San Andreas cast list...

I don't know any of those DJ's, or hardly any of the voice actors save for Samuel L Jackson, James Woods and Ice T.
No fernando :(
Hmmm...... maybe he has been reborn as a new DJ!!!!! With a new name!!! A name like Lazhigh.........

At least the musics good. :|
lazlow is the guys actuall name.

its not gta with out him. i hope he makes a special apperance somewhere, like the v-rock casino :D
Yup, Lazlow is still in there! :D I remember reading it in the gamespot review. At least, I think it was gamespot. Might have been IGN. I wonder if he's still dong rock DJing, or if he's been demoted to the local chat station yet. :)

[EDIT]: Here:

The DJs on the radio do a good job, and the radio commercials feature the same style of tongue-in-cheek humor that you've come to expect from the series. Some celebrities make appearances as DJs. Public Enemy's Chuck D plays the DJ of the classic-rap station, George Clinton mans the funk station, and Axl Rose turns in a low-key but appropriate performance as the DJ of the classic-rock station. The talk radio in the game is, for the most part, pretty good. The most impressive thing about the talk station is that the news breaks update as you play the game. So you'll hear updates about, for example, a "mysterious" ship full of dead bodies found floating out at sea shortly after that swimming mission of yours. Lazlow returns with some great "celebrity" interviews, but you'll also hear a sports show, a matchmaking program, and a gardening show whose host is played by the never subtle Andy Dick.
Probly hiding in some sort of sleazy strip club that you end up buying in order to make money from the hundreds of clubs you own around the state. :| :eek:

Its bad that it comes out on firday in uk :( Ive got a load of games that im going to trade in for it at Game the day it comes out. Stuff like Soldner :P Any americans played it? A preveiw in PSM2 suggested skate parks. Hmmm......