I really loved the original.

Sorry for the derail, I don't really have anything to say about this game other than - as you already said - the graphics being pretty darn awful.
I always played that faggy elf guy with the sword. His teleport move was pretty sweet.
And his name was SLASH. He used a sword...and his name was Slash. It does not get cooler than that.
I like the elf-girl, with those little boxing jabs, ****ing shit up.