San Andreas is 2-player

Maybe racing or drive by shootings where one guy drives and the other guy shoots. Don't know.
Yeah but only for PC, I would be a great roleplaying game...
Where did you find that out? I thought R* oficially stated there was no MP in GTA:SA.
Where did you find that out? I thought R* oficially stated there was no MP in GTA:SA.

There is. Although you weren't supposed to post this public Sh4mp00 since Rock* are sending messages to forums to remove any info about 2 player, lol.
Harryz said:
There is. Although you weren't supposed to post this public Sh4mp00 since Rock* are sending messages to forums to remove any info about 2 player, lol.

What are you saying? there's an NDA or something? :O
There shouldn't be. People who saw the back of the box art found out about it.

Well it got leaked by and then they recieved a phone call half an hour later to remove the info and ban anyone who talks about it (or even PM any info regarding 2 player). Now there sending e-mails to any forums that talks about it. They wanted to keep it a suprise for the release.
BANG! I'm talking about 2-Player in SA! BAAAAAAN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it's good news nevertheless! They never should have taken MP out in the first place :)
Where did you find that out? I thought R* oficially stated there was no MP in GTA:SA.

They gave it an official "no comment" last time somebody inquired and now box scans are floating around the net with the ps2 official box art and a 1-2 players box next to the requirements.

The two-player mode is, however, mostly shrouded in mystery. But we can, through these same sources, confirm its existence. The nature of it is still uncertain, but Rockstar has emphasised the fact that "GTA has always been a single player game." This statement, when taken in conjunction with Rockstar's current denial of a two-player mode, leads us to believe that it will be more of a sideline component - an ancillary option rather than a central one. If Rockstar was to announce that it did have a two-player mode, people might expect a full split-screen mode or full 2 player game, and so understating this feature prior to launch should add to the impact of the game when it does hit the shelves, rather than leading to disappointment or dashed hopes.

One particular instance of the 2 player co-op mode is a mission where CJ has to rescue a girl from a burning building. After rescuing her, she will fight by his side. If there happens to be a second player in the vicinity of the PS2, they will be able to pick up a controller and take command of this ancillary character. Indeed, there were other missions involving CJ plus one other character shown in the official demonstration. One of them sees CJ racing through the streets, with an accomplice having to drive extremely close to his vehicle throughout - this would make a great single-screen racing mission. Similarly, there was another officially revealed mission that saw CJ firing a minigun from a helicopter being piloted by a separate character.
Javert said:
There shouldn't be. People who saw the back of the box art found out about it.

You know...the original GTA, said 2 players on the back o.O And too my knowledge it was never capable of going multi.
On the PS?????????? I had the PC version as well and that was possible (except it was ghey because there were no cops)
Homless Snark said:
On the PS?????????? I had the PC version as well and that was possible (except it was ghey because there were no cops)

Oh, on the PS. That I wouldn't know about. :p
Humm, did anyone played Vice City Mp ?

And , Mp on pc will kick major Ass, lan partys here we * cum *
I think GTA: London has multi-player, I'm 90% sure it did.
2 players ? that is an awsome news.

Oh its only For PC :)
w00t! <3 GTA

whens the PC version coming out?
Harryz said:

Well it got leaked by and then they recieved a phone call half an hour later to remove the info and ban anyone who talks about it (or even PM any info regarding 2 player). Now there sending e-mails to any forums that talks about it. They wanted to keep it a suprise for the release.

Well - the damage has been done.

The info has leaked - and I assure you that just about every GTA:SA fan knows about it.
w00t! :D

I hope there's a way to mod it to more than 2 players.
lans said:
The info has leaked - and I assure you that just about every GTA:SA fan knows about it.

The info wasnt the only thing leaked.. The whole game has been leaked, I'm talking about another HL2/halo2.
Woah...I had no idea it was 2 It couldn't be split-screen could it? That'd be crazy...

Just checked now...yup...GTA:SA has been leaked it would seem.
Diden't you know it ? It's the new fashion now, leaking games on the net.
Sweet. I just hope Rockstar can make a good netcode for it because VC mp was crap, the first time i played that i just felt like i was in a ghost town and when you do see someone they just lag like mad but it could of been fun if it worked properly.
Alig said:
Sweet. I just hope Rockstar can make a good netcode for it because VC mp was crap, the first time i played that i just felt like i was in a ghost town and when you do see someone they just lag like mad but it could of been fun if it worked properly.

VC had existing netcode that was used for MTA (Multi-theft auto) so I doubt this will be much different.
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Oct 2004 23:42 Post subject: Reply with quote
There are several two player missions in the game. But they only appear once in a while.

Some pirate monkeys say its 2-player on some missions aperently..
2 players only? WTF gta2 had 8 players......gta;5 shuld have atleast 32

consoles have bogged this series down.
Subz said:
2 players only? WTF gta2 had 8 players......gta;5 shuld have atleast 32

consoles have bogged this series down.

If it was'nt for consoles, this series would'nt even exsist to start with ;)
I think GTA and maybe GTA2 had two player link cable on PSX. Just deathmatch, though, don't think there was any traffic/pedestrians.